The first steam-powered machine was built in 1698 by the English military engineer Thomas Savery

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Câu 49: Answer the questions below.

The first steam-powered machine was built in 1698 by the English military engineer Thomas Savery. He called it “water by fire”. His invention, designed to pump water out of coal mines, was known as the Miner’s Friend. But because the engine’s pressure was too strong, it often caused explosions. Then in 1712, an English engineer, Thomas Newcomen (N-E-W-C-O-M-E-N) invented a more effective and practical steam engine. The Newcomen engine remained in use for more than 50 years but they turned out to be inefficient as a lot of energy was required for the engine to run effectively. Indeed, the most important improvement in steam engine design was brought about in 1781 by the Scottish engineer James Watt (J-A-M-E-S W-A-T-T). He revolutionized the steam engine by making use of a separate condenser in the original design. When the financial backing became available, the engine was finally introduced in railways and ships. There were over 60,000 cars powered by steam during the years from 1897 to 1927 in the United States.

1.   What was the first steam machine called?

2.   What was the limitation of the first steam engine?

3.   For how long was the Newcomen machine used?

4.   What means of transport was the James Watt machine applied in?

5.   How many cars were there run by steam between 1897 and 1927 in America?

Lời giải:

Đáp án:

1. It was called "water by fire".

2. The engine’s pressure was too strong and it often caused explosions.

3. It remained in use for more than 50 years 

4. It was applied in railways and ships.

5. There were over 60,000 cars powered by steam during the years from 1897 to 1927 in America.

Giải thích:

1. Dẫn chứng “The first steam-powered machine was built in 1698 by the English military engineer Thomas Savery. He called it “water by fire”.”

2. Dẫn chứng “But because the engine’s pressure was too strong, it often caused explosions.”

3. Dẫn chứng “The Newcomen engine remained in use for more than 50 years but they turned out to be inefficient as a lot of energy was required for the engine to run effectively.”

4. Dẫn chứng “When the financial backing became available, the engine was finally introduced in railways and ships.”

5. Dẫn chứng “There were over 60,000 cars powered by steam during the years from 1897 to 1927 in the United States.”


Máy chạy bằng hơi nước đầu tiên được chế tạo vào năm 1698 bởi kỹ sư quân sự người Anh Thomas Savery. Ông gọi đó là "nước bằng lửa". Phát minh của ông, được thiết kế để bơm nước ra khỏi mỏ than, được biết đến với cái tên Người bạn của thợ mỏ. Nhưng do áp suất động cơ quá mạnh nên thường gây ra các vụ nổ. Sau đó vào năm 1712, một kỹ sư người Anh, Thomas Newcomen (N-E-W-C-O-M-E-N) đã phát minh ra một động cơ hơi nước hiệu quả và thiết thực hơn. Động cơ Newcomen vẫn được sử dụng trong hơn 50 năm nhưng hóa ra chúng không hiệu quả vì cần rất nhiều năng lượng để động cơ hoạt động hiệu quả. Thật vậy, cải tiến quan trọng nhất trong thiết kế động cơ hơi nước đã được thực hiện vào năm 1781 bởi kỹ sư người Scotland James Watt (J-A-M-E-S W-A-T-T). Ông đã cách mạng hóa động cơ hơi nước bằng cách sử dụng bình ngưng riêng biệt trong thiết kế ban đầu. Khi có hỗ trợ tài chính, động cơ cuối cùng đã được đưa vào sử dụng trong đường sắt và tàu thủy. Đã có hơn 60.000 ô tô chạy bằng hơi nước trong những năm từ 1897 đến 1927 tại Hoa Kỳ.

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