50 Bài tập Trắc nghiệm Danh động từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án chi tiết 2024

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Tailieumoi.vn sưu tầm và biên soạn bài tập trắc nghiệm Danh động từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án, gồm 50 bài tập từ cơ bản đến nâng cao mong muốn giúp các em ôn luyện kiến thức đã được học về Danh động từ trong tiếng Anh hiệu quả. Mời các bạn đón xem:

Bài tập Danh động từ trong tiếng Anh

I. Lý thuyết 

Định nghĩa

Danh động từ (Gerund) là những danh từ được tạo nên bởi các động từ thêm đuôi -ing. Danh động từ ở dạng phủ định sẽ có not đứng trước. Ngoài ra, cũng có thể thêm tính từ sở hữu đứng trước danh động từ để biết chủ thể hành động là ai.

E.g: Her running fast makes her tired. (Chạy nhanh khiến cô ấy mệt.)

Chức năng của danh động từ trong câu

  1. Làm chủ ngữ trong câu.

E.g: Listening to music is my hobby. (Nghe nhạc là sở thích của tôi.)

  1. Đứng sau động từ trong câu làm tân ngữ.

E.g: He doesn’t feel sorry about his coming late. 

(Anh ấy không cảm thấy hối lỗi cho việc đến muộn của anh ta.)

  1. Đứng sau giới từ và liên từ.

E.g: They left without saying any words. (Họ rời đi mà không nói một lời.)

  1. Đi sau một số động từ nhất định

Danh động từ đứng sau một số động từ như: consider, avoid, admit, like/love/enjoy, dislike/hate/detest, finish, give up, continue/go on, forget, remember, stop, regret, try, quit, suggest, risk, recommend, resist, practice, prevent, mind, keep, mention,…

E.g: I like eating Japanese dishes. (Tôi thích ăn những món ăn Nhật Bản.)

50 Bài tập trắc nghiệm Danh động từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án chi tiết (ảnh 1)

Phân biệt Danh từ – Động từ với Danh động từ

1. Phân biệt Danh từ và Danh động từ

  • Sau danh động từ có tân ngữ, còn danh từ thì không có tân ngữ.

  • Trước danh từ có thể sử dụng mạo từ a/an/the, còn danh động từ chỉ dùng tính từ sở hữu như my/her/his/their/our/…

  • Ta dùng trạng từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh động từ và dùng tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.

2. Phân biệt Động từ với Danh động từ

  • Danh động từ không bao giờ làm động từ chính trong câu.

  • Danh động từ có thể làm chủ ngữ, còn động từ thì không.

II. Bài tập

Question 1: I arranged__________ them here.

A. to meet

B. meeting

C. met

D. meet

Question 2: My mother told me _____________ to anyone about it.

A. not speaking

B. not speak

C. to not speak

D. not to speak

Question 3: My father has given up ____________.

A. smoke

B. smoked

C. smoking

D. to smoked

Question 4: The librarian asked us __________ so much noise.

A. don’t make

B. not make

C. not making

D. not to make

Question 5: Her advice made him ...................... his mind.

A. change

B. to change

C. changing

D. changed

Question 6: Have you finished ……………………… the table ?

A. set

B. setting

C. to set

D. to be set

Question 7: She hates ……………………… housework at weekends.

A. doing

B. do

C. to be doing

D. being done

Question 8: My friends has given up ...................... and prefers ..................... pork.

A. drink/ eat

B. to drink/ eating

C. drinking/ eating

D. drank/ eat

Question 9: I don’t regret ..........................her what I thought even if it upset her.

A. to tell

B. told

C. tell

D. telling

Question 10: _________ in a foreign country can be very difficult

A. Live

B. Living

C. Lived

D. To living

Question 11: I am very tired of ______________ to her complaints day after day.

A. listen

B. listening

C. to listen

D. listened

Question 12: I think your house really needs _________

A. for repainting

B. to repaint

C. being repainted

D. to be repainted

Question 13: I consider ______________ the job but in the end I decided against doing it.

A. to take

B. taking

C. to be take

D. took

Question 14: Put that cigarette out! You are not allowed _____ here

A. smoking

B. smoke cigarettes

C. to smoke

D. to cigarette smoke

Question 15: Do stop ___________. I am doing my homework.

A. talk

B. talking

C. to talk

D. talked

Question 16: Judy suggested _____________ for a walk but no one else wanted to.

A. to go

B. go

C. going

D. went

Question 17: I wish___________ the manager.

A. see

B. seeing

C. saw

D. to see

Question 18: Your windows need __________. Would you like me to do them for you?

A. to be cleaned

B. to clean

C. cleaning

D. A & C

Question 19: He urged us __________ faster.

A. working

B. work

C. to work

D. worked

Question 20: Please go on ___________. I can wait.

A. write

B. to write

C. wrote

D. writing

Question 21: He warned her ____________ the wire.

A. not touching

B. not touch

C. not to touch

D. to not touch

Question 22: I asked them to be quiet but they kept _________

A. to talk

B. talk

C. talking

D. to be talked

Question 23: Her mother prevented her from ___________ mobile phone.

A. use

B. to use

C. using

D. not to use

Question 24: ………………………………stamps is my hobby.

A. collecting

B. collect

C. collected

D. collection.

Question 25: The girl denied ..................... the news.

A. tell

B. told

C. to tell

D. telling

Question 26: I remember ................................a toy car on my fifth birthday.

A. to be given

B. being given

C. to give

D. giving

Question 27: My teacher promised ................... me ..........................for my next examination.

A. help/ prepare

B. to help/ prepare

C. helping/ to prepare

D. helped/ preparing

Question 28: Don’t forget ___________ the door before ____________ to bed.

A. to lock/ going

B. locking/ going

C. to lock/ to go

D. lock/ going

Question 29: He tried _________ but she refused ____________

A. to explain/ listen

B. to explain/ to listen

C. explain / listen

D. explaining/ listening

Question 30: Anne would rather ___________ than anything else.

A. study

B. studying

C. to study

D. studied

Question 31: His doctor advised him __________ jogging.

A. to give up

B. give up

C. giving up

D. gave up

Question 32: After walking for three hours, we stopped to let the others ____________ up with us.

A. to catch

B. catching

C. catch

D. A & B

Question 33: In general, my father doesn’t mind _________ the housework, but he hates to do the cooking

A. do

B. doing

C. done

D. to do

Question 34: I had to ask the boys .......................... ................................. billiards all the day.

A. to stop/ playing

B. to stop/ to play

C. stopping/ playing

D. stops/ to play

Question 35: Don’t ...................... in class, students!

A. talking

B. to talk

C. talk

D. talked

Question 36: He suggested ……………………… a double railway tunnel.

A. to build

B. built

C. building

D. that building

Question 37: He reminded me ___________ to give the book back to John

A. not forget

B. not to forget

C. forgot

D. forgetting.

Question 38: I don’t allow my family __________ at all.

A. smoking

B. to smoke

C. smoked

D. smoke

Question 39: I don’t enjoy ___________ letters.

A. writing

B. to write

C. have be written

D. wrote

Question 40: The boy insisted on ______________ a break after lunch.

A. having

B. to have

C. not to have

D. have

Question 41: She is keen on ……………………… with a doll.

A. plays

B. plays

C. player

D. playing

Question 42: Let’s ...................... for a walk.

A. go

B. to go

C. going

D. went

Question 43: I would hate ................. ................ aloud without ....................... the new words.

A. practise/ reading/ learn

B. to practise/ to read/ to learn

C. to practise/ reading/ learning

D. practises/ reading/ to learn

Question 44: I’ll try ........................................... such a foolish thing again.

A. not to cause

B. to not cause

C. not causing

D. to cause not

Question 45: The boy accused his friend of___________ stolen his bicycle.

A. have

B. to have

C. not to have

D. having

Question 46: He thanked her for __________ him some money.

A. lend

B. to lend

C. lending

D. not lend.

Question 47: Would you ...................... looking after my children for a while?

A. mind

B. agree

C. stand

D. care

Question 48: It’s better to avoid ...................... during the rush hour.

A. travelling

B. to travel

C. travel

D. travelled

Question 49: I had to ask the boys .......................... ................................. billiards all the day.

A. to stop/ playing

B. to stop/ to play

C. stopping/ playing

D. stops/ to play

Question 50: It was Mrs Kent who suggested Mary………….abroad.

A. study

B. studying

C. to study

D. studied

Đáp án:

1-A 2-D 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-B 7-A 8-C 9-D 10-B

11-B 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-B 16-C 17-D 18-D 19-C 20-D

21-C 22-C 23-C 24-A 25-D 26-B 27-B 28-A 29-B 30-A

31-A 32-C 33-B 34-A 35-C 36-C 37-B 38-B 39-A 40-A

41-D 42-A 43-C 44-A 45-D 46-C 47-A 48-A 49-A 50-A

III. Bài tập vận dụng

Exercise 1: Multiple choice

1.I enjoy _________ alone.

a. be   

b. to be

c. being

d. to have been

2.Would you like _______to the party?

a. to come     

b. come

c. coming

d. to have come

3.Do you mind_______ such a long way to work everyday?

a. to travel    

b. travel

c. to have travelled

d. travelling

4.I don’t like that house. I would hate _______there.

a. live  

b. living

c. to live

d. to have lived

5.Sometimes I would like_______ to play the piano.

a. to learn   

b. learning

c. learn

d. to have learned

6.Please remember _______this letter.

a. to post      

b. post

c. posting

d. to have posted

7.We tried _______the fire out but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire-brigade.

a. putting     

b. put

c. to put

d. to have put

8.Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember_______ it by the window and now it has gone.

a. leave      

b. to leave

c. to have left

d. leaving

9.Jane needed some money. She tried _______Harry but he couldn’t help her.

a. to have asked

b. to ask

c. asking

d. ask

10.Please tell me how _______this

a. do          

b. to do

c. doing

d. to have done

11.One is never too old_______

a. to learn  

b. learning

c. learn

d. to have learned

12.You are old enough _______out alone.

a. going     

b. to go

c. to have gone

d. go

13.I’m glad _______you

a. to meet        

b. meet

c. meeting

d. to have met

14.It’s nice _______you

a. to know     

b. know

c. knowing

d. to have known

15.We stopped_______ hello to her.

a. say        

b. to say

c. saying

d. to have said

16.  It’s no use ______ those things.

a. buy

b. buying

c. to buy

d. to be bought

17. After ______, she invited the audience to ask questions.

a. finish

b. finished

c. finishing

d. to finish

18. Robbins started ______ a few years ago.

a. to jog

b. jogging

c. jog

d. A and B are correct

19. I suggest ________ some more mathematics puzzles.

a. do

b. to do

c. doing

d done

20. My computer needs _______.

a. repair

b. to repair

c. repairing

d. repaired

21.I want-----at home tonight

a. staying

b. to stay

c. stay

d. stayed

22.Alice isn’t interested in-------for a new job

a. look

b. to look

c. looks

d. looking

23.We’re going out for dinner. Would you like-----us?

a. joining

b. to join

c. join

d. joins

24.When Beth got tired, she stopped-------

a. working

b. to work

c. work

d. works

25.Don’t forget------the letter I gave you yesterday

a. post

b. posting

c. posts

d. to post

26.Her boss refuses------her a raise

a. giving

b. to give

c. give

d. a & b correct

27.She enjoys-----with many people

a. work

b. working

c. to work

d. works

28.Mary was in a difficult situation, so he agreed-------her some money

a. to lend

b. lend

c. lending

d. a & c correct

29.They sometimes avoid------him

a. meeting

b. meet

c. to meet

d. meets

30.It was a nice day, so we decided--------for a walk

a. going

b. go

c. to go

d. goes

31.Would you mind--------the door? Thanks

a. opening

b. open

c. opens

d. to open

32. The man wanted to avoid...................... on security cameras.

a. to see

b. seeing    

c. to be seen     

d. being seen

33. I tried........................... the bus, but I missed it.

a. to catch

b. catching 

c. to be caught 

d. being caught

34. The plants want........................... daily.

a. to water

b. watering

c. to be watered

d. both b and c

35. Will you remind me.................... this letter at the post office?

a. to post

b. posting

c. to be posted

d. being posted

36. The goods ought....................... two weeks ago.

a.to deliver

b. delivering

c. to be delivered

d. being delivered

37. I have expected......................... the secret of happiness.

a. to tell

b. telling

c. to be told     

d. being told

38. John had agreed......................... me in his office.

a. to meet  

b. meeting     

c. to be met         

d. being met

39. I don’t like _____ when I am not there.

a. criticizing         

b. being criticized

c. to criticize   

d. to be criticized

40. She expected ________ to the principal.

a. to introduce     

b. being introduced

c. to be introduced

d. being introduced

41. Tom was sad about ________ in class yesterday.

a. punishing     

b. being punished   

c.  to be punished 

d. punished

42. You shouldn’t make your son _______ too much.

a. study

b. studied

c. to study

d. studying

43 John had agreed......................... me in his office.

a. to meet    

b. meeting     

c. to be met      

d. being met

44. It’s important for the figures......................... regularly.

a. to update      

b. updating     

c. to be updated

d. being updated

45. It is no good............................ sorry for yourself.

a. to feel

b. feeling         

c. feel

d. felt

46. Peter regrets ............Marry’s birthday party

a. not to attend

b. not attending 

c. not to be attending 

d. not to be attended

47. Will you remind me.................... this letter at the post office?

a. to post

b. posting

c. to be posted

d.being posted

48. I shall never forget-----------with you to Paris last year.

a. staying

b. to staying       

c. to stay

d. stayed

49. I am looking forward to-----------you.

a. having seen    

b. seeing

c. to see

d. all are wrong

50. I am always remember------------off the lights before I leave my house.

a. turning

b. to turn

c. turned

d. being turned

51. She was able..................English when she was very young.

a. to sing

b. sing

c. singing

d. sang

52. Could you please stop .............. so much noise?

a. make

b. to make

c. made

d. making

53. She said that she had talked to me but I didn’t remember ...............her before.

a. seeing

b. to see

c. not seeing

d. see

54. Let your name.............. in the sheet of paper.

a. write

b. be written

c. written

d. to write

55. We hoped................. by our teacher.

a. to help

b. helping

c. to be helped

d. being helped

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A  

3. D  

4. C   

5. A  

6. A   

7. C      

8. D     

9. C     

10. B       


12. B   

13. A

14. A   

15. B   

16. B    

17. C  

18. D    

19. C  

20. C    

21. B    

22. D   

23. B    

24. A 

25. D

26. B      

27. B    

28. A   

29. A    

30. C    

31. A     

32. D     

33. A     

34. D      

35. A

36. C   

37. C   

38. A  

39. D 

40. C    

41. B     

42. A     

43. A   

44. C   

45. B      

46. B

47. A   

48. A     

49. B    

50. B     

51. A    

52. D    

53. A    

54. B   

55. C

Exercise 2: Sentence transformation

56. My teacher wouldn’t let me leave early.

A. My teacher refused to let me leave early.

B. My teacher refused letting me leave early.

C. My teacher allowed me to leave early.

D. My teacher permitted me to leave early.

57. It is your duty to tell him what to do.

A. You are supposed to tell him what to do.

B. You are given the duty to tell him what he has to do.

C. It is said that you tell him what to do.

D. Please tell him what he has to do.

58. It is pointless to try to make him change his mind.

A. It is a waste of time trying and making him change his mind.

B. It is a waste of time to try and make him change his mind.

C. There is no time to try to make him change his mind.

D. There is no time trying to make him change his mind.

59. I want to know the depth of the river at this point.

A. I want to know how the river is deep at this point.

B. I want to know how deep is the river at this point.

C. I want to know how deep the river is at this point.

D. I want to know how the  deep river is at this point.

60. The tea wasn’t sweet enough for Betty to drink.

A. Betty didn’t like to drink the sweet tea.

B. Betty couldn’t drink the tea. She liked more sugar.

C. There wasn’t enough tea, and Betty had nothing to drink.

D. Betty drank some of the tea but not enough.

61. You had better take some medicine.

A. You ought to drink medicine.

B. You must take a number of tablets.

C. You have to have some medicine.

D. You should have some medicine.

62. The doctor advised him to go the local hospital for a check - up.

A. He was advised to go to the international hospital for a check-up.

B. He was advised to go to the hospital where he is now living for a check-up.

C. He was advised to go to the best hospital for a check-up.

D. For a check-up, he was told to stay at home.

63. It’s a waste of time trying to explain anything to Tony.

A. Tony should be given explanation.

B. It’s not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.

C. To save time, explain it to Tony.

D. It’s well worth trying to explain things to Tony.

64. I couldn’t help laughing when he told me that story.

A. I couldn’t resist laughing when he told me that story.

B. I couldn’t help him tell that story.

C. I did not laugh when hearing that story.

D. The story he told me not help at all.

65. We think he was in London last year.

A. He was thought to be in London last year.

B. He was thought to have been in London last year.

C. He is thought to be in London last year.

D. He is thought to have been in London last year.

66. There’s no point in persuading him to do this.

A. he is able to do this although he does not want to.

B. It would be useful to persuade him to do this.

C. I enjoy persuading him to do this.

D. It is useless to persuade him to do this.

67. The court found the man innocent of murdering his wife.

A. The man was judged not guilty of killing his wife.

B. The man was found murdered by his wife.

C. The court found a murdered man and his wife.

D. The court decided that the man had killed his wife.

Đáp án:

56. A

57. A 

58. A  

59. C  

60. B  

61. D  

62. B  

63. B  

64. A  

65. D 

66. D 

67. A  

Exercise 3: Multiple choice

1. He kept on_______

a. worked b. work c. working d. works

2. She went to market without_______ anything.

a. buy b. to buy c. bought d. buying

3. This article is worth_______ into your notebook.

a. copying b. copy c. to copy d. to be copied

4. The boy denied_______ the glass window.

a. to break b. breaking c. broke d. to break

5. These workers are accustomed to _______ at night.

a. work b. working c. works d. be working

6. The criminal admitted_______ this innocent child.

a. killed b. to kill c. killing d. had killed

7. Mrs. Ramsay was accustomed_______ in this rickety house.

a. by living b. to living c. with living d. living

8. She has avoided_______ to me so far.

a. being talked b. talk c. talking d. to talk

9. We should avoid_______ personal questions.

a. asking b. ask c. to ask d. at asking

10. It is no use_______ over spilt milk.

a. for crying b. in crying c. to cry d. crying

11. I intended to revenge him but my father prevented me_______ so.

a. from doing b. not to do c. not do d. not doing

12. You should remember_______ for me.

a. post b. posting c. to be posting d. to have posted

13. We object to_______ her like this.

a. treat b. being treated c. treating d. be treated

14. I can’t help_______ anxious about the economic situation of our country.

a. be b. feeling c. feel d. to feel

15. The nurse denied_______ the injection.

a. give b. giving c. gave d. to give

16. Don’t stay in this bush to avoid_______ by snakes.

a. bitten b. to be bitten c. being bitten d. bitting

17. I am looking forward to_______ my classmates again.

a. seeing b. to be bitten c. being bitten d. see

18. It is necessary that you avoid_______ him during the working session.

a. disturb b. to disturb c. disturbing d. disturbs

19. Are you considering_______ with us?

a. to go b. going c. to have gone d. go

20. Your hair needs_______

a. cut b. cutted c. cutting d. be cut

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