50 bài tập Câu điều kiện có đáp án chi tiết

Tải xuống 40 22.3 K 212

Tailieumoi.vn sưu tầm và biên soạn bài tập Câu điều kiện có đáp án, gồm 50 bài tập từ cơ bản đến nâng cao mong muốn giúp các em ôn luyện kiến thức đã được học về Câu điều kiện hiệu quả. Mời các bạn đón xem:

Bài tập Câu điều kiện

I. Lí thuyết Câu điều kiện

Câu điều kiện là gì?

Câu điều kiện (Conditional sentences) là dạng câu dùng để diễn đạt một sự việc sẽ xảy ra khi có một điều kiện cụ thể xảy ra. 

Ví dụ: "If it rains, the picnic will be cancelled (Nếu trời mưa, chuyến dã ngoại sẽ bị hủy bỏ)".

Trong đó, mệnh đề phụ (còn được gọi là mệnh đề if) diễn đạt điều kiện, còn mệnh đề chính diễn đạt kết quả (result).

Các loại câu điều kiện

Có 4 loại câu điều kiện phân chia theo 0, 1, 2, 3 và một số dạng biến thể khác (tổng là 6). Thường mệnh đề if sẽ đứng trước và phân cách hai mệnh đề bằng dấu phẩy. Nhưng nếu đổi chỗ hai mệnh đề thì không cần dấu phẩy.

Ví dụ: I will buy this bag for you if you help me to do my homework (Tôi sẽ mua cái cặp này cho bạn nếu bạn giúp tôi làm bài tập về nhà).

Tổn hợp công thức câu điều kiện:

50 bài tập Câu điều kiện có đáp án (ảnh 1)

Câu điều kiện loại 0

“Zero conditional – Câu điều kiện Loại 0” - câu điều kiện luôn có thật ở Hiện tại

e.g.: If I have much time, I spend a day talking with you about what love is.

Câu điều kiện loại 1


Câu điều kiện loại I còn được gọi là câu điều kiện có thực ở hiện tại. Điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.


If clause

Main clause

If + S + V-s(es),

S + will/can/may (not) + V

Trong câu điều kiện loại I, mệnh đề If dùng thì hiện tại đơn, mệnh đề chính dùng thì tương lai đơn.

If + S1 + V(s/es) + O, S2 + will + V + O.

  • Chủ ngữ 1 và chủ ngữ 2 có thể trùng nhau. Bổ ngữ có thể không có, tùy ý nghĩa của câu. Mệnh đề If và mệnh đề chính có thể đứng trước hay sau đều được.

  • Trong câu điều kiện loại I, động từ của mệnh đề điều kiện chia ở thì hiện tại đơn, còn động từ trong mệnh đề chính chia ở thì tương lai đơn.

e.g.: If I have the money, I will buy a Ferrari.

Câu điều kiện loại 2


Câu điều kiện loại II là câu điều kiện trái với thực tế ở hiện tại.


If clause

Main clause

If + S + V-ed,

S + would/could/should (not) + V1

Trong câu điều kiện loại II, động từ của mệnh đề điều kiện chia ở thì quá khứ, động từ của mệnh đề chính chia ở thì hiện tại đơn.

e.g.: If I had a million dollars, I would buy a Ferrari.


Trong câu điều kiện loại II, nếu động từ của mệnh đề điều kiện là “to be” thì luôn chia quá khứ số nhiều “were”, không cần biết chủ ngữ là số ít hay số nhiều.

Câu điều kiện loại 3


Câu điều kiện loại III là câu điều kiện không có thực trong quá khứ.


If clause

Main clause

If + S + had + Vp2,

S + would/could/should (not) + have + Vp2

Trong câu điều kiện loại III, động từ của mệnh đề điều kiện chia ở quá khứ phân từ, còn động từ của mệnh đề chính chia ở điều kiện hoàn thành (perfect conditional).

e.g.: If I had had a million dollars, I would have bought a Ferrari.

Cách nhớ công thức 3 câu điều kiện

Chúng ta nhận thấy có sự lùi thì giữa các dạng điều kiện trên

Mệnh đề “If” - Động từ từ hiện tại đơn → quá khứ đơn → quá khứ hoàn thành

Mệnh đề chính - will→ would→ would have

Vậy chỉ cần nhớ công thức câu điều kiện loại I, sau đó các em tiến hành lùi thì sẽ được công thức của 2 câu điều kiện còn lại

Ngoài 3 loại câu điều kiện trên, cô còn có 2 dạng điều kiện nữa là.

Mixed conditional – Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp

Điều kiện hỗn hợp dùng để nói đến 1 điều kiện ngược với quá khứ. Quá khứ này tác động vẫn còn lưu giữ đến hiện tại nên chúng ta sẽ ước ngược với hiện tại.

Công thức:  If + S + had + PII, S + would (could/ should/ might) + V + now

e.g.: If I hadn’t loved him, I wouldn’t be in trouble now.

Vẻ đẹp từ vựng: trouble (v) làm phiền muộn, lo lắng

   (n) điều phiền muộn, rắc rối

be in trouble: gặp chuyện rắc rối.

Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại I

Ví dụ:

If you experience hardships, you will be more mature.

→ Should you experience hardships, you will be more mature.

Phân tích:

Loại bỏ “If”

Đảo “Should” lên trước chủ ngữ (S) trong vế điều kiện)

Vẻ đẹp từ vựng:

Experience hardships: nếm mùi gian khổ


Cấu trúc: Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại I

Should + S + Vinf, S + Will +Vinf

Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại II

Ví dụ:

If I were you, I would propose to her.

→ Were I you, I would propose to her.

Phân tích:

Loại bỏ “If”

Sử dụng “Were” đảo lên trước chủ ngữ (S)

Vẻ đẹp ngôn ngữ:

Propose to sb: cầu hôn ai đó = win one’s hand (win là “chiến thắng”, hand là “bàn tay”, trong cấu trúc này, “chiến thắng bàn tay của ai đó” nghĩa là chính phục được đôi bàn tay của bạn gái và đeo chiếc nhẫn vào tay của bạn gái đó. Chính là hành động cầu hôn đúng không nào các em. Các bạn nữ có đồng ý với lời cầu hôn từ bạn trai của mình trong một khung cảnh vô cùng lãng mạn không?


Cấu trúc: Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại II

Were + S + to + Vinf, S + would + Vinf

Were + S + N/ Adj, S + would + Vinf

Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại III

Ví dụ:

If he had proposed to me, I would have said “Yes”.

→ Had he proposed to me, I would have said “Yes”.


Phân tích:

Loại bỏ “If”

Đảo “had” lên trước chủ ngữ (S) trong vế điều kiện)



Cấu trúc: Đảo ngữ câu điều kiện loại III

Had + S + PII, S + would have + PII

Một số trường hợp khác của câu điều kiện

1. Unless = If... not

Unless được sử dụng thay If… not trong tất cả các loại câu điều kiện.

a. Câu điều kiện loại 1: Unless + HTĐ

You will be sick if you don't stop eating.

=> You'll be sick unless you stop eating.

b. Câu điều kiện loại 2: Unless + QKĐ

If he wasn't very ill, he would be at work.

=> Unless he was very ill, he would be at work.

c. Câu điều kiện loại 3: Unless + QKHT

Our director would not have signed the contract if she hadn't had a lawyer present.

=> Our director would not have signed the contract unless she had had a lawyer present.

2. Một số cụm từ đồng nghĩa thay thế if

Trong một số trường hợp điều kiện, bạn có thể thay if bằng

a. Suppose/Supposing (giả sử như): Đặt ra giả thiết.

Ví dụ: Supposing I don’t arrive till after midnight, will the guest-house still be open?

b. Even if (ngay cả khi, cho dù): Diễn tả một điều kiện dù xảy ra hay không thì hiện mệnh đề chính cũng không thay đổi.

Ví dụ: We are going to the beach even if it is raining. (Chúng ta sẽ ra bãi biển cho dù nếu trời có mưa)

c. As long as, so long as, provided (that), on condition (that) (miễn là, với điều kiện là): Ý chỉ điều kiện để thực hiện mệnh đề chính, không hẳn là giải thiết.

Ví dụ: You can have a dog as long as you promise to take care of it.

=> Bạn có thể nuôi chó miễn là bạn hứa sẽ chăm sóc nó.

d. Without: không có – sử dụng trong trường hợp giả định mệnh đề chính sẽ thay đổi như thế nào nếu không có điều kiện.

Ví dụ: Without water, life wouldn't exist.

=> If there were no water, life wouldn't exist.

3. Mệnh đề câu Wish/if only

Bên cạnh câu điều kiện thì Wish, câu ao ước cũng gần giống nhau nên bạn cần học thêm nhé.

Wish là ước, sử dụng tương tự if only – nếu chỉ. Ý nghĩa thể hiện sự tiếc nuối và những điều muốn thay đổi trong quá khứ, hiện tại. Đồng thời là ước mơ ở tương lai.

a. Cách sử dụng wish trong tương lai

Dùng để diễn tả mong ước về một điều gì đó trong tương lai. Thì sử dụng là thì hiện tại đơn.

Cấu trúc: S + wish (es) + S + would/could + V1

Ví dụ:

  • He wish he would be a designer in the future.
  • I wish it would rain. The garden really needs some water.

Có thể không phải là ước mơ mà là ước muốn, mong muốn thay đổi, có thể đó là điều khiến bạn khó chịu. Sử dụng Wish đi kèm với would

*Lưu ý: wish + would là nói về điều gì đó ở hiện tại không thể thay đổi nên không nói đến quá khứ.

Ví dụ: bạn có thể nói I wish I didn’t eat so much chocolate nhưng không thể nói I wish I wouldn’t eat so much chocolate

b. Sử dụng wish ở hiện tại

Câu Wish ở hiện tại nói về những mong ước về sự việc không có thật ở hiện tại và có thể là giả định ngược lại so với thực tế.

Cấu trúc: S + wish (es) + S + V2/ed + ...

*Lưu ý: "to be: were/weren't"

Ví dụ:

  • I wish I knew what to do.
  • If only I didn’t have so much homework I could go to the concert tonight. She has a lot of homework and she can’t go to the concert.

c. Wish sử dụng trong quá khứ

Thể hiện ước muốn về sự việc không có thật ở quá khứ, giả định điều ngược lại so với thực tế đã xảy ra.

Cấu trúc: S + Wish (es) + S+ QKHT.

Ví dụ:

  • I wish I’d studied harder when I was at school. He didn’t study harder when he was at school.
  • She wishes she could have been there (She couldn't be there).

d. Một số cách sử dụng khác

Wish + to V

Ví dụ: I wish to come home with you tomorrow.

Wish + N (đưa ra một lời chúc mừng, mong ước)

Ví dụ: I wish happiness and good health.

Wish + O + (not) to V…

Ví dụ: I wish you not to go far…

II. Bài tập câu điều kiện

Exercise 1. Tìm lỗi sai và sửa.

1. If there was a ban on cigarette, less people would smoke cigarette.

2. If the tax rate on junk food had increased, people would likely to prefer making food at home.

3. If schools administered with any teachers, disorder would arise.

4. If uncensored commercials had been banned, the crime rate would be seized from rising.

5. If computers replaced teachers in the classroom, learning would have been less effective.

Đáp án

  1. If there waswere a ban on cigarette, less people would smoke cigarette.

  2. If the tax rate on junk food had increased, people would likely to prefer making food at home.

  3. If schools were notadministered with by any teachers, disorder would arise.

  4. If uncensored commercials had been banned, the crime rate would behave been seized from rising.

  5. If computers replaced teachers in the classroom, learning would have beenbe less effective.

Exercise 2. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. If they had gone for a walk, they ……………………. the lights off.

A. had turned B. would have turn C. would turn D. would have turned

2. Would you mind if I ……………………. the window?

A. closed B. closing C. had closed D. would close

3. If you had tried your best, you ……………………. disappointed about the result now.

A. won’t be B. wouldn’t be C. wouldn’t have   D. wouldn’t have been

4. If I had enough money, ……………………..

A. I will buy that house.

B. I’d have bought that house.

C. I could buy that house.

D. I can buy that house.

5. I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t succeed.

A. If I listened to him, I would have succeeded.

B. If I had listened to him, I’d have succeeded.

C. If I had listened to him, I would succeed.

D. If I listened to him, I would succeed.

Đáp án:

1. D

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B


Exercise 3. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. ……………………., he would not have had the accident yesterday.

A. If Peter driven more carefully

B. If had Peter driven more carefully

C. Had Peter driven more carefully

D. If Peter not had driven more carefully

2. ……………………. I rich, I would help you.

A. Were

B. Was

C. Am

D. Been  

3.……………………. you run into Peter, tell him to call me.

A.  Are

B. Should

C. Been

D. Will

4. Had I known her, I……………………. friend with her.

A. make

B. would make

C. will make

D. would have made

5. Were I……………………. learn Russian, I would read a Russian book.

A.  to

B. for

C. in

D. with

Đáp án:

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. A


Exercise 4. Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I’ll help you if ……………………..

A. you told me the truth.

B. you tell me the truth.

C. you will tell me the truth.

D. you have told me the truth.

2. I have to work tomorrow morning, so I can’t meet you.

A. If I don’t have to work tomorrow morning, I can meet you.

B. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow morning, I could meet you.

C. I could meet you if I didn’t have to work tomorrow morning.

D. I can meet you if I don't have to work tomorrow morning.

3. You drink too much coffee, that's why you can't sleep.

A. If you drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep.

B. You drink much coffee and you can sleep.

C. You wouldn’t sleep well if you hadn't drink any coffee.

D. You can sleep better without coffee.

5. If I had time, I  …………………….  shopping with you.

A. went

B. will go

C. would go

D. would have gone

6. If my father  …………………….  me up, I'll take the bus home.

A. doesn’t pick

B. don’t pick

C. not pick

D. picks

Đáp án:

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. A

Exercise 5. Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng câu điều kiện.

  1. I didn’t know that you were in the hospital yesterday, so I didn’t visit you.

→ If …………………….…………………….……………………………….

  1. Hurry up or you will be late for school.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. My mother is very busy, so she can’t help me now.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. Lan didn’t call me because she didn’t know my phone number.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. You’re unhealthy because you don’t take exercise.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. He didn't study his lessons very carefully, so he gets bad marks now.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. Leon often causes accidents because he drives carelessly.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. I can’t apply for that job because I don’t know English.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. Lien is overweight because she eats too much chocolate.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

  1. His father often punishes him for his laziness.

→ If …………………….…………………….…………………………………

Đáp án:

  1. If I had known that you were in hospital yesterday, I would have visited you

  2. If you don’t hurry up, you will be late for school

  3. If my mother weren’t busy, she could help me now.

  4. If Lan had known my phone number, she would have called me.

  5. If you took exercise, you would be healthy.

  6. If he had studied his lessons very carefully, he would get good marks now.

  7. If Mr. Leon drove carefully, he wouldn’t cause accidents

  8. If I knew English, I could apply for that job.

  9. If Ms. Lien ate less chocolate, she wouldn’t be overweight.

  10. If he weren’t lazy, his father wouldn’t punish him.

III. Bài tập Conditional Sentences có đáp án

Bài 1. Chia động từ trong ngoặc.

1. If they (listen) carefully, they might hear the woodpecker.

2. If I had lain down on the sofa, I (fall) asleep.

3. Ngoc could have worked as a model if she (be) taller.

4. The soil (not/dry out) if you water the plants regularly.

5. If you (give) the young boy this stick, he’d hurt himself.

6. We (not/take) the wrong tram if Dzung had asked the policewoman.

7. If the cat hides in the tree, the dog (not/find) it.

8. The students would have solved the problem if they (use) their textbooks.

9. If he washed his feet more often, his girlfriend (visit) him more often.

10. Manh (read) the newspaper if he went by train.

Đáp án

1. listened; 2. could have fallen; 3. had been; 4. won’t dry out; 5. gave;

6. wouldn’t have taken; 7. won’t find; 8. had used; 9. would visit; 10. would read

Bài 2. Hoàn thành câu với từ cho sẵn (chú ý chia động từ)

1. If/ you/ mix/ red/ blue/ get / purple.

2. If/ Arsenal/ win/ they/ be/ top/ the league.

3. It /rain/ we / cancel / the match.

4. You / take / first bus/ you/will/ get /there on time.

5. You / need more helpers/ I /can try / get some time off work.

6. Mary might / deliver your parcel / you /ask /her.

7. I / were / 20/ I would/ travel/ world

8. Jim / lent / us / car / we / could / go / party.

9. We / would / save £3.50 a day / we didn’t / eat any lunch.

10. Burglars/ broke/ into my house/ they / find any money.

Đáp án

1. If you mix red and blue, you get purple.

2. If Arsenal wins, they’ll be top of the league.

3. If it rains, we will cancel the match.

4. If you take the first bus, you’ll get there on time.

5. If you need more helpers, I can try and get some time off work.

6. Mary might deliver your parcel if you ask her.

7. If I were 20, I would travel the world.

8. If Jim lent us his car, we could go to the party.

9. We would save £3.50 a day if we didn’t eat any lunch.

10. If burglars broke into my house, they wouldn’t find any money.

Bài 3. Hoàn thành câu với từ cho sẵn

1. If we meet at 9:30, we (to have) plenty of time.

2. Lisa would find the milk if she (to look) in the fridge.

3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she (to feed) the animals.

4. If you spoke louder, your classmates (to understand) you.

5. Dan (to arrive) safe if he drove slowly.

6. You (to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

7. If you (to swim) in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.

8. The door will unlock if you (to press) the green button.

9. If Mel (to ask) her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.

10. I (to call) the office if I was/were you.

Đáp án:

1. will have; 2. looked; 3. had fed; 4. would understand; 5. would arrive

6. would have had; 7. swim; 8. press; 9. had asked; 10. would call

Bài 4. Hoàn thành câu với từ cho sẵn

1.If it (to be) warmer, we (to go) swimming.

2. My parents (to buy) this house if the man (not/to sell) it to someone else.

3. If he (not/to fail) his driving test, his parents (to lend) him their car.

4. If my uncle (to tell) me the way to his office, I (not/to arrive) so late.

5. She (to be) at the airport if she (to read) the message carefully.

6. Lucy (not/to hurt) her foot if she (not/to drop) the old box on it.

7. If you (to use) a sharp knife, you (not/to cut) yourself.

8. If Victoria (to celebrate) her birthday at home, I (to bring) her some flowers.

9. We (to take) the train to Edinburgh if it (to run) on time.

10. If Max (not/to forget) his schoolbag, he (to give) you your USB flash drive.

Đáp án

1. If it had been warmer, we would have gone swimming.

2. My parents would have bought this house if the man had not sold it to someone else.

3. If he had not failed his driving test, his parents would have lent him their car.

4. If my uncle had told me the way to his office, I would not have arrived so late.

5. She would have been at the airport if she had read the message carefully.

6. Lucy would not have hurt her foot if she had not dropped the old box on it.

7. If you had used a sharp knife, you would not have cut yourself.

8. If Victoria had celebrated her birthday at home, I would have brought her some flowers.

9. We would have taken the train to Edinburgh if it had run on time

10. If Max had not forgotten his schoolbag, he would have given you your USB flash drive.

Bài 5: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:

1. If I see him, I _____ (give) him a gift.

2. If I had a typewriter, I _____ (type) it myself.

3. If I had known that you were in hospital, I _____ (visit) you.

4. You could make better progress if you _____ (attend) class regularly.

5. If I _____ (know) his telephone number, I’d give it to you.

6. If you _____ (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

7. If he worked more slowly, he _____ (not make) so many mistakes.

8. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I _____ (be) you.

9. If I _____ (find) a cheap room, I will stay a fortnight.

10. A lot of people _____ (be) out of work if the factory closed down.

11. I (have) ………….. plenty of money now if I (not/spend) ………… so much yesterday.

12. If someone (give) …………….you a boat, what you (do) …………… ?

13. If you...........(press) CTRL + S, you...........(save) the file.

14. The children...........(be) happy if he...........(teach) them English.

15. If she...........(buy) a new hard disk, she...........(not/ lose) all data.

Đáp án:

1. will give;

2. would type;

3. would have visited ;

4. attended;

5. knew;

6. had arrived;

7. wouldn't make;

8. were;

9. find;

10. would be;

11. would have/ hadn't spent (ĐK hỗn hợp);

12. gives/ what will you do;

13. press/ save (hoặc will save);

14. would be/ taught;

15. had bought/ wouldn't have lost;

Bài 6: Bài tập chuyển sang câu điều kiện có đáp án.

1. Keep silent or you’ll wake the baby up.

→ If you don't keep silent, you will wake the baby up.

2. Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson.

→ If…………………………………….....….…….

3. I don’t know her number, so I don’t ring her up.


4. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you.

→ If …………………………………………….………..

5. We got lost because we didn’t have a map.

→ If …………………………………….……..…….……

6. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.


7. Without this treatment, the patient would have died.


8. He lost his job because he was late every day.


9. Peter is fat because he eats so many chips.


10. Robert got a bad cough because he started smoking cigarettes.


Đáp án tham khảo (ngoài ra còn nhiều cách viết sử dụng từ ngữ khác nhau, nhưng nghĩa là không thay đổi)

2. If you keep talking, you won't understand the lesson.

3. If I know her number, I will ring her up.

4. If I know the answer, I will tell you.

5. If we had had a map, we wouldn't have got lost.

6. If Susan hadn't eaten four cream cakes, she wouldn't have felt sick.

7. If we hadn't had this treatment, the patient would have died.

8. If he hadn't been late every day, he wouldn't have lost his job.

9. If Peter ate less chips, he wouldn't be fat.

10. If Robert hadn't started smoking cigarettes, he wouldn't have got a bad cough.

Bài 7: Chọn đáp án đúng.

1. I would have visited you before if there _____ quite a lot of people in your house.

A. hadn't

B. hadn't been

C. wouldn't be

D. wasn't

2. If you had caught the bus, you _____ late for work.

A. wouldn't have been

B. would have been

C. wouldn’t be

D. would be

3. If I _____, I would express my feelings.

A. were asked

B. would ask

C. had been asked

D. asked

4. If _____ as I told her, she would have succeeded.

A. she has done

B. she had done

C. she does

D. she did

5. Will you be angry if I _____ your pocket dictionary?

A. stole

B. have stolen

C. were to steal

D. steal

6. You made a mistake by telling her a lie. It _____ better if you _____ to her.

A. would have been/ hadn't lied

B. would be/ didn't lie

C. will be/ don't lie

D. would be/ hadn't lied

7. John would be taking a great risk if he _____ his money in that business.

A. would invest

B. invested

C. had invested

D. invests

8. She wouldn't have given them all that money if we _____ her to.

A. wouldn’t advise

B. won't advise

C. hadn't advised

D. didn't advise

9. If the tree hadn't been so high, he _____ it up to take his kite down.

A. could have climbed

B. climb

C. is climbing

D. climbed

10. If the wall weren't so high, he _____ it up to take his ball down.

A. climbed

B. could climb

C. is climbing

D. climb

11. If I _____ her phone number, I _____ her last night

A. had known/ could have phoned

B. knew/ would have phoned

C. know/ can phone

D. knew/ could phone

12. If he ______ the truth, the police wouldn’t arrest him.

A. tells

B. told

C. had told

D. would tell

13. If you press that button what _____?

A. would happen

B. would have happened

C. will happen

D. happen

14. She says if she _____ that the traffic lights were red she _____.

A. had realized/ would stop

B. realized/ could have stopped

C. has realized/ stopped

D. had realized/ would have stopped

15. I am very thin. I think, if I _____ smoking, I might get fat.

A. stop

B. had stopped

C. will stop

D. stopped

16. If I _____ that yesterday, I _____ them.

A. had discovered/ would inform

B. had discovered/ would have informed\

C. had discovered/ could inform

D. discovered/ can inform

17. If you _______ to the course regularly, they ________ a certificate last year.

A. go/ gave

B. go/ give

C. had gone/ would have given

D. went/ would give

18. I think he is not at home. If he _____ in, he ______ the phone.

A. was/ answered

B. were/ would answer

C. were/ would have answered

D. had been/ would have answered

19. If I ______ in London now, I could visit British Museum.

A. were

B. had been

C. have been

D. would be

20. If Columbus _______ money from Queen Isabella, he _______ across the Atlantic.

A. do not receive/ could not sail

B. had not received/ might not have sailed

C. did not receive/ might not have sailed

D. would not receive/ might not sail

Đáp án:

1 - B

2 - A

3 - A

4 - B

5 - D

6 - A

7 - B

8 - C

9 - A

10 - B

11 - A

12 - B

13 - C

14 - D

15 - A

16 - B

17 - C

18 - B

19 - A

20 - B

Bài 8: Chọn đáp án đúng

1. If she …………… the lottery last year, She ………… rich now.

A. have won/would be

B. had won/would be

C.won/would be

D. wins/will be

2. If I …………… the homework last night, I…………… bonus today.

A. had done/would get

B. had done/would have got

C. done/would get

D. does/will get

3. If we had played this game yesterday, we…………… a lot of money now.

A. will have

B. may have

C. would have had

D. would have

4. If it ……………… last night, it would be cold today.

A. had rained

B. rained

C. have rained

D. was raining

5. If she …………… to me, she ……………… in trouble right now.

A. had listened/would be

B. had listened/would have be

C. had listened/would not be

D. A & B

6. If it had rained one hour ago, the streets ………… wet now.

A. would have be

B. will be

C. be

D. would be

7. If I ………………. to the beach yesterday, I would be tired today.

A. have gone

B. goes

C. had gone

D. A & B

8. If they had gone to school yesterday, they ……….. to the museum now

A. would go

B. will go

C. could go

D. A&C

9. If he had done exercise last night, he ……… soccer right now.

A. will play

B. can play

C. plays

D. could play.

10. If Nina had not gone out last week, she ……………… die now.

A. will

B. would

C. could

D. B&C

Đáp án:

1 - B

2 - A

3 - D

4 - A

5 - A

6 - D

7 - C

8 - D

9 - D

10 - D

Bài 9: Điền vào chỗ trống

1. If you take my advice, you ........................ (be) happy.

2. What would you do if you ........................ (be) me?

3. If you ........................ (lend) me some books I will give them back in two weeks.

4. I ........................ (send) her a letter if I had found her address.

5. She ........................ (not/steal) the bread if she hadn't been hungry.

6. If she ........................ (come) here I will tell her about the film.

7. I will be unhappy if you ........................ (leave) me.

8. If you hadn't been so crazy you ........................ (not/buy) this expensive house.

9. If the sun ........................ (shine) I will go to the beach.

10. If I ........................ (win) the lottery I would leave my country.

Đáp án:

1. will be

2. were

3. lend

4. would have sent

5. would not have stolen / wouldn't have stolen

6. comes

7. leave

8. would not have bought / wouldn't have bought

9. shines

10. Won

Bài 10: Điền vào chỗ trống

1. ............ we ............ (have) enough time if we wanted to see the castle?

2. In case you ............ (buy) a car, will you teach me to drive?

3. If I............ (not be) in a hurry, I wouldn't have made so many mistakes.

4. She won't finish it on time if she ............ (not start) right now.

5. She ............ (get angry) if you had told her.

6. On condition that they ............(support) our product, they would get a discount.

7. Even if I ............(ask) him, he won't come.

8. Had I driven slowly, I ............(not crash)

9. It will be a disaster unless they ............ (help) us.

10. If you ............ (have) something to eat, you wouldn't have felt sick.

11. I wouldn't risk it if I ............ (be) you.

12. She would get fat if she ............ (not stop) eating.

13. The chicken wasn't good. It ............(taste) better if you had put some spices on it.

Đáp án:

1 - Would ... have

2 - buy

3 - had not been

4 - does not start

5 - would have got

6 - supported

7 - ask

8 - would not have crashed

9 - help

10 - had had

11- were

12 - did not stop

13 - would have tasted


Bài 11: Tìm lỗi sai

1. What do (A) you do (B) if you won the first (C) prize of the lottery?

2. Would people be able(A) to fly (B), if they have (C) feathers instead of (D) hair?

3. George now(A) wishes he hasn’t (B) broken (C) his encouragement with (D) Marian.

4. If Peter had been more (A) careful (B), he wouldn’t break (C) the camera I lent (D) him.

5. He wouldn’t have able(A) to pass (B) the test if his English hadn’t been (C) good enough (D).

6. If a drop(A) of oil is placed (B) in a glass of water, it would (C) float on (D) the surface.

Đáp án

1. A (do => would)

4. C (wouldn’t break => wouldn’t have broken)

2. C (have => had)

5. A (have able => have been able)

3. B (hasn’t => hadn’t)

6. C (would => will)

Bài 12: Hoàn chỉnh các câu sau, sử dụng điều kiện loại 2

1. What/ happen/ if/ water pollution/ stop?


2. We/ be/ happy/ if/ air pollution/ the world/ be/ a/ better place?


3. If/ there/ be/ no more pollution/ the world/ be/ a better place?


4. If/I/ be/ you/I/ take/ these bottles/ the bottle bank.


5. If/ people/ not really care/ the environment/ they/ not try/ save it.


6. The river/ not be/ so polluted/ if/ factories/ not dump/ waste/ it.


7. We/ be/ less worried/ if/ oil spills/ not have/ such destructive effects.


8. If/ we/ destroy/ the ozone layer/ what/ save/ us/ the UV rays?


Đáp án:

1. What would happen if water pollution stopped?

2. We would be happy if air pollution was the only problem.

3. If there was no more pollution, would the world be a better place?

4. If I were you, I would take these bottles to the bottle bank.

5. If people didn’t really care about the environment, they wouldn’t try to save it.

6. The river wouldn’t be so polluted if factories didn’t dump waste into it.

7. We would be less worried if oil spills didn’t have such destructive effects.

8. If we destroyed the ozone layer, what would save us from the UV rays?

Bài 13. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc với câu điều kiện loại 1.

1. If I (study), I (pass) the exams.

2. If the sun (shine), we (walk) into town.

3. If he (have) a temperature, he (see) the doctor.

4. If my friends (come), I (be) very happy.

5. If she (earn) a lot of money, she (fly) to New York.

6. If we (travel) to Hanoi, we (visit) the museums.

7. If you (wear) sandals in the mountains, you (slip) on the rocks.

8. If Giang (forget) her homework, the teacher (give) her a low mark.

9. If they (go) to the disco, they (listen) to loud music.

10. If you (wait) a minute, I (ask) my parents.

Đáp án

1. study/will pass; 2. shines/will walk; 3. has/must see; 4. come/will be; 5. earns/will fly

6. travel/will visit; 7. wear/may slip; 8. forgets/will give; 9. go/have to; 10. wait/will ask

Bài 14. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc với câu điều kiện loại 2

1. If I (come) home earlier, I (prepare) dinner.

2. If we (live) in HCMC, my boyfriend (visit) us.

3. If Tung and Thanh (be) older, they (play) in our football team.

4. If he (be) my friend, I (invite) him to my birthday party.

5. If Xuan (study) harder, she (be) better at school.

6. If they (have) enough money, they (buy) a new car.

7. If you (do) a paper round, you (earn) a little extra money.

8. If Minh (get) more pocket money, he (ask) Lam out for dinner.

9. If we (win) the lottery, we (fly) to London.

10. If I (meet) Brad Pitt, I (ask) for his autograph.

Đáp án

1 - came/would prepare; 2 - lived/would visit; 3 - were/would play; 4 - were/would invite;

5 - studied/would be; 6 - had/could buy; 7 - did/could earn; 8 - got/could ask; 9 - won/would fly;

10 - met/would ask;

Bài 15: Hoàn thành các câu với nghĩa không đổi

1. Vegetarians don’t eat meat.

=> If you’re a vegetarian, ________________________________

2. People who live in a cold country don t like hot weather.

=> If you live _________________________________________

3. Teachers have to work very hard.

=> If you’re a teacher, __________________________________

4. People who do a lot of exercise stay fit and healthy.

=> If you ____________________________________________

5. Mechanics understand engines.

=> If you’re a ________________________________________

6. People who read newspapers know what’s happening in the world.

=> If you ____________________________________________

7. What would you do if you found some buried treasure?

If you were ______________

8. Working so much will make you tired

If you __________________

9. We didn’t visit the museum because we hadn’t time

We would ______________

10. Without you, I would have given up years ago

If it ___________________

11. We didn’t go by air only because we hadn’t enough money

If we __________________

12. If by any chance you find my wallet, could you let me know?

If you should ____________

13. I regret not studying hard last term

If only _________________

14. He didn’t work hard at school, so he didn’t get a good job when he left

If _____________________

15. People don’t do enough exercise, so there is a lot of heart disease

If people _______________

16. Children have bad teeth because they eat too many sweets

Children would have better teeth if ______________

Đáp án

1. If you’re a vegetarian, you won’t eat meat.

2. If you live in a cold country, you won’t like hot weather.

3. If you’re a teacher, you will have to work very hard.

4. If you do a lot of exercise, you will stay fit and healthy.

5. If you’re a mechanic, you will understand engines.

6. If you read newspapers, you will know what’s happening in the world.

7. If you were to find some buried treasure, what would you do?

8. If you didn’t work so much, you wouldn’t be tired

9. We would have visited the museum if we had had time

10. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have given up years ago

11. If we had had enough money, we would have gone by air

12. If you should find my wallet, could you let me know?

13. If only I had studied hard last term

14. If he had worked hard at school, he would have got a good job when he left

15. If people did enough exercise, they wouldn’t have/ get heart disease

16. Children would have better teeth if they didn’t eat too many sweets

Bài 16: Dựa vào những từ cho sẵn, viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1. Jim/ always/ ask / me/ what/ I/ do/ if/ I / see/ shooting star


2. My mother/ often/ add/ stick/ cinnamon/ in/ soup


3. If/ you/ can/ not/drink/ black/ coffee/ ,/ you/ can/ add/ milk/ or/ sugar.


4. How/ the/ cake/taste/ if/ we /add/ drop/ olive/ oil?


5. My son/ not/ eat/ salad/ if/ there/ be/ tomatoes/ in/it.


6. My sister/ often/ eat/ slices/ bread/ with/ strawberry/ jam/ for/ breakfast.


7. Yesterday/ my/ mother/ and/ l/ buy/ some/ tin/ sardine/ and/ vegetables.


Đáp án

1. Jim always asks me what I will do if I see a shooting star.

2. My mother often adds some sticks of cinnamon in the soup.

3. If you can’t drink black coffee, you can add some milk or sugar.

4. How will the cake taste if we add some drops of olive oil?

5. My son won’t eat salad if there are tomatoes in it.

6. My sister often eats some slices of bread with some strawberry jam for breakfast.

7. Yesterday my mother and I bought some tins of sardine and some vegetables.

Bài 17: Give the correct form of verbs in bracket

1. If it (not pour) ____________ with rain tomorrow, we can (go) ____________ on a picnic

2. If James (start) ____________ to cook now, dinner (be) ____________ ready in one hour.

3. If Jane (not make) ____________ it the meeting on time, her manager may (get) ____________ very angry.

4. If they (be) ____________ occupied this weekend, they can (not come) ____________ to my house for dinner.

5. You must (not leave) ____________ the house unless I (allow) ____________ you to go

6. Peter (just waste) ____________ his money if he (take) ____________ a course in this English center.

Đáp án

1. If it (not pour) doesn’t pour with rain tomorrow, we can (go) go on a picnic

2. If James (start) starts to cook now, dinner (be) will be ready in one hour.

3. If Jane (not make) doesn’t make it the meeting on time, her manager may (get) get very angry.

4. If they (be) are occupied this weekend, they can (not come) won’t come to my house for dinner.

5. You must (not leave) not leave the house unless I (allow) allow you to go

6. Peter (just waste) will just waste his money if he (take) takes a course in this English center.

Bài 17. Complete the second sentence in each pair so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence

1. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.

If you ___________________________________________________

2. Unless you want to get sick, you should eat more healthily.

If ______________________________________________________

3. Brush your teeth often in order not to get a toothache.

If ______________________________________________________

4. Go to bed early or you will be exhausted the next morning.

If ______________________________________________________

5. Save money from now and you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of the year.

If ______________________________________________________

Đáp án

1. If you don’t follow these safety instructions, you may get burnt.

2. If you don’t want to get sick, you should eat more healthily.

3. If you brush your teeth often, you won’t get a toothache.

4. If you don’t go to bed early, you may be exhausted the next morning.

5. If you save money from now, you can reward yourself with a long vacation at the end of the year.

Bài 18: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditional sentences type 2.

1. If I _______ (be) you, I _______ (practice) English more often in order not to be rusty.

2. I _______ (forget) my worksheet at home if my mother _______ (not remind) me.

3. If Sara _______ (have) a good handwriting, I _______ (understand) her texts!

4. If my computer _______ (function) properly, I _______ (use) it more often.

5. If Amy _______ (can) speak two languages, she _______ (apply) for a job at the Multicultural Center.

6. If you _______ (lose) your Iphone, what _______ (you/ do)?

7. If Bill _______ (tidy) up his room every day, it _______ (not be) in a mess.

8. I _______ (travel) to the UK or another English-speaking country if I _______ (speak) better English.

9. Mark _______ (not get) such bad marks if he _______ (study) hard enough.

10. If Samatha _______ (not have) a job, she _______ (not pay) for the bills.

Đáp án

1. If I ___were____ (be) you, I ___would practice____ (practice) English more often in order not to be rusty.

2. I ___would forget____ (forget) my worksheet at home if my mother ___didn’t remind____ (not remind) me.

3. If Sara ____had___ (have) a good handwriting, I __would understand_____ (understand) her texts!

4. If my computer ____functioned___ (function) properly, I ___would use____ (use) it more often.

5. If Amy ____could___ (can) speak two languages, she __would apply_____ (apply) for a job at the Multicultural Center.

6. If you ___lost____ (lose) your Iphone, what ____would you do___ (you/ do)?

7. If Bill ___tidied____ (tidy) up his room every day, it __wouldn’t be_____ (not be) in a mess.

8. I ___would travel____ (travel) to the UK or another English-speaking country if I ___spoke____ (speak) better English.

9. Mark ___wouldn’t get____ (not get) such bad marks if he ___studied____ (study) hard enough.

10. If Samatha ___didn’t have____ (not have) a job, she ___wouldn’t pay____ (not pay) for the bills.

Bài 19. Complete the sentences with the correct verbal form

1. Elisa will come to your house if you _________________ (call) her.

2. If Anna knew the secret, he _________________ (tell) you

3. You football team could score more goals if the trainer _________________ (be) better

4. If I _________________ (be) you, I would complain to the manager

5. His parents would accept his marriage if she _________________ (be) American

6. If you listened to me, you _________________ (not make) so many mistakes

7. The writer will send the novel if he _________________ (finish) it next week

8. The girl wouldn’t have lost the money if she _________________ (keep) it in her wallet

Đáp án

1. Elisa will come to your house if you ________call_________ (call) her.

2. If Anna knew the secret, he ________would tell_________ (tell) you

3. You football team could score more goals if the trainer _________was________ (be) better

4. If I ______were___________ (be) you, I would complain to the manager

5. His parents would accept his marriage if she _________was________ (be) American

6. If you listened to me, you _________wouldn’t make________ (not make) so many mistakes

7. The writer will send the novel if he _______finishes__________ (finish) it next week

8. The girl wouldn’t have lost the money if she _________had kept________ (keep) it in her wallet

Bài 20. Choose the correct answer.

1. If Martin were here now, he________US to solve this difficult problem.

A. would help

B. helps

C. will help

D. has helped

2. If he didn’t have to work today, he________his children to the zoo.

A. will take

B. takes

C. would take

D. has taken

3. If you didn’t have to leave today, I________you around the city.

A. have shown

B. showed

C. will show

D. would show

4. If our teacher were here now, he________US with this difficult exercise.

A. has helped

B. helps

C. will help

D. would help

5. If he were younger, he________a professional running competition now.

A. will join

B. had joined

C. would have joined

D. would join

6. If you watch this film, you________about the cultures of Southeast Asian countries.

A. learned

B. were learning

C. will learn

D. would learn

7. If he were better qualified, he________get the job.

A. will

B. can

C. may

D. could

8. If life________predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.

A. is

B. would be

C. were

D. had been

9. That sounds like a good offer. I________it if I________you.

A. would accept - were

B. accepted - would be

C. accept - will be

D. will accept - were

10. If he improved his IT skills, he________a job.

A. will easily get

B. would easily get

C. will easily have got

D. would easily have got

Đáp án

1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - D; 4 - D; 5 - D; 6 - C; 7 - D; 8 - C; 9 - A; 10 - B

Bài 21. Fill in the correct form of the verb. Use the type given at the end of the sentence!

1. If he ____________ (eat) everything he ___________ (be) ill (3)

2. The police _______________ (arrest) him if they ______________(catch) him (1)

3. What ___________ (happen) if my parachute ___________(not open)? (1)

4. I ____________ (be) angry if he ____________(make) more mistakes. (2)

5. If he _____________ (be) late we ____________ (go) without him (3).

6. If I ___________(lend) you 10 pounds, _____________ (you, give) it back to me? (1)

7. If you _____________ (not like) this one, I _____________ (bring) you

another one. (1)

8. If I _________ (know) that I ___________ (visit) you. (3)

9. I ___________ (not drink) that wine if I ____________ (be) you. (2)

10. If we ___________ (have) more rain our crops __________ (grow) faster (3)

Đáp án

1. If he _____had eaten _______ (eat) everything he ______would have been_____ (be) ill (3)

2. The police _______will arrest________ (arrest) him if they ______catch________(catch) him (1)

3. What ______will happen _____ (happen) if my parachute _____ does not open______(not open)? (1)

4. I ____would be angry________ (be) angry if he ______made______(make) more mistakes. (2)

5. If he _______had been______ (be) late we _____would have gone_______ (go) without him (3).

6. If I _____lend______(lend) you 10 pounds, _____will you give________ (you, give) it back to me? (1)

7. If you _______don't like______ (not like) this one, I _______will bring______ (bring) you

another one. (1)

8. If I _____had known____ (know) that I ______would have visited_____ (visit) you. (3)

9. I ______would not drink_____ (not drink) that wine if I ____were________ (be) you. (2)

10. If we ____had had_______ (have) more rain our crops ______would have grown____ (grow) faster (3)

Bài 22. Rewrite the following sentence into conditional sentences.

1. They missed the bus, so they arrived late.

2. She is too tired, so she can’t finish the work.

3. He didn’t study, so he failed the test.

4. It rained heavily, so the match was canceled.

5. The car broke down, so they had to call a mechanic.

6. They don’t have a reservation, so they can’t get a table.

7. The movie was sold out, so they couldn’t watch it.

8. She lost her keys, so she couldn’t enter the house.

9. He is allergic to seafood, so he can’t eat shrimp.

10. They didn’t bring their umbrellas, so they got wet in the rain.

Đáp án

1. If they hadn’t missed the bus, they wouldn’t have arrived late.

2. If she weren’t too tired, she could finish the work.

3. If he had studied, he wouldn’t have failed the test.

4. If it hadn’t rained heavily, the match wouldn’t have been canceled.

5. If the car hadn’t broken down, they wouldn’t have had to call a mechanic.

6. If they had a reservation, they could get a table.

7. If the movie hadn’t been sold out, they could have watched it.

8. If she hadn’t lost her keys, she could have entered the house.

9. If he weren’t allergic to seafood, he could eat shrimp.

10. If they had brought their umbrellas, they wouldn’t have gotten wet in the rain.

Bài 23. Conjugate the correct form of the verb in conditional sentences

1. You _______(have) any trouble at school if you _______(do) your homework.

2. If you ______(swim) in this lake, you ___________(shiver) from the cold.

3. The door _________(unlock) if you __________(press) the green button.

4. If Melena ____________(ask) her teacher, she __________(answer) her questions.

5. I __________(call) the office if I _______(be) you.

6. If we __________(meet) at 9:30, we _______________ (have) plenty of time.

7. Lisa ______________(find) the milk if she ______________(look in the fridge.

8. The zookeeper ____________(punish) her with a fine if she ____________(feed) the animals.

9. If you _______________(speak) louder, your classmates _________________ (understand) you.

10. If I _________________(play) better, I _______________(win).

Đáp án

1. You wouldn’t have had any trouble at school if you had done your homework.

2. If you swim in this lake, you’ll shiver from the cold.

3. The door will unlock if you press the green button.

4. If Melena had asked her teacher, she would have answered her questions.

5. I would call the office if I were you.

6. If we meet at 9:30, we will have plenty of time.

7. Lisa would find the milk if she looked in the fridge.

8. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she had fed the animals.

9. If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you.

10. If I had played better, I might have won.

Bài 24. Rewrite the sentence as an inverted conditional sentence.

1. If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.

2. If they don’t leave soon, they will miss the bus.

3. If he arrives late, we will start without him.

4. If you had told me earlier, I would have made arrangements.

5. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we can go for a picnic.

6. If I were taller, I would reach the top shelf.

7. If they had worked harder, they would have finished the project on time.

8. If you don’t take care of your health, you will regret it later.

9. If she had studied more, she would have passed the test.

10. If it hadn’t been for his help, I wouldn’t have succeeded.

Đáp án

1. Should she study hard, she will pass the exam.

2. Should they not leave soon, they will miss the bus.

3. Should he arrive late, we will start without him.

4. Had you told me earlier, I would have made arrangements.

5. Should it not rain tomorrow, we can go for a picnic.

6. Were I taller, I would reach the top shelf.

7. Had they worked harder, they would have finished the project on time.

8. Should you not take care of your health, you will regret it later.

9. Had she studied more, she would have passed the test.

10. Had it not been for his help, I wouldn’t have succeeded.

Bài 25. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. If I _____ (study), I _____ (pass) the exams.

2. If the sun _____ (shine), we _____ (walk) to the town.

3. If he _____ (have) a temperature, he _____ (see) the doctor.

4. If my friends _____ (come), I _____ (be) very happy.

5. If she _____ (earn) a lot of money, she _____ (fly) to New York.

6. If we _____ ( travel) to London, we _____ (visit) the museums.

7. If you _____ (wear) sandals in the mountains, you _____ (slip) on the rocks.

8. If Rita _____ (forget) her homework, the teacher _____ (give) her a low mark.

9. If they _____ (go) to the disco, they _____ (listen) to loud music.

10. If you _____ (wait) a minute, I _____ (ask) my parents.

1. If I study, I will pass the exams.

2. If the sun shines, we will walk to the town.

3. If he has a temperature, he will see the doctor.

4. If my friends come, I will be very happy.

5. If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to New York.

6. If we travel to London, we will visit the museums.

7. If you wear sandals in the mountains, you will slip on the rocks.

8. If Rita forgets her homework, the teacher will give her a low mark.

9. If they go to the disco, they can listen to loud music.

10. If you wait a minute, I will ask my parents.

Bài 26. Using the given information, make conditional sentences using “IF”

1. Rita might fail her driving test. But she can take it again.


2. Liverpool might lose. If they do, Terry will be upset.


3. The office may be closed. In that case, Mike won't be able to get in.


4. Cathy may arrive a bit early. If she does, she can help her mother to get things ready.


5. The party might go on all night. If it does, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.


1. If Rita fails her driving test, she can take it again.

2. If Liverpool is won, Terry will be upset

3. If the office is closed, Mike will be able to get in

4. If Cathy arrives a bit early, she can help her mother to get things ready.

5. If the party is go on all night, no one will want to do any work tomorrow.

Bài 27. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. David will leave for Rent tomorrow if the weather _____ (be) fine.

2. What will you do if you _____ (not / go) away for the weekend ?

3. The game _____ (start) if you put a coin in the slot.

4. If you _____ (be) scared of spiders, don’t go into the garden.

5. We’ll have to go without John if he ( not arrive) _____soon.

6. Please don’t disturb him if he_____ (be) busy.

7. If she _____ (accept) your card and roses, things will be very much hopeful.

8. If a holiday_____ (fall) on a weekend, go to the beach.

9. If she (come) _____ late again, she’ll lose her job.

10. If he (wash) _____my car, I’ll give him $20.

1. is

2. don’t go

3. will start

5. doesn’t arrive

6. is

7. accepts

8. falls

9. comes

10. washes


Bài 28. Using the inversion in conditional sentence

1. If you call him immediately, he will come.

2. If it rains, we won't go cycling to the museum.

3. If he gets sick, he will see the doctor.

4. If you don’t come, I will be very sad.

5. If she earns a lot of money, she will fly to New York.

Đáp án

1. Should you call him immediately, he will come.

2. Should it rain, we won't go cycling to the museum.

3. Should he get sick, he will see the doctor.

4. Should you not come, I will be very sad.

5. Should she earn a lot of money, she will fly to New York.

Bài 29. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. He’ll be late for the train if he (not start) _____ at once.

2. If I lend you $100, when you (repay) _____me?

3. Unless I have a quiet room I (not be able) _____to do any work.

4. If we leave the car here, it (not be) _____ in anybody’s way.

5. Someone (steal) _____ your car if you leave it unlocked.

6. Unless he (sell) _____more, he won’t get much commission.

7. If you come late, they (not let) _____you in.

8. If you (not go) _____away I’ll send for the police.

9. If he _____ (eat) all that, he will be ill.

10. What _____ (happen) if my parachute does not open?

1. doesn’t start

2. will you repay

3. won’t be able

4. won’t be

5. will steal

6. sells

7. won’t let

8. don’t go

9. eats

10. will happen

Bài 30. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. If we ________ (send) an invitation, our friends _________ (come) to our party.

2. He __________ (not/ understand) you if you _________ (whisper).

3. They __________ (not/ survive) in the desert if they __________ (not/take) extra water with them.

4. If you __________ (press) CTRL + s, you __________ (save) the file.

5. You __________ (cross) the Channel if you __________ (fly) from Paris to London.

1. send/will come

2. will not understand/whisper.

3. will not survive/do not take

4. press/will save

5. will cross/fly

Bài 31. Rewrite the following sentences as directed

1. If she should come, tell her to wait for me. (using inversion with SHOULD)


2. If I don’t come here early, I will miss the bus.

→ Unless………………………………………………………………………

3. If he doesn’t do that, he will get bonus.

→ Unless………………………………………………………………………

4. If she doesn’t water these trees, they will die

→ Unless………………………………………………………………………

5. I only come if they invite me.

→ Unless………………………………………………………………………

6. In case it rains, we’ll stay at home. (if)


7. If you don’t leave the office, I will call the police. (or)


8. You can’t visit Paris unless you get a visa. (If)


1. Should she come, tell her to wait for me.

2. Unless I come here early, I will miss the bus.

3. Unless he does that, he will get bonus.

4. Unless she waters these trees, they will die

5. Unless they invite me, I will not come

6. If it rains, we’ll stay at home

7. Leave the office or I will call the phone

8. If you don’t get a visa, you can’t visit Paris

Bài 32. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct tense

1. Fred __________ (answer) the phone if his wife __________ (have) a bath.

2. If Claire ________ (wear) this dress at the party, our guests ______ (not/stay) any longer.

3. If I __________ (touch) this snake, my girlfriend __________ (not/ scream).

4. She __________ (forget) to pick you up if you __________ (not/phone) her.

5. I __________ (remember) you if you __________ (give) me a photo.

1. will answer/has

2. wears/will not stay

3. touch/ will not scream.

4. will forget/do not phone

5. will remember/give

Bài 33. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc với câu điều kiện loại 1

1. If I (study), I (pass) the exams.

2. If the sun (shine), we (walk) into town.

3. If he (have) a temperature, he (see) the doctor.

4. If my friends (come), I (be) very happy.

5. If she (earn) a lot of money, she (fly) to New York.

6. If we (travel) to Hanoi, we (visit) the museums.

7. If you (wear) sandals in the mountains, you (slip) on the rocks.

8. If Giang (forget) her homework, the teacher (give) her a low mark.

9. If they (go) to the disco, they (listen) to loud music.

10. If you (wait) a minute, I (ask) my parents.

1. study/will pass

2. shines/will walk

3. has/must see

4. come/will be

5. earns/will fly

6. travel/will visit

7. wear/may slip

8. forgets/will give

9. go/have to

10. wait/will ask

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