50 Bài tập Trắc nghiệm Cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án chi tiết 2025

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Tailieumoi.vn sưu tầm và biên soạn bài tập trắc nghiệm Cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh có đáp án, gồm 50 bài tập từ cơ bản đến nâng cao mong muốn giúp các em ôn luyện kiến thức đã được học về Cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh hiệu quả. Mời các bạn đón xem:

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh

I. Lý thuyết Cụm động từ

1. Cụm động từ (Phrasal verb) là gì?

Cụm động từ (Phrasal Verb) là sự kết hợp của một động từ với trạng từ (adverb) hoặc giới từ (preposition) để tạo thành một cụm động từ với nghĩa đặc biệt và khó đoán.

Phần lớn các cụm động từ (Phrasal Verb) tường được dùng trong đàm thoại, thay cho những từ cùng nghĩa nhưng nghe có vẻ trịnh trọng hơn. Chúng ta cũng có thể dùng cụm động từ trong lối viết thân mật dành cho bạn bè và người thân.

Để sử dụng cụm động từ cho đúng ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, chúng ta cần biết những điều sau:

  • Cụm động từ có thể là ngoại động từ (transitive) hoặc nội động từ (intransitive) hoặc đôi lúc chúng có thể được sử dụng theo hai cách.

  • Một số cụm động từ có tân ngữ có thể tách rời động từ và trạng từ: nếu tân ngữ là danh từ thì ta có thể đặt tân ngữ ở trước hoặc sau trạng từ.

  • Các cụm động từ có ba (verb + adverb + preposition) thành phần thường có nghĩa đặc biệt không thể tách rời. 

2. Một số Phrasal verb thông dụng:

Dưới đây là tổng hợp các cụm động từ thông dụng mà chúng ta thường hay bắt gặp.

  • Account for /əˈkaʊnt/: Giải thích về một lý do hoặc một nguyên nhân cho sự tồn tại của một vật nào đó, hoặc cho điều gì đó vừa xảy ra.

  • Break down /breɪkdaʊn/: (Máy móc,…) bị hỏng, (đường xá,…) phá vỡ

  • Break in/into /breɪk ˈɪn.tuː/: Đột nhập vào, xong vào một cách không được phép

  • Break up /breɪk ʌp/: Chia tay, kết thúc (khóa học, năm học, cuộc họp, bữa tiệc,…)

  • Bring sth up /brɪŋ ʌp/: Đề cập chuyện gì đó

  • Bring sb up /brɪŋ ʌp/: Nuôi nấng (con cái)

  • Call for /kɔːl fɔːr/: Ghé qua (để đón ai đó hoặc lấy vật gì đó)

  • Carry out /ˈkær.i aʊt/: Tiến hành, thực hiện (kế hoạch)

  • Catch up/ Catch up with sb / /kætʃ ʌp/ : Theo kịp hoặc bắt kịp ai đó

  • Clean sth up /kliːn ʌp/ : Lau chùi, dọn dẹp, (thời tiết) sáng sủa hơn

  • Come across /kʌm əˈkrɒs/: Tình cờ gặp (người nào đó), tình cờ thấy (vật gì đó)

  • Come off /kʌm ɒf/: Thành công 

  • Come up against s.th /kʌm ʌp əˈɡenst/: Đối mặt, đương đầu với cái gì đó

  • Count on/ upon sb /kaʊnt ɒn/əˈpɒn/ : Tin cậy hoặc dựa dẫm vào người nào đó

  • Cut down/ back (on) sth /kʌt daʊn/bæk/: Cắt giảm cái gì đó

  • Cut off /kʌt ɒf/:Ngừng cung cấp (điện, nước, chất đốt,…); cắt đứt (mối quan hệ nào đó)

  • Do away with sth /duː əˈweɪ wɪð/: bỏ cái gì đó đi không sử dụng cái gì đó

  • Do without sth /duː wɪˈðaʊt/ : chấp nhận không có cái gì đó

  • Dress up /dres ʌp/: ăn mặc đẹp

  • Drop by /drɒp baɪ/: ghé qua

  • Drop sb off /drɒp ɒf/: thả ai xuống xe

  • Fill in /fɪl ɪn/: điền thông tin vào

  • Fix up /fɪks ʌp/: Sắp xếp, thu xếp

  • Get by /ɡet baɪ/: xoay xở, đối phó

  • Get down /ɡet daʊn/: làm cho thất vọng, chán nản

  • Get on /ɡet ɒn/: Lên (xe buýt, máy bay,…)

  • Get up /ɡet ʌp/: thức dậy

  • Give up /ɡɪv ʌp/: từ bỏ

  • Go away /ɡəʊ əˈweɪ/: biến mất, tan đi

  • Go off /ɡəʊ ɒf/: (chuông) reo, (súng) nổ, (thức ăn) ươn/thối

  • Go on /ɡəʊ ɒn/: tiếp tục

  • Go out /ɡəʊ aʊt/: (ánh sáng, lửa, đèn) tắt

  • Go over /ɡəʊ ˈəʊ.vər/: xem xét, kiểm tra

  • Grow up /ɡrəʊ ʌp/: trưởng thành, lớn lên

  • Hold on /həʊld ɒn/: chờ, đợi

  • Keep on /kiːp ɒn/: tiếp tục

  • Keep up (with) /kiːp ʌp wɪð/: bắt kịp, theo kịp

  • Leave out /liːv aʊt/: bỏ qua, bỏ quên, bỏ sót

  • Look after /lʊk ˈɑːf.tər/: chăm sóc, trông nom

  • Look down on /lʊk  daʊn ɒn/: coi thường

  • Look for /lʊk fɔːr/: tìm kiếm

  • Look forward to /lʊk ˈfɔː.wəd tuː/:  mong đợi

  • Look into /lʊk ˈɪn.tuː/: điều tra

  • Look out /lʊk aʊt/: coi chừng

  • Look up /lʊk ʌp/: tìm, tra cứu

  • Look up to /lʊk ʌp tuː/: coi trọng, kính trọng, ngưỡng mộ

  • Make up /meɪk ʌp/: bịa đặt, sáng tác (một câu chuyện, bài thơ,…); trang điểm, hóa trang.

  • Pick up /pɪk ʌp/: cho đi nhờ xe, đón ai bằng xe

  • Put on /pʊt ɒn/: mặc (quần áo), mang (giày), đội (mũ), tăng (cân).

  • Run out /rʌn aʊt/: hết, cạn kiệt

  • Sell off /sel ɒf/: bán giảm giá

  • Shut up /ʃʌt ʌp/: ngừng nói, làm cho ngừng nói, im miệng

  • Set up /set ʌp/: thành lập

  • Send out /send aʊt/: gửi đi, phân phát

  • Set off/out /set ɒf/aʊt/: khởi hành

  • Stand out /stænd aʊt/: nổi bật

  • Take after /teɪk ɑːf.tər/: giống

  • Take off /teɪk ɒf/: cỏi (quần áo); (máy bay) cất cánh

  • Take on /teɪk ɒn/: đảm nhận (công việc)

  • Talk over /tɔːk əʊ.vər/: thảo luận, bàn luận

  • Think over /θɪŋk əʊ.vər/: suy nghĩ lại, cân nhắc

  • Try on /traɪ ɒn/: mặc thử (quần áo)

  • Turn on /tɜːn ɒn/: mở, bật (đèn, máy móc, động cơ, bếp,…)

  • Turn off /tɜːn ɒf/: tắt, khóa (đèn, máy móc, động cơ, bếp,…)

  • Wash up /wɒʃ ʌp/: rửa bát

  • Work out /wɜːk aʊt/: tính toán 

3. Mẫu câu sử dụng các Phrasal verb thông dụng chuẩn ngữ pháp tiếng Anh

Sau đây là những mẫu câu áp dụng các cụm động từ (Phrasal verb) trên theo ngữ pháp tiếng Anh, các bạn có thể qua đó học cách sử dụng và áp dụng chúng cho bản thân một cách phù hợp:

  • Her illness accounted for her absence
    (Đau ốm là lý do anh ấy vắng mặt)

  • Her car broke down on the way to the airport.
    (Xe của cô ấy bị hư trên đường ra phi trường)

  • Thieves broke in/into while she was asleep and took all her jewelry.
    (Bọn trộm đã đột nhập vào nhà khi bà ấy đang ngủ và lấy đi tất cả nữ trang)

  • He’s calling for me at eight.
    (Tám giờ anh ấy ghé qua đón tôi)

  • You’ve missed a whole term; you’ll have to work hard to catch up with the rest of the class.
    (Em đã vắng mặt cả một học kì, em sẽ phải học tập thật tích cực mới có thể theo kịp được cả lớp)

  • You must clear your room up every day.
    (Con phải dọn phòng mình mỗi ngày)

  • I came across her diary while I was tidying her room.
    (Tôi tình cờ tìm thấy nhật kí của cô ấy khi đang dọn dẹp phòng của cô ấy)

  • Fortunately, the plan came off.
    (May thay kế hoạch đã thành công)

  • In the first week, we came up against a pretty tricky problem.
    (Trong tuần đầu, chúng tôi đã gặp phải một vấn đề khá phức tạp)

  • You can count on me. I won’t let you down.
    (Bạn có thể tin tôi, tôi sẽ không làm bạn thất vọng)

  • We need to cut down (on) our expenses.
    (Chúng ta cần giảm bớt các khoản chi tiêu)

  • The company has cut off our electricity supply because we haven’t paid our bill.
    (Công ty điện lực đã cắt điện nhà chúng tôi vì chúng tôi không thanh toán hóa đơn tiền điện).

II. Bài tập Cụm động từ

Exercise 1

1.He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will_______ someone crossing the street.

a. crash down

b. knock down

c. turn over

d. run across

2. Hello. Is that 956782? Please put me_______ the manager.

a. across

b. up

c. over

d. through

3. The three friends all_______ for the same job.

a. requested

b. intended

c. applied

d. referred

4. I don’t think he will ever get_______ the shock of his father's death.

a. over

b. through

c. by

d. off

5. The company is aiming to push_______ its share of car sales to 25% over the next two years.

a. on

b. up

c. out

d. though

6. The child hurt himself badly when he fell _______ the bedroom window.

a. out from

b. out of

c. down

d. over

7. Don’t worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily_______ you up for the night.

a. take

b. set

c. put

d. keep

8. I am late because my alarm clock didn't _______ this morning.

a. come on

b. ring out

c. go off

d. turn on

9. He's such a naughty child' it's amazing what his mother lets him_______ away with.

a. go

b. make

c. do

d. get

10. The  factory  paid_______  nearly  a  million  pounds  to  their  employees  injured  in  the explosion.

a. out

b. in

c. off

d. back

11. My daughter often_______ to see me at lest once a week.

a. calls up

b. drops in

c. goes up

d. comes on

12. I think he is unwell; he was complaining_______ a headache this morning.

a. of

b. at

c. from

d. against

13. I saw a thief take Tom's  wallet so I ran _______ him, but I couldn't catch him.

a. into

b. over

c. near

d. after

14. If it's raining tomorrow, we shall have top put_______ the match till Sunday.

a. off

b. away

c. in

d. on

15. There was a big hole is the rod which _______ the traffic.

a. kept down

b. held up

c. stood back

d. sent back

16. She  applied  for  training  as  a  pilot,  but  they  turned  her  _______  because  of  her  poor eyesight.

a. up

b. back

c. down

d. over

17. These old houses are going to be _______ soon.

a. laid out

b. run down

c. knocked out

d. pulled down

18. I can'_______ what he's doing, it’s so dark down there.

a. see through

b. make out

c. look into

d. show up

19. Having looked the place _______, the gang went away to make their plans.

a. over

b. through

c. down

d. out

20. Take the number 7 bus and get_______ at Forest Road.

a. up

b. down

c. off

d. outside

Đáp án:





















Exercise 2

1. If you want to join this club, you must_______ this application form.

a. make up

b. write down

c. do up

d. fill in

2. The water company will have to _______ off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are carried out.

a. take

b. cut

c. set

d. break

3. Come_______, children! Get your coats on or you'll be late for school.

a. along

b. to

c. across

d. over

4. She tried to prevent the dog_______ running into the road.

a. to

b. for

c. from

d. against

5. The doctor told him to keep_______ sweets and chocolate to lose weight.

a. at

b. up

c. back

d. off

6. Tom was slow to catch_______, but gradually he began to understand.

a. in

b. on

c. away

d. out

7. I haven’t time to speak to him now, you'll have to put him_______

a. off

c. back

c. aside

d. away

8. You know I'll always stand_______ you if you are in trouble.

a. for

b. up

c. by

d. with

9. I disapprove_______ people smoking in public places.

a. on

b. at

c. with

d. of

10. She found it is hard to _______ up to the fact that she would never be famous.

a. come

b. face

c. get

d. keep

11. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall_______

a. out

b. through

c. back

d. off

12. The job offer was too good for him to turn_______

a. down

b. out

c. off

d. away

13. His son's death was a terrible shock and it took him a long time to _______ it.

a. get round

b. come through

c. go over

d. get over

14. Please come_______ and see us sometime

-   you're always welcome.

a. to

b. round

c. about

d. away

15. She put _______ speaking to him as long as possible.

a. over

b. away

c. off

d. back

16. He filled in the necessary forms and _______ for the job.

a. appealed

b. asked

c. requested

d. applied

17. She went _______ a bad cold just before Christmas.

a. down with

b. in for

c. over

d. through

18. They had never come_______ such a beautiful little village before.

a. at

b. across

c. off

d. long

19. When the tenants failed to pay their bills, the authorities decided to cut_______ the gas supply to the flats.

a. out

b. down

c. off

d. across

20. The doctor advised me not to take_______ so much work in future.

a. to

b. over

c. after

d. on

Đáp án:





















Exercise 3

1. The police have warned tourists to look_______ for  pickpockets in the town centre.

a. out

b. up

c. down

d. forward

2. I wouldn't_______ of going to a party unless I hadn't been invited to.

a. intend

b. dream

c. rely

d. depend

3. If you want to be healthy; you should cut_______ on your smoking.

a. up

b. down

c. out

d. through

4. Their aim is to_______ up a new political party.

a. strike

b. stand

c. set

d. show

5. He was busy when I phoned but I hung_______ until he was free.

a. back

b. off

c. to

d. on

6. I'm not sure how old he is but he must be _______ for 70.

a. going by

b. getting up

c. getting on

d. going off

7. I absolutely_______ with everything that has been said.

a. agree

b. accept

c. admit

d. approve

8. The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes _______ for a cup for coffee.

a. on

b. over

c. off

d. to

9. The butcher cut some steak, _______ it up and handed it to me.

a. closed

b. wound

c. strung

d. wrapped

10. In order to _______ with his studies he worked though the summer.

a. take

b. catch on

c. catch up

d. take up

11. A god friend will stand _______ you when you're having trouble.

a. by

b. out

c. against

d. in

12. The meeting had to be put_______ until a later date.

a. away

b. on

c. off

d. up

13. The teachers at the school went_______ with flu one after the other.

a. out

b. down

c. off

d. under

14. The smell was so bad that it completely_______ us off our food.

a. set

b. took

c. got

d. put

15. We expected him at eight but the finally_______ at midnight.

a. came to

b. turned out

c. turned in

d. came off

16. The hall was very crowded with over fifty people_______ into it.

a. pushed

b. packed

c. stuck

d. stuffed

17. He took the trouble to write_______ the complete list for us.

a. on

b. through

c. off

d. our

18. He had to go to the bank to_______ some money for his holiday.

a. pay up

b. pay back

c. draw out

d. draw in

19. A new study group has been _______ by the United Nations

a. set up

b. set on

c. put up

d. put on

20.David always_______ over to my house after he had done his homework.

a. passed

b. gone

c. went

d. came

Đáp án:





















Exercise 4

1. If you want to have a pet you must be ready to look _______ it for several years.

a. at

b. for

c. after

d. over

2. I can put_______ with most things but I cannot stand noisy children

a. on

b. up

c. off

d. aside

3. Don't _______ up yet, you will soon be able to play the trumpet well.

a. give

b. catch

c. break

d. turn

4. Some drivers seem to expect everyone else to get_______ their way.

a. off

b. after

c. away from

d. out of

5. My uncle took_______ golf when he retired from work.

a. on

b. after

c. up

d. over

6. The deer_______ for the shelter of the forest when there are people about.

a. get

b. make

c. go

d. take

7. I'll call_______ you at 6 o'clock.

a. for

b. by

c. up

d. in

8. Everyone in the village_______ about the plans for the new road.

a. contacted

b. took care

c. concerned

d. was concerned

9. Mrs. Brown always_______ out in a crowd because she wore large hats.

a. found

b. looked

c. stood

d. showed

10. After his mother died, he was_______ up by his grandmother.

a. grown

b. brought

c. taken

d. drawn

11. All the plans have been put_______ for the time being.

a. aside

b. down

c. on

d. up

12. He said he would contribute money, but later he backed_______ of it.

a. down

b. away

c. off

d. out

13. All their money is _______ up in the new house which they have bought.

a. connected

b. limited

c. tied

d. trapped

14. The audience_______ out laughing when the singer fell over.

a. called

b. burst

c. shouted

d. broke

15. The general was always _______ about his past campaigns.

a. boasting

b. praising

c. complimenting

d. congratulating

16. If we want to_______ up with them we'd better hurry.

a. come

b. arrive

c. approach

d. catch

17. Unfortunately the company will have to cut_______ on staff.

a. away

b. back

c. off

d. through

18. Their enthusiasm for the new plan has_______ out.

a. gone

b. failed

c. died

d. disappeared

19. I don’t see what my business has to _______ with you.

a. do

b. interest

c. concern

d. matter

20. The taxi_______ up by the kerb.

a. drew

b. stopped

c. came

d. turned

Đáp án:





















Exercise 5

1. The doctor says I'll take a long time to get _______ the shock.

a. past

b. above

c. through

d. over

2. Once the fire _______ out we have to sit in the cold.

a. lit

b. fell

c. went

d. came

3. Do you think it's possible to_______ on nothing but fruit and vegetables?

a. eat

b. live

c. enjoy

d. make

4. The bus only stops here to _________ passengers.

a. alight

b. get on

c. get off

d. pick up

5. The child was  _________ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.

a. knocked down

b. knocke

d out

c. run across

d. run out

6. Hurry! It's time to  _________ up and go to school.

a. stand

b. get

c. dress

d. start

7. Mary is very _________ up and thinks she is superior to her classmates.

a. turned

b. looked

c. stuck

d. fed

8. The frightened horse began to _________ away from the snake.

a. fear

b. tip

c. throw

d. shy

9. All his plans for starting his business fell _________

a. in

b. through

c. down

d. away

10. Tom and Ben have fallen _________ gain and do not speak to each other.

a. in

b. back

c. out

d. through

11. The voters told john that he could  _________ on their support in the election.

a. count

b. doubt

c. decide

d. expect

12. The completion of the tunnel has been held _________ owing to s strike.

a. on

b. off

c. over

d. up

13. Their teacher told them to  _________ up their quarrel and be friends again.

a. stitch

b. mend

c. sew

d. patch

14. He wanted to  _________ off all his work before he came to the cinema with us.

a. finish

b. stop

c. end

d. put

15. I remember Alice as a spotty girl but she's turned _________ a beautiful woman.

a. to

b. in

c. into

d. on

16. Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he  _________ up.

a. came

b. grew

c. brought

d. settled

17. They've  _________ a new tower where that old building used to be.

a. put up

b. put down

c. pushed up

d. pushed down

18. It's high time Bill got a steady job and  _________ He's almost thirty.

a. settled in

b. settled down

c. turned in

d. turned down

19. The plane _________ down the minutes late because of bad weather.

a. put

b. flew

c. landed

d. touched

20. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth _________

a. went in

b. went off

c. came out

d. came through

Đáp án:





















Exercise 6

1. We're having terrible weather. Just can't put _________ it for much longer.

a. up

b. on

b. away

c. up with

2. Over the past 50 years, many illnesses have been brought _________ control.

a. in

b. under

c. to

d. over

3. When I break _________ for the summer, I 'm going to Spain for three weeks.

a. up

b. in

c. out

d. down

4. Can you remember  the first time you  _________ in love?

a. felt

b. went

c. fell

d. found

5. She's gradually getting _________ a bad cold, which kept her off work for a week.

a. over

b. up

c. on

d. into

6. It's very cold in here. Do you mind if I put _________ the heating?

a. down

b. away

c. off

d. on

7. I told him I'd prefer to walk, but he insisted _________ giving me a lift

a. about

b. on

c. to

d. for

8. There's  a  rumor  that  the  National  Bank  is  going  to  take    _________  the  company  I work for.

a. on

b. off

c. over

d. after

9. There's  a  lot  more  traffic  than  usual.  There  must  be  something  _________  in  the  city centre.

a. going on

b. going off

c. getting on

d. getting off

10. He  wan't  sure  if  he'd  be  any  good  at  tennis,  but  actually  he  took    _________  it immediately.

a. after

b. on

c. in

d. to

11. I've always got _________ well with old people.

a. off

b. on

c. in

d. through

12. When they  _________ for the beach the sun was shining, but by the time they arrived it had clouded over.

a. went out

b. went off

c. set off

d. left out

13. After standing in the sun for more than an hour, two of the people in the queue passed _________

a. out

b. by

c. up

d. through

14. When the alarm clock went off, Tom just turned  _________ and went back to sleep.

a. down

b. out

c. up

d. over

15. I'd love to get  _________ from this place for a few days. I really feel I need a break.

a. out

b. away

c. over

d. down

16. The smell of floor polish still brings  _________ memories of my old school.

a. on

b. up

c. back

d. over

17. In their latest attack, terrorists have tempted to blow _________ the bridge.

a. up

b. over

c. through

d. down

18. I've just spent two weeks looking  _________ an old aunt of mine who's been ill.

a. at

b. for

c. out for

d. after

19. As soon as I got home from work, I changed  _________ casual clothes.

a. to

b. into

c. in

d. for

20. The  teacher  carried    _________  his  threat  to  suspend  Tom  for  his  repeated  absence from class.

a. on with

b. on

c. out

d. over

Đáp án:





















Exercise 7

1. He  _________ all his money, then closed the account.

a. took out

b. took away

c. paid in

d. paid off

2. He was convicted of using the firm's money to pay _________ his gambling.

a. in

b. off

c. back

d. towards

3. At the meeting, someone brought _________ the subject of pre-school education.

a. in

b. on

c. up

d. out

4. I take  _________ everything I said about Paul. I realize now that it wasn't true.

a. on

b. over

c. in

d. back

5. Although I'd never made a sandwich before, my first attempt turned  _________ quite well.

a. over

b. up

c. out

d. into

6. It's taking me longer to get _________ the operation than I thought.

a. through

b. by

c. up from

d. over

7. When the princess kissed the frog, it turned _________ a handsome prince.

a. into

b. up

c. out

d. over

8. I really like Joe's dad but I don't get _________ with his mother at all.

a. out

b. by

c. on

d. through

9. You shouldn't stay at home so much. Get  _________ and make new friends.

a. by

b. out

c. over

d. away

10. I always run _________ of money before the end of the month.

a. out

b. back

c. up

d. down

11. It'll take me three years to  _________ up enough money to travel round the country.

a. pay

b. take

c. put

d. save

12. As soon as she came   _________ after the operation, she asked for a drink of water.

a. across

b. up

c. round

d. under

13. Bary has come  _________ some good suggestions for raising the money we need.

a. onto

b. up with

c. round to

d. across with

14. I _________ everything in my bag three times but my keys were nowhere to be found.

a. went out

b. went over

c. looked for

d. looked at

15. Can you remember what to do, or do you want me to go  _________it again?

a. by

b. into

c. past

d. over

16. It was the third time in six months that the bank had been held _________

a. over

b. down

c. up

d. out

17. Having that accident has brought  _________ a complete change in his attitude to other people.

a. in

b. about

c. up

d. out

18. The light from the car _________ as it receded into the distance.

a. faded away

b. seeped out

c. rolled away

d. shone out

19. It was so foggy that the climbers couldn't _________ out the nearby shelter.

a. run

b. take

c. break

d. make

20. They are thinking of bringing  _________ a law to make cyclists wear helmets.

a. on

b. up

c. in

d. round

Đáp án:





















III. Bài tập vận dụng Cụm động từ

1. Could you ______ a moment while I see if Peter is in his office? 

A. Get on well

B. get on

C. hold on

D. stand on 

2. Extension 286? I’ll ______ . 

A. Put you through

B. get you through

C. come you through

D. break into you 

3. For me, the film didn’t ______ all the enthusiastic publicity it received. 

A. Come up

B. live up

C. turn up to

D. live up to 

4. Jack and Linda ______ last week. They just weren’t happy together. 

A. Broke up

B. broke into

C. finished off

D. ended up 

5. I’m ______ Tom’s address. Do you know it? 

A. Looking on

B. finding out

C. looking for

D. getting for 

6. I can ______ with most things but I can’t stand noisy children. 

A. Put aside

B. put on

C. put up

D. put off 

7. If we don’t do something now, the birds are going to ______ soon. 

A. Die of

B. die with

C. die out

D. die on 

8. If you really want to lose weight, you need to ______ eating desserts. 

A. Give away

B. give up

C. put off

D. take off 

9. I had to ______ her request for a loan. Her credit was just not good enough

A. Turn on

B. turn off

C. turn down

D. turn into 

10. I need to_______ from work and take a holiday. 

A. Go away

B. get away

C. relax on

D. run on 

11. It ______ to be a beautiful night tonight! 

A. Turned into

B. turned out

C. turned on

D. turned off 

12. I want you to _______ every bad word you’ve said about my brother.

 A. Take back

B. say again

C. take off

D. give off 

13. When I was turning out my cupboard I ______ this photograph of my uncle

A. Came over

B. came round

C. came across

D. came into 

14. He ______ in German, but moved to the US at the age of 18. 

A. Brought to

B. grew up

C. turned off

D. went to 

15. He ______ the club on recommendation from his friend Jack. 

A. Got in

B. got on

C. got by

D. got into 

16. He _______ unleaded gas and left on his journey.

A. Poured on

B. filled up with

C. filled up

D. poured with 

17. He spent the entire night thinking and in the end _______ a brilliant idea.

A. Received with

B. got up

C. came up with

D. came out 

18. We’re not ready yet, we are going to have to ______ the meeting until next week. 

A. Take off

B. put off

C. take on

D. go off 

19. Let’s _______ the grammar one more time before the test. 

A. Go through

B. come over

C. go on

D. go over 

20. Look Jack, I’ve _______ your bad behavior long enough! 

A. Put up

B. put through

C. put up with

D. get on well

 21. Make sure to _______ pick-pockets when you go to the market. 

A. Watch out for

B. come along

C. take to

D. look at 

22. My sister _______ my cats while I was away on vacation.

 A. Looked after

B. looked for

C. looked at

D. looked on 

23. Our flight was delayed, but we finally _______ shortly after midnight. 

A. Took off

B. took on

C. took up

D. put off 

24. Our school _______ for the summer holidays on the 10th of July. 

A. Breaks up

B. breaks down

C. breaks off

D. breaks in 

25. She promised to _______ her cigarette smoking to five a day. 

A. Cut down

B. give up

C. give away

D. cut up 

26. The bus only stops here to _______ passengers. 

A. Get off

B. pick up

C. alight

D. get on 

27. The child was _______ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.

A. Knocked out

B. knocked down

C. run out

D. run across 

28. The exact questions she had prepared perfect answers for _______ in the exam. 

A. Came out

B. came in

C. came through

D. came up 

29. There is just too much work to be done. We’ll have to _______ some new employees. 

A. Get on

B. take on

C. take off

D. get off 

30. We’d better stop soon. Otherwise, we’ll _______ of gas. 

A. Run out

B. go off

C. get off

D. get on 

31. We _______ at six in the morning on our drive to the Grand Canyon. 

A. Set off / out

B. take off

C. go off

D. run off 

32. When I was staying in German last year, I _______ quite a lot of German.

A. Picked up

B. picked over

C. picked out

D. picked on 

33. After Joe’s mother died, he was _______ up by his grandmother.

 A. Brought

B. taken

C. grown

D. drawn

 34. Unfortunately, I had to _______ Bob for his poor performance.

 A. Tell off

B. shout at

C. tell about

D. talk to 

35. Unfortunately, our school had to _______ the music department because of lack of funds.

 A. Give up

B. do away with

C. get away

D. take back 

36. We are going for a drink now. Why don’t you _______ ? 

A. Follow up

B. follow after

C. come along

D. come with 

37. When you go to New York, _______ the bad restaurants offering cheap food. 

A. Look for

B. look out for

C. look head

D. look on 

38. Don’t worry about trying to catch the last train home, as we can easily _______ you up for the night.

 A. Take

B. set

C. put

D. keep 

39. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t _______ this morning. 

A. Come on

B. ring out

C. go off

D. turn on 

40. He furiously told the beggar to ________. 

A. Clear up

B. clear off

C. clear away

D. clear after 

41. He tried to join the army but he was ________ because of his poor health.

A. Tried out

B. put out

C. turned off

D. turned down 

42. I was very unlucky. My car was _______ on my way home. 

A. Broke

B. broken off

C. broken

D. broken down 

43. Many elderly people have to live on the money they _______ when they were working. 

A. Laid up

B. put back

C. set up

D. put aside 

44. Old Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will _______ . 

A. Pull through

B. pull up

C. pull back

D. pull out 

45. The police disturbed a gang of men who were _______ a chemist’s in Central London last night. 

A. Breaking into

B. breaking out

C. getting through

D. talking over 

46. A new study group has been _______ by the United Nations. 

A. Set up

B. set on

C. put up

D. put on 

47. All his plans for starting his business fell ________ . 

A. In

B. through

C. down

D. away

 48. Come _______, children! Get your coats on or you’ll be late for school. 

A. Along

B. to

C. across

D. over 

49. Don’t _______ up yet, you will soon be able to play the trumpet well. 

A. Give

B. catch

C. break

D. turn 

50. If it’s raining tomorrow, we shall have to put _______ the match till Sunday. 

A. Off

B. away

C. in

D. on 

51. He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will _______ someone crossing the street. 

A. Crash down

B. knock down

C. turn over

D. come across 

52. I’ll call _______ you at 6 o’clock. 

A. For

B. by

C. up

D. in 

53. He kept his marriage a secret for years, but eventually the truth ______ . 

A. Went in

B. went off

C. came out

D. came through 

54. He took the trouble to write _______ the complete list for us. 

A. On

B. through

C. off

D. out 

55. He wanted to _______ off all his work before he came to the cinema with us. 

A. Finish

B. stop

C. end

D. put 

56. Hello. Is that 956782? Please put me _______ to the manager. 

A. Across

B. up

C. over

D. through 

57. His father’s death was a terrible shock and it took him a long time to _______ it. 

A. Get round

B. come through

C. go over

D. get over

 58. I can’t _______ what he’s doing; it’s so dark down there. 

A. See through

B. make out

C. look into

D. show up 

59. I remember Alice as a spotty girl but she’s turned _______ a beautiful woman. 

A. To

B. in

C. into

D. on 

60. I saw a thief take Tom’s wallet so I ran _______ him, but I couldn’t catch him. 

A. Into

B. over

C. near

D. after 

61. Do you think it’s possible to _______ on nothing but fruit and vegetables?

A. Eat

B. live

C. enjoy

D. make 

62. For the first few minutes she was leading the race, then she began to fall ______ . 

A. Out

B. through

C. back

D. off 

63. He filled in the necessary forms and _______ for the job. 

A. Appealed

B. asked

C. requested

D. applied 

64. I absolutely _______ with everything that has been said. 

A. Agree

B. accept

C. admit

D. approve 

65. I don’t think he will ever get ______ the shock of his father’s death. 

A. Over 

B. through

C. by

D. off 

66. If we want to _______ up with them we’d better hurry. 

A. Come

B. arrive

C. approach

D. catch 

67. She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her _______ because of her poor eyesight. 

A. Up

B. back

C. down

D. over 

68. If you want to have a pet you must be ready to look _______ it for several years. 

A. At

B. for

C. after

D. over 

69. Stephen always wanted to be an actor when he _______ up. 

A. Came

B. grew

C. brought

D. settled 

70. The butcher cut some steak, _______ it up and handed it to me. 

A. Closed

B. wound

C. strung

D. wrapped 

71. The completion of the tunnel has been held _______ owing to a strike. 

A. On

B. off

C. over

D. up 

72. The doctor advised me not to take ________ so much work in the future. 

A. To

B. over

C. after

D. on 

73. The doctor says I’ll take a long time to get _______ the shock. 

A. Past

B. above

C. through

D. over 

74. The meeting had to be put _______ until a later date. 

A. Away

B. on

C. off

D. up 

75. The police have warned tourists to look _______ for pickpockets in the town centre. 

A. Out

B. up

C. down

D. forward 

76. Their aim is to ________ up a new political party. 

A. Strike

B. stand

C. set

D. show 

77. There was a big hole in the road which _______ the traffic. 

A. Kept down

B. held up

C. stood back

D. sent back 

78. These old houses are going to be _______ soon. 

A. Laid out

B. run down

C. knocked out

D. pulled down

79. If you want to join this club, you must ________ this application form.

A. Make up

B. write down

C. do up

D. fill in/ out 

80. It’s high time Bill got a steady job and ________. He’s almost thirty. 

A. Settled in

B. settled down

C. turned in

D. turned down 

81. My daughter often ________ to see me at least once a week. 

A. Calls up

B. drops in

C. goes up

D. comes on 

82. They had never come ________ such a beautiful little village before. 

A. At

B. across

C. off

D. back 

83. They’ve _______ a new tower where that old building used to be. 

A. Put up

B. put down

C. pushed up

D. pushed down

84. We need to go to the market because we have _______ sugar this morning.

A. Shortened of

B. come short of

C. run out of 

D. finished off 

85. When my tea cup is empty, I fill it ________ again if I’m still thirty. 

A. Out

B. on

C. over

D. up 

86. Paul poured some water on the campfire to put it _______ . 

A. Out

B. down

C. aside

D. off 

87. They said the woman was so ill that it seemed unlikely she would ________ . 

A. Take up

B. get off

C. pull through

D. come up 

88. The children playing near the gate of the building were told to ________ ny the guards. 

A. Go off

B. clear off

C. get away

D. get out 

89. According to the fairy tale, the handsome prince was _______ a frog by the witch. 

A. Turned into

B. come into

C. fed up with

D. fed into 

90. Go _______ this book because it has the information you need. 

A. Over

B. by

C. off

D. on 

91. Helen has gone out and she will not be _______ till midnight. 

A. Off

B. along

C. back

D. away 

92. Everything is _______ you. I cannot make _______ my mind yet. 

A. Out off/ on

B. up to/ up

C. away from/ for

D. on for/ off 

93. There is no food left. Someone must have eaten it _______ . 

A. Out

B. up

C. off

D. along 

94. The explorers made a fire to _______ off wild animals. 

A. Get

B. keep

C. take

D. go 

95. If something urgent has _______ up, phone immediately and I will help you. 

A. Picked

B. come

C. kept

D. brought 

96. The passengers had to wait because the plane _______ off one hour late. 

A. Took

B. turned

C. cut

D. made 

97. Be careful! The tree is going to fall. 

A. Look out

B. look up

C. look on

D. look after 

98. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA. 

A. Come around

B. set up

C. made out

D. put on 

99. Within their home country, National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies assume the duties and responsibilities of a national relief society. 

A. Take on

B. get off

C. go about

D. put in 

100. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt. 

A. Put on

B. went off

C. go out

D. kept up

Đáp án:

1. C





































































































Question 101: As I have just had a tooth _____, am not allowed to eat or drink anything for three hours.

     A. taken out                    B. crossed out                 C. broken off     D. tried on

Đáp án A

taken out: nhổ

cross out: gạch bỏ, gạch ngang

break off: chấm dứt quan hệ với ai

try on: thử đồ

Giải thích : to take out a tooth : nhổ răng

Question 102: The woman ___________ when the police told her that her son had died.

A. got over                            B. fell apart                       C. looked up                 D. broke down

Đáp án D

Get over = overcome: vượt qua

Fell apart: trục trặc/ ngừng hoạt động

Look up:tra cứu thông tin

Break down:suy sụp/ đau buồn

Câu này dịch như sau: Người phụ nữa suy sụp khi cảnh sát thông báo rằng con trai bà đã mất.

Question 103: Our teacher told us that if we don’t ___________ the environment, our grandchildren may not even be able to carry on living.

     A. look into                    B. look out for                C. look after     D. look for

Đáp án C

Carry on = continue

Look into = investigate

Look out for sth = watch out for: cẩn thận

Look after: trông nom/ chăm sóc

Look for: tìm kiếm

Câu này dịch như sau: Giáo viên của chúng tôi bảo chúng tôi rằng nếu chúng tôi không chăm sóc môi trường, con cháu của chúng tôi thậm chí không thể tiếp tục sống nữa

Question 104: When Tet holiday comes, Vietnamese people often feel inclined to _______ their houses.

     A. do up                         B. do through                  C. do over     D. do in

Đáp án A

Giải thích: “do up” có nghĩa là trang trí, dọn dẹp

Dịch nghĩa: Khi kỳ nghỉ Tết đến, người dân Việt Nam thường có xu hướng trang trí nhà của họ.

Question 105: Bob has a bad lung cancer and his doctor advised him to ________ smoking.

     A. turn up                       B. give up                       C. take up     D. put up

Đáp án B

Turn up: bật to lên (đài, tv,…), xuất hiện

Give up: từ bỏ, bỏ

Take up: bắt đầu mới 1 cái gì

Put up: để lên, đặt lên, giơ (tay) lên, đề cử, tiến cử….

Dịch: Bob bị ung thư phổi nặng, bác sĩ khuyên anh ta nên bỏ hút thuốc

Question 106: When he realized the police had spotted him, the man ________the exit as quickly as possible.

     A. made off                    B. made for                     C. made out     D. made up

Đáp án B

A. make off: bỏ trốn

B. make for: chạy đến, hướng đến

C. make out : hiểu được, hiểu ra

D. make up: dựng lên, bịa chuyện

Make off có nghĩa là bỏ trốn nhưng sau make off không có tân ngữ đi kèm => make for : chạy tới đâu

Dịch nghĩa: Khi anh ta nhận ra cảnh sát đã phát hiện ra mình, người đàn ông hướng đến lối thoát hiểm càng nhanh càng tối

Question 107: The government is thinking of bringing ____a law to make it compulsory for cyclists to wear crash helmets.

     A. on                              B. up                              C. in     D. round

Đáp án C

Giải thích: to bring in a law: đưa vào một luật mới

Dịch nghĩa: Chính phủ đang nghĩ tới việc đưa vào một luật mới bắt buộc người đi xe đạp phải mang mũ bảo hiểm.

Question 108: Susan was alone in the house when the fire __________.

     A. broke out                    B. broke down                C. broke up     D. broke away.

Đáp án A

to break out: bùng phát (chiến tranh, đám cháy, dịch…);

to break down: suy nhược, hỏng

to break up: chia tay

to break away: trốn thoát.

Dịch nghĩa: Susan đang ở nhà một mình khi ngọn lửa bùng phát.

Question 109: I think you need to ______________your ideas more clearly so that the reader doesn’t get confused.

     A. dawn on                     B. set out                        C. get on with      D. give in

Đáp án B

Dawn on: lóe lên trong trí, trở nên rõ (đối với ai)

set something out: sắp xếp, bày biện

get on with something: tiến tới trong công việc

give something in: nộp cho (trao cho) người được quyền nhận

dịch câu:

Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn cần phải sắp xếp những ý tưởng của bạn rõ ràng hơn để người đọc không bị lẫn lộn.

Question 110: Susie and Fran _____________us last night, so I had to quickly defrost a pizza.

     A. turned up                   B. dropped in on             C. came across      D. went through

Đáp án B

Turn up: tăng lên (tăng volume, nhiệt độ), xuất hiện

drop in on somebody: tạt vào (để thăm ai)

come across: gặp tình cờ

go through: được thông qua (dự luật…), xong; thành công

dịch câu:

Susie và Fran tạt vào thăm chúng tôi tối qua, vì vậy tôi phải nhanh chóng giã đông pizza

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