TOP 20 Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources

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Câu 23: Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources. Write 60 - 80 words.

Blackstone Town

Energy sources 

  • Coal – 60%

  • Natural gas – 15%

  • Solar – 5%

  • Oil – 20% 

Blackstone Town is near a large river. It’s very windy during the fall and winter. It’s sunny in spring and summer. The city doesn’t have much money to spend. 


Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources - Sample 1

Subject: Suggestion for Diversifying Energy Sources in Blackstone Town

Dear Mayor,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to suggest exploring alternative energy sources for Blackstone Town to reduce our reliance on coal and oil. Given our proximity to a large river and the windy conditions during fall and winter, investing in hydroelectric and wind power could be viable options. Additionally, harnessing solar energy during the sunny spring and summer months could further diversify our energy portfolio. These renewable sources align with our town's environmental goals and could ultimately save costs in the long run.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources - Sample 2

Subject: Exploring Renewable Energy Options for Blackstone Town

Dear Mayor,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share an idea for Blackstone Town's energy future. Given our town's proximity to a large river and the windy conditions during fall and winter, we could consider investing in hydroelectric and wind power as alternative energy sources. Additionally, utilizing solar energy during the sunny spring and summer months could further diversify our energy mix. These initiatives align with our commitment to sustainability and could lead to long-term cost savings for our community.

Kind regards,

[Your Name] 

Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources - Sample 3

Subject: Proposal for Energy Source Transition in Blackstone Town

Dear Mayor,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am writing to propose a transition towards renewable energy sources for Blackstone Town. With our limited budget, we can capitalize on our geographical advantages, such as the proximity to a large river and the windy conditions during fall and winter. By investing in hydroelectric and wind power, supplemented by solar energy during the sunnier months, we can reduce our reliance on coal and oil while promoting sustainability and cost-efficiency.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources - Sample 4


Subject: Energy suggestions for Blackstone City 

Dear Mayor Adams, 

My name is Nina Tran. I am a student at Blackstone Secondary School. 

I am writing about the polluted air in our city. I would like to suggest ways to make Blackstone City more eco-friendly. Now, we get 70% of our energy from coal. Coal power plants are expensive to run and nonrenewable. They cause a lot of pollution, too. I think we should change to wind power. It is renewable and cheap to run. It would work very well. It is really windy in our city. This will reduce air pollution and make Blackstone City more eco-friendly. Thank you for reading this. 


Nina Tran

Write an email to the mayor of Blackstone Town to suggest changing energy sources - Sample 5

Subject: Enhancing Sustainability in Blackstone Town

Dear Mayor,

I trust this email finds you well. I'm reaching out to suggest a shift towards renewable energy sources in Blackstone Town. With our region's abundant wind and solar resources, we have the potential to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and reliance on coal and oil. By investing in wind turbines and solar panels, we can harness these natural resources to power our community while promoting environmental sustainability and reducing long-term energy costs.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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