TOP 20 Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity SIÊU HAY

47 giới thiệu bộ tài liệu 1000 đoạn văn Tiếng anh các chủ đề thông dụng nhất được biên soạn bám sát chương trình học giúp bạn ôn luyện và bổ sung kiến thức môn Tiếng anh để đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời các bạn đón xem:

Top 1000 đoạn văn Tiếng Anh các chủ đề thông dụng nhất (phần 3)

Câu 11: Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity. Write 60 - 80 words.

Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity - Sample 1

Hi Richard,

How’s it going?

I’m going to practise archery with Linh next Sunday. Would you like to join us? We’re meeting at 2 p.m. at our school gate. After that, we will take a bus to come Target Archery, Long Bien district. The cost is about from 150.000 dong to 300.000 dong.

We will be trained by professional trainers and try different types of bows. It will be an interesting day.

Let me know if you can come by Tuesday. Can’t wait to see you.



Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity - Sample 2

Subject: Join me for an exciting activity!

Dear [Friend's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to invite you to join me for an exciting activity this weekend. I recently discovered a new hiking trail nearby, and I thought it would be a great opportunity for us to spend some quality time together while enjoying nature.

The trail offers breathtaking views and is suitable for all fitness levels. We can meet at [meeting point] on [date] at [time]. Please let me know if you're interested so that I can plan accordingly.

Looking forward to your positive response!

Best regards,

[Your Name] 

Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity - Sample 3

Hi Nina,

Are you busy next week?

I'm going skateboarding with my brother. Do you want to come?

We can meet at 7 a.m. It should be a lot of fun and really interesting.

Let me know by Friday if you want to come.

See you soon,


Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity - Sample 4

Hey Richard,

Are you free next Saturday?

My brother and I are going scuba diving at Nha Trang beach. Would you like to join us? We’re meeting at 9.30 a.m. and the boat leaves at 10 a.m. Both the boat and the dive cost 50 dollars.

The company will provide all the diving equipment and give a safety lesson before we go into the water. Don’t worry because it’s very safe.

Let me know if you can come by Wednesday.


Write an invitation email to ask a friend to join you for an activity - Sample 5

Hi Jamie, 

How’s everything? I’m planning to go to the Comic- Con Festival in San Diego, USA. It takes place from 19th to 22nd July.

There are going to be interesting workshops to attend, and a costume competition will also take place. We can buy souvenirs, visit an art show, and also meet famous comic authors and games. 

Hope you can make it,


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