TOP 20 Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes

37 giới thiệu bộ tài liệu 1000 đoạn văn Tiếng anh các chủ đề thông dụng nhất được biên soạn bám sát chương trình học giúp bạn ôn luyện và bổ sung kiến thức môn Tiếng anh để đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời các bạn đón xem:

Top 1000 đoạn văn Tiếng Anh các chủ đề thông dụng nhất (phần 3)

Câu 22: Imagine you went to an English-speaking country on vacation. Make a list of ways you used English on your vacation. Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes in Speaking b or your own ideas. Write 60 - 80 words.

Top 1000 đoạn văn Tiếng Anh các chủ đề thông dụng nhất (phần 3) (ảnh 1)

TOP 20 Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes - Sample 1

Hi [Friend's Name],

Greetings from my vacation in England! I'm having a blast practicing my English here. Yesterday, I explored London and used English to ask for directions and order food at a local pub. It felt a bit nerve-wracking at first, but now I'm getting more confident with each conversation. I even struck up a chat with some friendly locals, which has been a great way to improve my speaking skills. Can't wait to share more stories when I'm back!


[Your Name]

TOP 20 Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes - Sample 2

Hi [Friend's Name],

I hope this postcard finds you well! I'm currently in Ireland, immersing myself in the rich culture and practicing my English along the way. Yesterday, I explored Dublin and used English to interact with locals at charming pubs and bustling markets. Later, I joined a guided tour of the Cliffs of Moher, where I engaged in conversations with fellow travelers from around the world. It's been an incredible journey so far, filled with language learning and unforgettable experiences. Can't wait to catch up with you soon!

Best wishes,

[Your Name] 

TOP 20 Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes - Sample 3

Hey [Friend's Name],

Sending sunny greetings from Australia! I've been practicing my English a lot during this trip. At the beach, I chatted with surfers and learned some new slang words. Then, I used English to book tickets for a wildlife tour, where I saw kangaroos and koalas up close! It's been an amazing experience, and I'm feeling more confident in my English skills every day. Can't wait to catch up and share more about my adventures!


[Your Name]

TOP 20 Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes - Sample 4

Hi John,

I'm really enjoying myself in America. I'm practicing my English a lot and I think I'm getting better. Last week, I went to New York city. I took the bus there. At first, I was nervous speaking English, but now it's fun to use English to buy tickets and order food. I met some friendly people, and they helped me improve my speaking English. I'm coming back to Vietnam next week - I wish I could stay longer so I could practice my English more. See you soon.



TOP 20 Write a postcard to your friend using two or three ideas from your notes - Sample 5

Hi [Friend's Name],

I'm having a fantastic time in Canada! While exploring Toronto, I used English to order poutine at a local diner and to ask for recommendations from friendly locals. Yesterday, I visited Niagara Falls and practiced my English with fellow tourists. It's been such a rewarding experience, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to improve my language skills while enjoying this beautiful country. Can't wait to share more stories with you soon!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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