100 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5 (Global Success 2024) có đáp án: Global warming

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Tailieumoi.vn xin giới thiệu bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Unit 5: Global warming sách Global Success có đáp án, lời giải chi tiết, chọn lọc. Hi vọng với bộ tài liệu Tiếng Anh 11 có đáp án này sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện kiến thức để đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh 11 sắp tới.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Global warming


1. Phân từ

Phân từ (Participle) - hay còn gọi là phân động từ là từ do động từ tạo ra và có đặc điểm như một tính từ

Các loại phân từ:


Phân từ hiện tại hay còn gọi là hiện tại phân từ được tạo ra bằng cách thêm đuôi –ing vào phía sau động từ nguyên mẫu.

Ví dụ: write ⇒ writing

Cách dùng:

- Đi sau động từ “tobe” để tạo thành thì hiện tại tiếp diễn:

Ví dụ: She is listening to radio. (Cô ấy đang nghe đài).

- Sử dụng như một tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ:

Ví dụ: She told me an amusing story. (Cô ấy đã kể cho tôi nghe một câu chuyện vui)

- Thay thế, rút gọn mệnh đề:

   + Khi hai hành động có cùng chủ ngữ, xảy ra đồng thời hoặc hành động thứ 2 là một phần hoặc kết quả của hành động thứ nhất, ta có thể rút gọn như sau:

   Ví dụ: Before I left, I sent an email for her. ⇒ Before leaving, I sent an email for her.

   + Rút gọn mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:

   Ví dụ: Because I fail the exam, I don’t want to come back home.

⇒ Failing the exam, I don’t want to come back home.

   + Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ:

   Ví dụ: The boy who stands opposite us is a millionaire.

⇒ The boy standing opposite us is a millionaire.

- Sử dụng sau các động từ chỉ giác quan: smell, hear, taste, feel,…

Ví dụ: I feel uncomfortable seeing him. (Tôi cảm thấy khó chịu khi thấy anh ta)

- Sử dụng sau các động từ: catch (bắt gặp), find (thấy, bắt gặp), leave (để cho ai làm gì) với cấu trúc: Catch/find/leave + O + V.ing

Ví dụ: I find him dating with her. (Tôi bắt gặp anh ta đang hẹn hò với cô ấy)

- Sử dụng sau các động từ: go, spend, waste, be busy, come.

   + Go + Ving: nói đến các hoạt động

   Ví dụ: go shopping (đi mua sắm), go fishing (câu cá),…

   + Spend/waste + time/money + V.ing: dành/tiêu tốn thời gian/tiền bạc làm gì

   Ví dụ: I spent 10 dollars buying this shoes. (Tôi đã dành 10 đô la để mua đôi giày này).

   + Be busy + V.ing: bận rộn làm việc gì

   Ví dụ: Jane is busy clean her house. (Jane đang bận dọn nhà).

- Sử dụng sau các liên từ: when, if, although, while, once

Ví dụ: Once working at the office, you don’t have to go out during office hours.


Phân từ quá khứ hay còn gọi là quá khứ phân từ được tạo ra bằng cách thêm đuôi –ed vào cuối động từ nguyên mẫu.

Ví dụ: watch ⇒ watched

Cách dùng:

- Đứng sau “tobe” để thành dạng bị động:

Ví dụ: The book was bought last week. (Quyển sách đã được mua vào tuần trước).

- Đứng sau have/had để tạo thành thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc quá khứ hoàn thành:

Ví dụ: I have studied English for 10 years. (Tôi học tiếng Anh đã được 10 năm).

- Sử dụng như một tính từ để chỉ cảm xúc của một người đối với sự vật, sự việc.

Ví dụ: I was surprised about the party. (Tôi đã ngạc nhiên về buổi tiệc này).

- Sử dụng như một tính từ hoặc trạng từ có nghĩa tương đương như bị động.

Ví dụ: The police find the stolen car. (Cảnh sát đang tìm cái xe bị mất).

- Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở thể bị động.

Ví dụ: Half of the people who were invited to the party left. ⇒ Half of the people invited to the party left. (Một nửa khách được mời đã về)

- Sử dụng trong các câu cầu khiến bị động:

Ví dụ: She gets the house repaired. (Cô ấy sai người sửa lại nhà)


Phân từ hoàn thành được tạo ra bằng cách kết hợp “having” và quá khứ phân từ.

Phân từ hoàn thành có chức năng là nhấn mạnh hành động xảy ra trước trong 2 hành động.

Ví dụ: After she had bought a new book, she came back home.

⇒ Having bought a new book, she came back home. (Sau khi mua quyển sách mới, cô ấy trở về nhà).


Task 1. Choose the correct word

1. Are you interesting/interested in football?

2. The football match was very exciting/excited. I enjoyed it.

3. It's sometimes embarrassing/embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.

4. Do you easily get embarrassing/embarrassed?

5 I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/amazed when I was offered ot.

6. She has really learnt very fast. She has made astonishing/astonished progress.

7. I didn't find the situation funny. I was not amusing/amused.

8. It was a really terrifying/terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking/shocked.

9. Why do you always look so boring/bored? Is your life really so boring/bored?

10. He's one of the most boring/bored people I've ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything interesting/interested.

Task 2. Complete each sentence using a word from the box










1. He works very hard. It's not ___________ that he's always tired.

2. I've got nothing to do. I'm ___________

3. The teacher's explanation was ___________. Most of the students didn't understand it.

4. The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really ___________.

5. I seldom visit are galleries. I'm not particularly ___________ in art.

6. There's no need to get ___________ just because I'm a few minutes late.

7. The lecture was ___________ I fell asleep.

8. I've been working very hard all day and now I'm ___________.

9. I'm starting a new job next week. I'm very ___________ about it.

10. Steve is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very ___________


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. famine                B. absorb                     C. admit                      D. global

2. A. capture               B. transport                 C. atmosphere             D. carbon

3. A. admit                  B. emit                        C. climate                    D. injure

4. A. infectious           B. emission                 C. measure                  D. shortage

5. A. reduces               B. diseases                  C. changes                   D. captures

6. A. genius                 B. gorilla                     C. global                      D. gases

7. A. pollution             B. poaching                 C. physical                  D. pesticide

8. A. increas             B. release                     C. please                      D. grease

9. A. campaign            B. horn                        C. rhin                      D. extinct

10. A. nesting              B. shellfish                  C. reserve                    D. elephant

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. threaten              B. conjure                   C. impact                     D. absorb

2. A. balance               B. capture                    C. release                    D. harvest

3. A. infectious           B. numerous                C. supportive               D. polluted

4. A. atmospheric        B. renewable              C. residential              D. catastrophic

5. A. disruption           B. pollutant                C. emission                 D. atmosphere

6. A. campaign            B. balance                   C. methane                  D. carbon

7. A. natural                B. endangered             C. dangerous               D. primary

8. A. rainforest            B. obstacle                  C. pollutant                 D. animal

9. A. pollution             B. survival                   C. extinction               D. habitat

10. A. conservation     B. environment           C. diversity                 D. ecology

Indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. Mr Brown claimed that he shot a group of men because they were poaching on his land.

A. conserveing            B. protecting               C. capturing                D. hunting

2. The wonderful diversity of our region's wildlife is now coming under threat

A. variety                    B. direction                 C. sacrifice                  D. friendliness

3. The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

A. protest                    B. protection               C. production              D. induction 

4. Older people are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures even inside their homes

A. well-protected        B. immune                  C. susceptible              D. shielded

5. Some people predict the extinction of family life as we know it today.

A. reservation            B. protection              C. threat                    D. disappearance

6. Monarch butterflies are now an endangered species idue to declining numbers.

A. resistant                  B. dangerous              C. threatened               D. preserved

7. Many investment management companies have evolved from small entrepreneurial organizations.

A. resolved                  B. involved                 C. revolted                  D. developed

8. Secondly, the wildlife has to compete with the surrounding agriculture for the habitat.

A. place of cooking    B. place of traveling  

C. place of living      D. place of working

9. It's very rare to find someone who combines such qualities.

A. in small numbers    B. real                        

C. authetic                   D. fake

10. He looks after the land as a private reserve for wildlife habitat, running marsupials and their predators instead of cows.

A. money reserve        B. booking reservation           

C. a protected area      D. an emergency fund 

11. This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.

A. dirt         B. contamination         C. protection              D. damage

12I don't know how it's possible for a person to disappear without trace.

A. vanish                     B. damage                   C. pollute                    D. destroye

13. Does television adequately reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the country?

A. destruction             B. contamination         C. fertilizer                  D. variety

14. Most of the old part of the city was destroyed by bombs during the war.

A. changed                  B. increased                C. installed                   D. damaged

15. New particles are formed in the polluted air of major cities.

A. contaminated           B. disappeared            C. purified                   D. endangered

16. An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane.

A. dealt with               B. hidden                    C. taken place             D. checked in

17. When resources become depleted the base camp is moved to a new location, enabling the group to exploit a new foraging territory.

A. enlarged                 B. exhausted               C. increased                D. expanded

18. Our communication environment has changed drastically in the last 10 years.

A. extremely               B. slightly                    C. moderately             D. completely

19. In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.

A. come up                  B. take in                     C. drop by                   D. take up

20. They pulled down the warehouse to build a new supermarket.

A. renovated              B. purchased                

C. maintained               D. demolished

 Indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.

A. remain alive           B. persist                    

C. get through              D. lose their lives

2. Certain chemicals have been banned because they are damaging the environment.

A. prohibited               B. destructed               C. devastated              D. hunted

3. There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the Inland Revenue.

A. alarming                 B. grave                       C. dreadful                  D. mild 

4. There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.

A. plentiful                  B. lavish                      C. bountiful                 D. scarce 

5. All visitors are kept out of the conservation area.

A. prevented from entering                             B. prevented from destroying 

C. allowed to enter                                          D. allowed to take photos

6. It is predicted that the natural resources will run out by the end of the century.

A. come in                  B. run short                 C. run away                 D. remain intact

7. It is urgent that these governments work out a solution to the problem that they are all facing.

A. keep secret             B. find                         C. share                       D. arrive at

8. In order to protect endangered species, it is important that all people join in.

A. participate              B. leave                       C. take part                  D. enjoy

9. Many people decided to give up eating meat and become vegetarians.

A. cut up                     B. put up                     C. continue                  D. use up

10. Let's clear up this rubbish and put it in the bin.

A. mess up                  B. clear away              C. tidy                         D. clean off 

11. These audio-visual methods have the added advantage of being independent of the availability of the system.

A. benefit                    B. drawback                C. characteristic          D. danger

12. Releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere can lead to global warming.

A. eventuate in             B. result from            C. take off                   D. take in

13. The delays in the schedule proved very costly.

A. cheap                       B. inexpensive            

C. infinite                   D. Both A and B are correct

14. We should grow more trees so that they can absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

A. emit                        B. affect                      C. consume                 D. improve

15. The factory was fined for having dumped a huge amount of rubbish in to the river.

A. penalized                 B. levied                    C. compensated            D. punished

16. The cancer treatment has some unfortunate side effects.

A. deadly                    B. disastrous               C. lucky                       D. bad

17. These virus infections display obvious visual symptoms.

A. clear                        B. visible                     C. ambiguous              D. apparent

18. The typhoon devastated a large section of the east coast.

A. built                        B. demolish                 C. destroy                   D. wreck

19. Climate change will severely affect many countries in coming decades.

 A. heavily                    B. dangerously            C. badly                      D. mildly

20 They have made maximum use of the natural resources available.

A. high                        B. minimum                C. average                   D. top

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 

1. _______ is a branch of Natural Science, and is the study of living organisms and how they interact with their environment 

A. Biology                  B. Biological              

C. Biologist                 D. Biologically

2. A/ an ________ species is a population of an organism which is at risk of becoming extinct. 

A. dangerous               B. endanger                

C. endangered             D. endangerment

3. Besides, several programmes should be ______ that spreads the world of the conservation of the elephants in the public.

A. told                         B. used                       

C. operated                  D. introduced 

4. Cheetah's tail is _______ during fast running, because it balances the animal and allows fast and sudden turns which happen often when the prey tries to escape. 

A. essential                 B. basic                      

C. adequate                 D. sufficient

5. People should be told about the things that threaten the safety of ______ so that they can avoid doing them.

A. the wild                  B. wildness                

C. wild life                  D. wildlife 

6. We need to preserve the ________ of wildlife because each species has an important role to play.

A. diversity                 B. atmosphere            

C. population              D. nuclear 

7. The energy __________ by the windmill drives all the drainage pumps.

A. that is producing          B. which produces           

C. producing                   D. produced

8. Coal burning ________ a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

A. decreases                 B. reduces                  

C. relaxes                    D. releases

9. Methane is a far more active ________ than carbon dioxide, but also one which is much less abundant in the atmosphere.

A. greenhouse damage            B. danger area            

C. greenhouse gas       D. greenhouse effect

10. The local authorities were blamed ______ignored the pollution issues in the area

A. About having             B. on having             

C. for having              D. before having

11.  Toxic waste is an example of a ___________.

A. pollutant                         B. polluted                     

C. pollution                             D. unpolluted

12. The saola is also indirectly threatened by insufficient ____ to and investment in its conservation.

A. interest                   B. attention                

C. care                         D. treatment 

13. Loss of habitat and increased commercial hunt ________ the number of chimpanzees from 2 million to 300,000 individuals. 

A. reduced                  B. lessened                 

C. weakened               D. limited

14. The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife _______.

A. prosperous              B. prefect                   

C. vulnerable               D. remained

15. It’s important for the developed countries to reduce energy __________ as much as possible.

A. exhaustion                    B. destruction                  

C. consumption              D. waste

16. _______ is the protection of environment and natural resources.

A. Survival                  B. Commerce             

C. Conservation          D. Extinction

17. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain legal _______.

A. protect                    B. protection               C. protective               D. protector

18. Probability of extinction depends _______ both the population size and fine details of the population demography. 

A. on                           B. in                            C. from                        D. for 

19. Many modern medicines are derived _________ plants and animals. 

A. on                           B. for                           C. from                        D. in 

20. Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the ________ of extinction.

A. wall                        B. fence                       C. verge                       D. bridge 

21. Saving _________ species from becoming extinct is crucial for our health and the future of our children.

A. dangerous               B. endanger

C. endangering            D. endangered

22. Our sources of energy will soon be __________ if we don't save them. 

A. exhaust                         B. exhausted

 C. exhaustedly                   D. exhaustion

23. They started a campaign to ___________ smoking among teenagers.

A. encourage                     B. decrease                       

C. discourage                        D. prohibit

24. People are destroying the environment by adding ___________to it.

A. pollutes                         B. pollutions                     

C. polluting                           D. pollutants

25. It is high time we had to ________ some measures to protect endangered animals. 

A. take                         B. bring                       C. hold                        D. use 

26. Many ________ groups now support putting a value on ecosystems.

A. conserve                 B. conservative          

C. conservation                       D. conservatism

27.15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered ______ risk ______ extinction. 

A. at / of                      B. on / in                    

C. for / with                 D. in / at

28. Internationally, 189 countries have signed ________ accord agreeing to create Biodiversity Action Plans to protect endangered and other threatened species. 

A. а                             B. an                           

C. the                           D. Ø

29. The giant panda's natural ________ is the bamboo forest. Giant pandas like to eat bamboo leaves.

A. habitat              B. conservation             C. evolution          D. biodiversity

30. Clearing forests for timber has led ________ the loss of biodiversity

A. with                        B. at                             C. to                            D. for 

31. Many species are now ________ danger of being extinct as a result of deforestation and habitat loss.

A. in                            B. on                           C. at                             D. with

32. The rainforests around the world are ________ threat of deforestation.

A. in                            B. by                           C. under                      D. on

33. To solve the problems of pollution, it is important to identify the ________ of it.

A. reasons                   B. purpose                   C. causes                     D. facts

("cause(s)” mang nghĩa “nguyên nhân, tác nhân”)

34. The rivers in the local area are heavily polluted _______ wastes released from nearby factories.

A. from                       B. with                        C. of                            D. in

35. Animal _______ are being destroyed by human activities.

A. places                     B. habitats                  

C. shelter                     D. accommodation

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


We are probably all guilty at some point in our lives of not caring for the environment as much as we should. Perhaps we drop litter without thinking, or cause (1) ________ by using our cars when it’s not necessary. However, the real environmental (2)_________ are those big businesses which ignore the law. For many years now, (3) __________have attempted to protect the environment by making businesses responsible for making sure that the chemical they use don’t add to the (4) __________of the environment. The problem for businesses is that the (5) __________of  the environment costs money, and businesses will always try to  lower their costs if they can

1. A. damage

B. pollution

C. accidents

D. trouble

2. A. agents

B. crimes

C. criminals

D. doers

3. A. politicians

B. politics

C. parties

D. residents

4. A. induction

B. construction

C. instruction

D. destruction

5. A. production

B. protection

C. destruction

D. deforestation

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

When the word "endangered" is mentioned, people usually think of particular species, like the panda or whooping crane. However, we would like to encourage you to think about (1) ____ in a broader context. It is habitats, the physical places (2) ____ species live and interact with one another. Although the development of special breeding programs, also known as captive conservation, may help some species in some cases, it is clearly not (3) ____ answer to the global problem. Indeed, (4) ____ we are able to protect natural areas where endangered species actually live, they have no future.

Species become endangered for a wide (5) ____ of reasons. By analyzing and grouping many individual cases, however, we find the same broad causes appearing again and again. They are Habitat Destruction, Exotic. Species, and Overexploitation. Among other factors threatening particular species are limited: distribution, disease, and pollution.

1. A. development       B. endangerment         C. pollution                 D. contamination

2. A. that                     B. whose                     C. where                      D. which 

3. A. a                         B. an                            C. the                           D. Ø 

4. A. so                        B. but                          C. if                             D. unless 

5. A. variety                B. commerce               C. extinction               D. destruction




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Xem thêm Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 sách Global success hay, chi tiết khác:

Bài tập Unit 6: Preserving our heritage

Bài tập Unit 7: Education options for school-leavers

Bài tập Unit 8: Becoming independent

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Sách cũ

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group.

1. A. turn

B. burn

C. curtain

D. bury

2. A. massage

B. carriage

C. voyage

D. dosage

3. A. chemist

B. champagne

C. chaos

D. chiropodist

4. A. chair

B. cheap

C. chorus

D. child

5. A. though

B. comb

C. only

D. gone

6. A. afterwards

B. advise

C. agree

D. allow

7. A. bear

B. beard

C. pear

D. tear (v)

8. A. find

B. bite

C. since

D. drive

9. A. breath

B. breathe

C. thank

D. threat

10. A. took

B. book

C. shoe

D. would

Đáp án:











II. Pick out the words whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.

1. A. event

B. prefer

C. accent

D. refer

2. A. pagoda

B. animal

C. elephant

D. architect

3. A. suggest

B. report

C. career

D. profit

4. A. equipment

B. cultural

C. primary

D. organize

5. A. cancer

B. rubbish

C. species

D. begin

Đáp án:






III. Read the following sentences and choose the correct intonation.

1. How many members does ASEAN have?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

2. Do you know its aims and purposes?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

3. How do ASEAN members help each other?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

4. Do you remember its main principles?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

5. Mai applied for the Singapore Scholarship.

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

6. Is the culture of Vietnam one of the oldest in the region?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

7. Dragons and turtles are important symbols in Vietnamese culture.

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

8. There are 54 ethnic groups living in Vietnam.

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

9. How often is the ASEAN Para Games held?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

10. Is English the official language in Singapore?

A. Rising intonation

B. Falling intonation

Đáp án:












I. Match each country with its capital city.

1. Brunei Darussalam

A. Kuala Lumpur

2. Cambodia

B. Vientiane

3. Indonesia

C. Phnom Penh

4. Laos

D. Bandar Seri Begawan

5. Malaysia

E. Jakarta

 Đáp án:






II. Match each country with its flat.

1. Myanmar


A. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

2. Philippines


B. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

3. Singapore


C. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

4. Thailand


D. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

5. Malaysia


E. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

 Đáp án:






III. Match the word with its definition.

1. Association

A. an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that something has

2. Benefit

B. an official group of people who have joined together for a particular purpose

3. Charter

C. a written statement of the principles and aims of an organization

4. Dominate

D. serious and very important; affecting the most central and important parts of something

5. Fundamental

E. to control or have a lot of influence over somebody/ something

6. Interference

F. the act of getting involved in and trying to influence a situation that does not concern you

Đáp án:







 IV. Put the stative verbs into the right column.

own    consist    hope    taste    feel    sound    have

hate   think       agree   love     see     include  know

hear   belong     wish    guess   smell  believe












Đáp án:





Hear, see, smell, sound, taste

Agree, believe, think, guess, know

Hope, wish, feel, love, hate

Belong, consist, include, have, own

V. Complete the sentences using the given words.

cooperation            economy

maintain                 principle

bend                       bloc

1. After his fall he complained that he couldn't __________ his back properly.

2. As I know the European Union is a powerful trading _____.

3. The agreement would give new solidity to military _________________ between the two countries.

4. ASEAN would rank as the eighth largest ________ in the world if it were a single country.

5. They find it difficult to ____________ such high interest rates.

6. The general __________ is that education should be available to all children up to the age of 16.

Đáp án:

1. bend

2. bloc

3. cooperation

4. economy

5. maintain

6. principle

VI. Match the two halves of a sentence to have a correct one.

1. My parents never stop quizzing me

A. for closer cooperation among the member states.

2. I've read that ASEAN focuses on improving member states' economies

B. about where I go at night.


3. As the constitution of ASEAN, the charter sets out the rules

C. and maintaining regional peace and stability.


4. ASEAN started a programme of economic


D. and will have a chance to study at universities in Singapore.

5. I hope that Vietnamese athletes will dominate

E. cooperation in the late 1970s.

6. Several talented students have been awarded the Singapore Scholarship

F. the next ASEAN Schools Games.


Đáp án:







VII. Match the word and its definition.

1. Brochure

A. the system of laws and basic principles that a state, a country or an organization is governed by

2. Conference

B. a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about something or advertising something

3. Constitution

C. a large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the same work or interests come together to discuss their views

4. Identity

D. a short sentence or phrase that expresses the aims and beliefs of a person, a group, an institution, etc. and is used as a rule of behavior

5. Motto

E. the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish people from others

6. Progress

F. the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or completing something

Đáp án:







VIII. Complete the sentences using the given words.

graceful       official                            elongated              

dispute         in accordance with         external

1. Both domestic and _________________ factors are believed to have played a role in this improved performance.

2. She looks so ____________ and fashionable in this picture.

3. Children usually have to act __________________ their parents' wishes.

4. Germany's Angela Merkel will hold an _______________ meeting of European prime ministers on 27 August.

5. The employees have been in _____________ with the managers for two weeks.

6. Shaped like an ___________ “S”, Vietnam stretches the length of the Indochinese Peninsula and extends across two climatic zones.

Đáp án:

1. external

2. graceful

3. in accordance with

4. official

5. dispute

6. elongated

IX. Match two halves of a sentence to have a correct one.

1. The motto of Vietnam is

A. Malaysia is famous worldwide for its natural beauty.

2. The ASEAN countries wish to promote

B. “Independence - Freedom – Happiness”.

3. Ranked the 10th most-visited country in the world,

C. economic growth, social progress and cultural development.

4. ASEAN stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

D. their brochure about ASEAN member states.


5. Do you know when Vietnam became

E. and it was formed on August 8th 1967.

6. He is seeing his classmates in an hour to discuss

F. an official member of ASEAN?

Đáp án:







X. Match the sentences with the corresponding pictures.

1. She always dreams of becoming a famous model.


A. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

2. I can't avoid catching a cold in winter.


B. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

3. He loves reading more than anything else.


C. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

4. Taking photos is one of her leisure activities.


D. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

5. My daughter practises painting every day.


E.Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

6. She imagines flying in the sky.


F. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

7. Tom has just finished cooking his own breakfast.


G.Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

8. He regrets making me sad.


H. Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 5: Being a part of asean có lời giải (ảnh 1)

Đáp án:









XI. Complete the sentences using the given words.

doing           reviewing

laughing      lending

setting         visiting

eating          packing

1. I can't help ____________ when I watch videos of Mr. Bean.

2. Linda dreams of _________________________ up her own business.

3. He is interested in _________________ noodles cooked by his grandma.

4. Nam suggests _____________ a quiz on ASEAN countries.

5. He insisted on ______________ his luggage on his own.

6. Do you mind ________________ me some money?

7. They carry on __________ the lessons carefully before the end-of-term exam.

8. It's worth _______________ this museum.

Đáp án:

1. laughing

2. setting

3. eating

4. doing

5. packing

6. lending

7. reviewing

8. visiting

XII. Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.

1. Visiting/Visitting centers for orphans or disabled people is something that I usually do at the weekends.

2. The main aim of this cultural exchange program is promoting/promoteing a lasting friendship between the two nations.

3. Buying a new home often cause/causes people great anxiety.

4. Most of the time, swiming/swimming at the beach is safe.

5. Paul really enjoyed/forgived being the editor of the yearbook at his high school.

6. Jim's job involves take/taking complaints from dissatisfied customers.

7. Peter was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid playing/studying whenever he could.

8. Laura keeps apologising for not being/being able to hand in her reports on time.

Đáp án:

1. visiting

2. promoting

3. cause

4. swimming

5. enjoyed

6. taking

7. studying

8. not being

XIII. Fill in each gap with the correct form of one of the given words.

wait              smile

waste           finish

be                 win

break           prohibit

1. _________ laughs from audiences is a priceless gift to actors and actresses.

2. She concentrates on ____________ the easy parts of the exam paper first.

3. Reading English books and watching American television shows _________ good ways to improve your English vocabulary.

4. There's no point in _________ too much money creating a flashy look.

5. I can't bear _________________ in a long queue to buy discounted items.

6. They succeed in _________________ the world records in weightlifting.

7. Marie always enjoys __________ at the camera and making her friends happy.

8. _____________ the use of cell phones during the lessons is a new rule proposed by the principal.

Đáp án:

1. winning

2. finishing

3. are

4. wasting

5. waiting

6. breaking

7. smiling

8. prohibiting

XIV. Complete the sentences using the given words.

owns            hope

realize         thinks

smells          want

weigh          see

1. Jim's cousin ____________ several luxurious restaurants and five-star hotels.

2. I don't ____________ how much my best friend has changed recently.

3. The final exam is coming. I _____________ you pass it with flying colours.

4. I __________________ what you mean. You don't need to explain more.

5. A: I'm so hungry.

B: Do you _________________ a sandwich?

6. Mary insists on loving Peter because she ________ he is a good guy.

7. Don't eat that cake. It ______________________ awful.

8. Mark, you ______________________ 80 kilos. You should eat less chocolate.

Đáp án:

1. owns

2. realize

3. hope

4. see

5. want

6. thinks

7. smells

8. weigh

XV. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.

1. I ____ a multilingual dictionary. Use it if you need to look up a new word in any languages.

A. have

B. is having

C. owe

2. The students at the back of the room ____ you. Can you speak louder?

A. hear

B. can't hear

C. are not hearing

3. Is Alan over there? He ____ old and tired. Is he sick?

A. looks

B. looked

C. is looking

4. She ____ the soup in the kitchen when the telephone rang.

A. tasted

B. is tasting

C. was tasting

5. She ____ him for quite a long time. They are good friends.

A. knows

B. has known

C. has been knowing

6. I ____ a little boy in the room. He is sleeping on the sofa.

A. see

B. is seeing

C. saw

7. I bet that your bag ____ a ton. There are too many books in it.

A. weighs

B. weight

C. weighed

8. A: Hello. Please put me through to the manager.

B: Could you call a little later? He ____ a meeting now.

A. has

B. is having

C. has had

Đáp án:









XVI. Decide whether the underlined parts in the following sentences are Correct or Incorrect.

1. Peter, I believe you can do better if you join our team. Please spend more time thinking about our offer.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

2. The chef always tastes every dish before he serves it to make sure that it tastes delicious.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

3. We intend to have a picnic this weekend, but it is depending on what the weather's like at the weekend.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

4. This ancient clock has been belonging to that museum since 2000, and now it's still on display there.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

5. I am seeing my teacher this Friday, so I can't go out with you that day.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

6. I was being hopeful at the beginning of the season, but now I don't think that Liverpool will be the champion.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

7. I don't want to have a fight about that matter. Just forget it! It isn't mattering.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

8. Tim deserves a raise because he is such a dedicated employee who is willing to work overtime to finish projects.

A. Correct                        B. Incorrect

Đáp án:

1. A








XVII. Fill in each gap with the correct form of the given word(s).

1. The thief looked into his rear-view mirror and (realise) __________ that he was being followed by a police car.

2. Mark (taste) ____________ the wine when suddenly the fire alarm went off. He spilled wine all over his shirt.

3. Although Tom is ill, he (know) __________ what's happening around him.

4. Why don't you braid your hair? You (look) ___________ better if you do so.

5. I'm telling you the truth. Why (you/ not/believe) ___________ me?

6. Can we go somewhere else? I (hate) ____________ this place. It's so boring.

7. My son (seem) _______ nervous when I asked him who had broken the window.

8. Bob (want) _________ a car for a long time, but he hasn't had enough money to afford one.

9. They are really rich, but they always seem unhappy. I (doubt) ____________ that money can't bring them happiness.

10. In 2010, the team (consist) __________ of ten founding members, but now it expands to include more than thirty members.

Đáp án:

1. realized

6. hate

2. was tasting

7. seemed

3. knows

8. has wanted

4. look

9. doubt

5. don’t you believe

10. consisted


I. Read the extract from a short brochure introducing Indonesia. Match the subheadings (A-E) with the paragraphs (1-5)

A. Economy

B. Sports

C. Area and population

D. Culture

E. Tourist attractions

__________ (1) Indonesia has about 17,508 islands. It covers a land area of 1,904,569km? With a population of over 237 million people, Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country. The capital city is Jakarta and the official language is Indonesian.

__________ (2) Indonesia's economy is the largest in Southeast Asia. Tourism plays a big role in the economy. In 2013 tourist sector contributed about US$9 billion. Indonesia. Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, China, Japan are the top five sources of visitors to Indonesia.

__________ (3) Indonesia's sports are mainly male-oriented. The most popular sports are badminton and football. Traditional sports include Sepak Takraw, and Pencak Silat.

__________ (4) Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups. Its culture is influenced by Chinese, European, Indian and Malay cultures. The influences of Western cultures are seen in science, technology, and modern entertainment.

__________ (5) Indonesia is famous for its islands and beautiful views. The most popular destinations in Indonesia are beaches of Bali, Lombok, wonderful islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan. Museums, monuments and gardens in the capital are also famous tourist attractions.

Đáp án:






II. Read and do the tasks below.



The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly referred to as ASEAN, is a geopolitical and economic organization of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. It was established in Bangkok, Thailand by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Since then, membership has expanded to include Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia.


ASEAN has a population of about 600 million which makes up about 9% of the world's population. It has an area of 4.46 million square kilometers, accounting for 3% of the total land area of the earth, and its territorial waters cover an area about three times larger than its land mass does.


The region's principal aims include the acceleration of economic growth, social progress, and cultural development among its members, as well as the promotion of regional peace. With these targets, 'One Vision, One Identity, One Community is chosen as the bloc's motto.


In terms of economy, if ASEAN were a single country, it would already be the eighth largest economy in the world, with a combined GDP of $2.4 trillion in 2013. The Governments of ASEAN countries have paid special attention to trade. With regard to external trade, ASEAN as a whole represents the EU's third largest trading partner outside Europe (after the US and China) with more than €246 billion of trade in goods and services in 2014. It has been estimated that a free trade area will be established in the ASEAN region by 2020. The ASEAN leaders have also adopted the ASEAN Vision 2020, which aims at forging closer economic integration within the region. The Hanoi Plan of Action, adopted in 1998, serves as the first in a series of planned actions leading up to the realization of the ASEAN Vision.


In addition, ASEAN is a region of diverse cultures. Therefore, ASEAN cooperation not only covers economic growth but also in a variety of areas, including education, culture and sports activities. Student exchange programs within the regional countries are encouraged. Regional sport competitions, such as the Southeast Asian Games, the ASEAN Para Games, the ASEAN Schools Games and the ASEAN Football Championship are held with the aim of strengthening friendship among ASEAN members.

Task 1. Write A, B, C, D or E next to the statement which contains the information from the paragraph.

1. ASEAN's sea area is about three times larger than its land area. _____________

2. In addition to economy, ASEAN countries cooperate in a variety of aspects. _____________

3. ASEAN organization consists of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. _____________

4. Maintaining regional peace is one of the bloc's principal aims. _____________

5. A free trade area is estimated to be formed within ASEAN by 2020. _____________

Đáp án:

1. ASEAN's sea area is about three times larger than its land area. ____B_____

2. In addition to economy, ASEAN countries cooperate in a variety of aspects. ____E____

3. ASEAN organization consists of 10 countries in Southeast Asia. ____A______

4. Maintaining regional peace is one of the bloc's principal aims. ____C____

5. A free trade area is estimated to be formed within ASEAN by 2020. ___D_____

Task 2. Decide whether the following statements are True, False or Not Given.




Not given

6. ASEAN was founded in Bangkok, Thailand by Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.




7. ASEAN covers an area of over four million square kilometers.




8. The bloc's motto is: 'One Vision, One Diversity, One Community.




9. ASEAN is the EU's third largest trading partner outside Europe.




10. ASEAN Schools Games is a sporting event held every year by an ASEAN state member.




Đáp án:




Not given

6. ASEAN was founded in Bangkok, Thailand by Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.



7. ASEAN covers an area of over four million square kilometers.



8. The bloc's motto is: 'One Vision, One Diversity, One Community.



9. ASEAN is the EU's third largest trading partner outside Europe.



10. ASEAN Schools Games is a sporting event held every year by an ASEAN state member.



III. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

Passage 1

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an organization of ten Southeast Asian countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, (1) ____ Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. It promotes political, economic, cultural and social cooperation (2) ____ its members. Although ASEAN works for peace and stability in Southeast Asia, it is not a defence organization.

The members of ASEAN cooperate in such fields (3) ____ population control, prevention of drug abuse, (4) ____ research and combating terrorism. Teachers, students and artists of the member nations exchange visits. In addition, the organization develops plans to promote tourism in ASEAN countries and to encourage programs of Southeast Asian studies. It works to (5) ____ trade barriers among the members.

1. A. the

B. a

C. an

D. Ø

2. A. between

B. through

C. among

D. from

3. A. like

B. as

C. alike

D. that

4. A. scientific

B. science

C. scientist

D. scientifically

5. A. increase

B. prevent

C. develop

D. reduce

Đáp án:






Passage 2.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was (6) ____ on August 8 1967 in Bangkok by the five original member countries, (7) ____, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. Brunei Darussalam (8) ____ on January 8, 1984, Vietnam on July 28, 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on July 23, 1997, and Cambodia on April 30, 1999.

As of 2006, the ASEAN region has a population of about 560 million, a total area of 4.5 million square kilometers, a combined gross (9) ____ product of almost US1,100billion,andatotaltradeofaboutUS 1,400 billion.

The ASEAN Declaration states that the aims and purposes of the Association are to (10) ____ economic growth, social progress and cultural development in the region and to promote regional peace.

6. A. established

B. constructed

C. rebuilt

D. decorated

7. A. such

B. like

C. namely

D. as

8. A. took up

B. joined

C. represented

D. involved

9. A. home

B. exotic

C. domestic

D. household

10. A. fetch

B. endeavor

C. poach

D. accelerate

Đáp án:






IV. Read the following information about Thailand. Choose the appropriate words or phrases given to fill the gap.

agri-food production

beautiful islands

famous festivals

Thai boxing


1. Land area: 513,120km; _______________________ :67,149,778 (2014 estimated), most speak Thai; capital: Bangkok

2. based on ________________________; major exports: Thai rice, textile and footwear, fishery products and electronic products

3. Ko Tarutao and Ko Chang as ______________________, with sandy beaches and clean water; Ayuthaya as an old and beautiful city, with temples and palaces made of stone

4. shaped by many influences from Indian, Lao, Cambodian and Chinese cultures; ___________________: Thai New Year ( water fights) and Loy Kratong, a festival of lights and lanterns

5. very popular ___________________________; others: rugby, golf, football, etc.

Đáp án:

1. population

2. agri-food production

3. beautiful islands

4. famous festivals

5. Thai boxing


V. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

The Asian Games, officially known as Asiad, is a multi-sport event held every four years among athletes from all over Asia. The Games were regulated by the Asian Games Federation (AGF) from the first Games in New Delhi, India, until the 1982 Games. Since the 1982 they have been organized by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), after the break-up of the Asian Games Federation. The Games are recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and are described as the second largest multi-sport event after the Olympic Games.


All 45 members affiliated to the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) are eligible to take part in the Games. In history, 46 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) have sent competitors to the Games. Israel has been excluded from the Games since 1976, the reason cited as being due to security reasons. Israel requested to participate in the 1982 Games, but the request was rejected by the organisers due to incident in 1972 Summer Olympics. Israel is now a member of the European Olympic Committees (EOC).

Due to its continuing ambiguous political status, Taiwan has participated in the Games under the flag of Chinese Taipei since 1990. Macau is allowed to compete as one of the NOCs in Asian Games, despite not being recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for participation in the Olympic Games. In 2007, the President of OCA, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, rejected the proposal to allow Australia to participate in the Games. He stated that while Australia would add good value to the Asian Games, it would be unfair to the other NOCs in Oceania.

Only seven countries, namely India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Thailand have competed in all editions of the games.

Medal count

Of the 46 National Olympic Committees participating throughout the history of the Games, 43 nations have won at least a single medal in the competition, leaving three nations: Bhutan, Maldives and Timor-Leste yet to win a single medal. 34 nations have won at least a single gold medal, while Japan and China became the only two nations in history to emerge as overall champions.

Future changes

The number of competition events is scheduled to shrink down to just 35 sports at the 2014 Games to be held in Incheon, South Korea. 2014 will also see the last Games hosted in even-numbered years, as the Olympic Council of Asia pushed the subsequent Games to just one year ahead of the Olympic Games. This means the 18th Asian Games which were originally planned for 2018 will be pushed to 2019.

1. How many nations have completed in the Asian Games?


2. Why was Irasel excluded from the Games?


3. How many countries have participated in all editions of the Games?


4. What year will be the last time to see the Asian Games be hosted in even numbered years?


Đáp án:

1. How many nations have completed in the Asian Games?

=> 46 nations

2. Why was Irasel excluded from the Games?

=> Because of security reasons. (Due to security reasons.)

3. How many countries have participated in all editions of the Games?

=> 7 countries

4. What year will be the last time to see the Asian Games be hosted in even numbered years?

=> 2014


I. Reorder the words to make complete sentences.

1. doesn't/ Trying/ to/ make/ people/ laugh/ sometimes/ work.


2. like/ Saturdays./ on/ doesn't/ getting/ Joe/ early/ up


3. much/ big/ was/ Giving/ our/ candy/ mistake./ babies/ so


4. my/ seeing/ joys/ in/ greatest/ day/ after/ work./ at/ hard/ is/ life/ love/ a/ of/ One


5. music/ is/ to/ a/ great/ pop/ to/ my/ way/ spirits./ Listening/ lift


6. recommends/ to/ hotels/ Linda/ reserving/ before/ travelling/ places./ new


7. losing/ short-term/ on/ money/ Her/ his/ risks/ father/ investment.


8. but/ helping/ me/ truth./ should/ don't/ tell/ I/ mind/ the/ she/ her


Đáp án:

1. doesn't/ Trying/ to/ make/ people/ laugh/ sometimes/ work.

Trying to make people laugh sometimes doesn’t work.

2. like/ Saturdays./ on/ doesn't/ getting/ Joe/ early/ up

Joe doesn’t like getting up early on Saturdays.

3. much/ big/ was/ Giving/ our/ candy/ mistake./ babies/ so

Giving babies so much candy was our big mistake.

4. my/ seeing/ joys/ in/ greatest/ day/ after/ work./ at/ hard/ is/ life/ love/ a/ of/ One

One of my greatest joys in life is seeing my love after a hard day at work.

5. music/ is/ to/ a/ great/ pop/ to/ my/ way/ spirits./ Listening/ lift

Listening to pop music is a great way to lift my spirits.

6. recommends/ to/ hotels/ Linda/ reserving/ before/ travelling/ places./ new

Linda recommends reserving hotels before travelling to new places.

7. losing/ short-term/ on/ money/ Her/ his/ risks/ father/ investment.

Her father risks losing his money on short-term investment.

8. but/ helping/ me/ truth./ should/ don't/ tell/ I/ mind/ the/ she/ her

I don’t mind helping her but she should tell me the truth.

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Bài tập Unit 5: Global warming

Bài tập Unit 6: Preserving our heritage

Bài tập Unit 7: Education options for school-leavers

Bài tập Unit 8: Becoming independent

Bài tập Unit 9: Social issues

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