50 Bài tập so sánh bằng lớp 7 có đáp án chi tiết

Tailieumoi.vn sưu tầm và biên soạn bài tập so sánh bằng lớp 7 có đáp án, gồm 50 bài tập từ cơ bản đến nâng cao mong muốn giúp các em ôn luyện kiến thức đã được học về so sánh bằng hiệu quả. Mời các bạn đón xem:

 50 Bài tập so sánh bằng lớp 7

I. Lý thuyết so sánh bằng

1. Dạng khẳng định

- Công thức với tính từ và trạng từ: S + V + as + adj/adv + as + noun/pronoun/ clause

E.g.: My football team is still as good as it was five years ago. (Đội bóng của tôi vẫn tốt như cách đây 5 năm.)

- Công thức với động từ: S + V + as + many/much/little/few + as + noun/pronoun

E.g.: He also works as much as his girlfriend. (Anh ấy cũng làm việc nhiều như bạn gái của mình.)

- Công thức với danh từ: S + V + as + many/much/little/few + noun + as + noun/pronoun

E.g.: No team scores as many points as that team. (Không đội nào ghi được nhiều điểm như đội đó.)

2. Dạng phủ định

- Công thức với tính từ và trạng từ: S + V + not as/so + adj/adv + as + N/pronoun

E.g.: My football team is not as good as it was five years ago. (Đội bóng của tôi không tốt như cách đây 5 năm.)

- Công thức với động từ: S + not + V + as + many/much/little/few + as + noun/pronoun

E.g.: He doesn’t works as much as his girlfriend. (Anh ấy không làm việc nhiều như bạn gái của mình.)

Công thức với danh từ: S + not + V + as + many/much/little/few + noun + as + noun/pronoun

E.g.: This team doesn’t score as many points as that team. (Đội này không ghi được điểm nhiều như đội đó.)

* Chú ý:

- Khi so sánh chỉ sự khác nhau (khác chứ không phải hơn kém), ta có thể dùng công thức:

S + to be + different from + noun/pronoun

E.g.: China is different from Vietnam. (Trung Quốc thì khác Việt Nam.)

- Khi so sánh bằng với danh từ, ta có thể sử dụng công thức sau:

S + V + the same + (N) + as + N/Pronouns

E.g.: He’s the same age as me.

- Trong một số câu, ta có thể chuyển từ cấu trúc “the same … as” sang “as … as” và ngược lại.

E.g.: He’s the same age as me. = He’s as old as I am.

        His room is the same size as mine. = His room is as big/small as mine

II. Bài tập So sánh bằng

Task 1. Hoàn thành câu

1. The blue car is………..the red car. (fast)

2. Peter is ………………Fred. (not/tall)

3. The violin is………… the cello. (not/low)

4. This copy is ……………..the other one. (bad)

5. Oliver is …………….Peter. (optimistic)

6. Today is …………..yesterday. (not/windy)

7. The tomato soup was………….. the mushroom soup. (delicious)

8. Grapefruit juice is…………… lemonade. (not/sweet)

9. Tom has……….. (almost/money) John.

10. Peter…………. (not/have/children) John.

Đáp án:

1. The blue car is as fast as the red car.

2. Peter is not as tall as Fred.

3. The violin is not as flow as the cello.

4. This copy is as bad as the other one.

5. Oliver is as optimistic as Peter.

6. Today is not as windy as yesterday.

7. The tomato soup was as delicious as the mushroom soup.

8. Grapefruit juice is not sweet as lemonade.

9. Tom has almost as much money as John.

10. Peter does not have as many children as John.

Task 2. Complete the sentences uing as .... as

1. I'm quite tall but you are taller.

I'm not as tall as you.

2. My salary is high, but yours is higher.

My salary isn't ........................ .

3. You know a bit about cars, but I know more.

You don't .............................. .

4. It's still cold, but it was colder yesterday.

It isn't ............................... .

5. I still feel quite tired I felt, but a lot more tired yesterday.

I don't ................................ .

6. Our neighbours have lived here for quite a long time, but we've lived here longer.

Our neighbours haven't ................. .

7. I was a bit nervous before the interview,but usually I'm a lot more nervous.

I wasn't .........................................................

Đáp án:

2. My salary isn't as high as yours.

3. You don't know as much about cars as me. or .... as I do.

4. It isn't as cold as it was yesterday.

5. I don't feel as tired as I did yesterday.

6. Our neighbours haven't lived here as long as us.

7. I wasn't as nervous as I usually am.

Task 3. Write a new sentence with the same meaning.

1. Richard is younger than he looks.

Richard isn't as old as he looks.

2. I didn' spend as much money as you.

You spent more money than me ....... .

3. The station was nearer than I thought.

The station wasn't ................. .

4. The meal didn't cost as much as I expected.

The meal cost ...................... .

5. I go out less than I used to.

I don't ............................ .

6. Karen's hair isn't as long as it used to be.

Karen used to ...................... .

7. I know them better tha you do.

You don't .......................... .

8. There are fewer people at this meeting than at the last one.

There aren't ....................... .

Đáp án:

3. The station wasn't as far as I thought.

4. The meal cost less than I expected.

5. I don't go out as much as I used to.

6. Karen used to have longer hair.

7. You don't know them as well as me.

8. There aren't as many people at this morning as at the last one.

Task 4. Complete the senteces using as ... as + the following











1. I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could.

2. It was a difficult question. I answered it .............. I could.

3. "How long can I stay with you?" "You can stay ................. you like." I

4. I need the information quickly, so let me know ………….... possible.

5. I like to keep fit, so I go swimming ................... I can.

6. I didn't want to wake anybody, so I came in ……………... I could.

In the following sentences use just as ... as:

7. I'm going to sleep on the floor. It's …………….. the bed.

8. Why did he get the job rather than me? I'm ……………….... him.

9. At first I thought he was nice, but really he's ………... everybody else.

Đáp án:

2. as well as

3. as long as

4. as soon as

5. as often as

6. as quietly as

7. just as comfortable as

8. just as well–qualified as

9. just as bad as


Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. The new car is _________ the old car. (not/ fast)

2. She is _________ her best friend. (tall)

3. This song is _________ the other one. (bad)

4. Sophie is _________ Jack. (intelligent)

5. The weather today _________ yesterday. (hot)

6. The pizza  was _________ the chicken soup. (delicious)

7. Lemonade juice is _________ orange juice. (not/ sweet)

8. Eric has _________ Henry. (money)

9. Peter _________ John. (not/ have/ children)

10. John _________ Helen. (not/ drive/ dangerously)

Đáp án:

1. The new car is not as fast as the old car.

2. She is as tall as her best friend. 

3. This song is as bad as the other one. 

4. Sophie is as intelligent as Jack.

5. The weather today is as hot as yesterday.

6. The pizza  was as delicious as the chicken soup.

7. Lemonade juice is not as sweet as orange juice.

8. Eric has as much money as Henry.

9. Peter doesn’t have as many children as John.

10. John does not drive as safely as Helen.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentence below, using either “as…as” or  “not as…as”.

1. Sam is ___________ me. (tall)

2. Portugal is ___________ Spain. (not big)

3. I am ___________ Pamela. (smart)

4. A rabbit is ___________ a fox. (not fast)

5. Helen’s hair is ___________ Sara’s. (long)

6. You are___________ always. (happy)

7. A cat is ___________ a tiger. (not dangerous)

8. She is ___________ me. (intelligent)

9. Bananas are___________ apples. (good)

10. Sweden is ___________ Mexico. (not hot)

Đáp án:

1. as tall as

2. not as big as

3. as smart as

4. not as fast as

5. as long as

6. as happy as

7. not as dangerous as

8. as intelligent as

9. as good as

10. not as hot as

Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentence, using “the same as” or “different from”.

1. My house is small and old. Your house is spacious and modern.

→ My house is ____________________________________.

2. Life in the countryside is quiet and peaceful. Life in the city is exciting.

→ Life in the city __________________________________.

3. I have black hair. Alice’s hair is also black.

→ Alice’s hair is___________________________________.

4. My favorite subject is Math. My sister is also interested in Math.

→ My sister is_____________________________________.

5. I am 13 years old. My best friend is also 13 years old.

→ My best friend __________________________________.

6. My mother’s favorite food is noodles. My favorite food is bread.

→ My favorite food ________________________________.

7. The musician on TV is playing the piano. I am also playing the piano. (use “instrument”)

→ The musician on TV _____________________________.

8. The number of students in this class is 40. That class also has 40 students.

→ This class has ___________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. My house is different from your house.

2. Life in the city is different from life in the countryside.

3. Alice’s hair is the same color as mine.

4. My sister is interested in the same subject as me.

5. My best friend is the same age as me.

6. My favorite food is different from my mother’s.

7. The musician on TV is playing the same instrument as me.

8. This class has the same number of students as that class.

Exercise 4. Write the comparison of equality for the sentence below.

1. Kate works harder than Jim. (work/ hard)

→ Jim _______________________________ Kate.

2. This province is 40ºC in summer. That province is also 40ºC in summer. (is/ hot)

→ This province ________________ that province.

3. Maria did better on the English test than Linda. (do/ well)

→ Linda ____________________________ Maria.

4. The first exam was difficult. The second exam was difficult too. (was/ difficult)

→ The first exam _____________ the second exam.

5. The impala runs 90km per hour. The cheetah runs 120km per hour. (run/ fast)

→ The impala ____________________ the cheetah.

6. Mrs. Smith talks very quietly. Mrs. Brown talks more loudly. (talk/ quietly)

→ Mrs. Brown ____________________ Mrs. Smith.

7. My house is 50 years old. His house is 50 years old. (is/ old)

→ My house _______________________ his house.

8. Penny is 12 years old. Darwin is 10 years old. (is/ young)

→ Penny ___________________________ Darwin.

Đáp án:

1. Jim doesn’t work as hard as Kate.

2. This province is as hot as that province.

3. Linda didn’t do as well on the English test as Maria.

4. The first exam was as difficult as the second exam.

5. The impala doesn’t run as fast as the cheetah.

6. Mrs. Brown doesn’t talk as quietly as Mrs. Smith.

7. My house is as old as his house.

8. Penny isn’t as young as Darwin.

Exercise 5. Complete the sentence below, using either “as … as” or “not as … as”.

1. The green car is ____________ the purple car. (fast)

2. Jim is ____________ Andy. (not/ tall)

3. The violin is ____________ the cello. (not/ low)

4. This copy is ____________ the other one. (bad)

5. My sister is ____________ I am. (optimistic)

6. Today it’s ____________ yesterday. (not/ windy)

7. This soup was ____________ that soup. (delicious)

8. Grapefruit juice is ____________ lemonade. (not/ sweet)

9. Amanda is ____________ Mandy. (brave)

10. Silver is ____________ gold. (not/ heavy)

Đáp án:

1. The green car is as fast as the purple car.

2. Jim is not as tall as Andy. 

3. The violin is not as low as the cello.

4. This copy is as bad as the other one.

5. My sister is as optimistic as I am.

6. Today it’s not as windy as yesterday.

7. This soup was as delicious as that soup. 

8. Grapefruit juice is not as sweet as lemonade.

9. Amanda is as brave as Mandy.

10. Silver is not as heavy as gold.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer.

1. My phone ________ your phone.

A. is as not expensive as

B. is not as expensive as

C. as expensive not as

D. is not as expensively as

2. You must explain your problem ________.

A. as clear as you can

B. as clearly as you can

C. as clear that you are

D. as clearly as you are

3. Nobody in our class plays ________ Nathan.

A. as good as

B. so well than

C. as best as

D. as well as

4. Her house is ________ mine.

A. twice as big as

B. as twice big as      

C. as two time big as

D. as big as twice

5. My clothes ________ hers.

A. is as not modern as

B. as is modern as

C. is as modern as

D. as is modern not as

6. Your car is ________ mine.

A. as bigger as

B. as big as             

C. much big as

D. not many times big

7. Impalas cannot run as ________ cheetahs but they are more efficient runners.

A. faster than

B. fast as

C. fast

D. are fast as

8. Albert Einstein’s contributions to scientific theory were ________ those of Galileo and Newton.

A. important than

B. more important                   

C. the most important

D. as important as

Đáp án:

1. B

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. B

8. D

Exercise 7. Rewrite the sentence using “as…as” structure.

1. I’m quite tall but you are taller.

2. My salary is high, but hers is higher.

3. You know a bit about history, but I know more.

4. It’s still cold, but it was colder last year.

5. I still feel quite tired, but I felt a lot more tired last week.

6. The Smiths have lived here for quite a long time, but we’ve lived here longer.

7. I was a bit nervous before the exam, but usually, I’m a lot more nervous.

8. The station was nearer than I thought. (far)

9. I know them better than you do.

10. There are fewer people at this meeting than last month.

Đáp án:

1. I’m not as tall as you.

2. My salary isn’t as high as hers.

3. You don’t know as much about history as I do.

4. It isn’t as cold as it was last year.

5. I don’t feel as tired as I did last week.

6. The Smiths haven’t lived here as long as we have.

7. I wasn’t as nervous before the exam as I usually am.

8. The station wasn’t as far as I thought.

9. You don’t know them as well as I do.

10. There aren’t as many people at this meeting as last month.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with equal comparative form.

1. My house is _______ your house. (large)

2. The price of a guitar is _______ the price of a cello. (expensive)

3. I’m not _______ her. (tall)

4. He drives _______ me. (quick)

5. Her daughter is _______ her. (beautiful)

6. This dress is not _______ that dress. (long)

7. This cake is _______ that cake. (good)

8. Do you get up _______ your sister? (early)

9. That dog isn’t _______ it looks. (dangerous)

10. This camera is _______ it was before. (good)

Đáp án:

1. as large as

6. as long as

2. as expensive as

7. as good as

3. as tall as

8. as early as

4. as quickly as

9. as dangerous as

5. as beautiful as

10. as good as

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences below, using the comparative structure "as...as".

1. His drawing / good / her drawing.


2. The red car / expensive / the blue car.


3. She / speak / him.


4. My dog / friendly / your dog.


5. John/ tall / Peter.


6. This cake / delicious / that cake.


7. I / hardworking / my sister.


8. The movie / interesting / the book.


9. I / enjoy / it / my friend.


10. The blue bag / big / the green bag.


Đáp án:

1. His drawing is as good as her drawing.

2. The red car is as expensive as the blue car.

3. She speaks as well as him.

4. My dog is as friendly as your dog.

5. John is as tall as Peter.

6. This cake is as delicious as that cake.

7. I am as hardworking as my sister.

8. The movie is as interesting as the book.

9. I enjoy it as much as my friend.

10. The blue bag is as big as the green bag.

Exercise 10. Rewrite the sentence using equal comparative form.

1. My house is bigger than your house.

→ Your house is ________________________________

2. This film is more interesting than that one.

→ That film is __________________________________

3. This exercise is easier than that one.

→ That exercise is not ____________________________

4. He drives more carefully than Jack does.

→ Jack ________________________________________

5. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.

→ The white dress _______________________________

6. He is the most interesting person that I have ever met.

→ I have never met anyone ________________________

7. Tom can swim much faster than Mary.

→ Mary can’t swim ______________________________

8. Apples are healthier than candies.

→ Candies are not _______________________________

9. Dogs are noisier than cats.

→ Cats are not __________________________________

10. China is bigger than Taiwan.

→ Taiwan is not _________________________________

Đáp án:

1. Your house is not as big as my house.

2. That film is not as interesting as this one.

3. That exercise is not as easy as this one.

4. Jack drives not as carefully as he does.

5. The white dress isn't as expensive as the black one.

6. I have never met anyone as interesting as he is.

7. Mary can’t swim as fast as Tom.

8. Candies are not as healthy as apples.

9. Cats are not as noisy as dogs.

10. Taiwan is not as big as China.




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