120 câu trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12 dạng Multiple Choice có lời giải chi tiết 2023

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Tailieumoi.vn xin giới thiệu đến các quý thầy cô, các em học sinh đang trong quá trình ôn tập tài liệu 120 câu trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12 dạng Multiple Choice có lời giải chi tiết, tài liệu bao gồm 17 trang , tuyển chọn 120 câu Tiếng anh dạng bài Multiple Choice (có đáp án và lời giải chi tiết), giúp các em học sinh có thêm tài liệu tham khảo trong quá trình ôn tập, củng cố kiến thức và chuẩn bị cho bài thi môn Tiếng Anh tốt nghiệp THPT sắp tới. Chúc các em học sinh ôn tập thật hiệu quả và đạt được kết quả như mong đợi.

Mời các quý thầy cô và các em học sinh cùng tham khảo và tải về chi tiết tài liệu dưới đây:


1. Discussions on the issue of expansion of the company have been in _______ since the outbreak of the disease in the area.

A. hitch                       B. limbo                                 C. feud                        D. core

in limbo: in a situation in which you are not certain what to do next, cannot take action, etc., especially because you are waiting for somebody else to make a decision

2. Viewers were _______ at the incredible sight of the lunar landscape, unable to take their eyes off the screen until the very end of the broadcast.

A. switched                 B. devised                               C. transfixed              D. stifled

transfix: to make a person or animal unable to move or stop looking at something because they are so interested, surprised, or frightened

3. Having lost her mother at an early age, Mary felt she had become a mere _______, having to do absolutely everything for her five brothers and sisters.

A. taskmaster              B. workmate                           C. slavedriver             D. workhorse

workhorse: a person who does a lot of work, especially of a type that is necessary but not interesting

4. Keith’s _______ income looks impressive, but once tax and social security contributions are deducted, it’s not so much.

A. full                         B. grand                                  C. net                          D. gross

gross income: thu nhập trước thuế

5. We have developed rapid order processing to _______ deliveries to customers.

A. expedite                 B. fasten                                  C. heighten                 D. quicken

expedite delivery/order: đẩy nhanh tiến độ giao hàng, đặt hàng

6. The operation was a success, but the patient died of _______.

A. complications       B. symptoms                           C. after-effects                       D. ramifications

implication: di chứng

7. Increasing terrorism in the region puts a new _______ on the situation.

A. complexion           B. disposition                         C. outlet                      D. tantrum

put a new/different complexion on something: làm thay đổi tình hình

8. If you need help, please don’t hesitate to call me. I can be there _______.

A. in a fix                    B. in a flash                            C. in a daze                 D. in the bag

in a flash: ngay lập tức

9. He felt his heart _______ as his bride-to-be began her walk down the aisle.

A.  fasten                    B. quicken                  C. expedite                              D. heighten

heart quicken: tim đập nhanh

10. My car broke down and I had to _______ a huge sum of money to have it towed and serviced.

A. splash out               B. fork out                 C. put aside                             D. pay off

fork out: miễn cưỡng chi ra 1 khoản tiền

11. The candidate’s optimism gave _______ to doubt as the result of exit polls became known.

A. place                      B. lie                           C. vent                                    D. voice

give place to: chuyển sang (cảm xúc)

12. After the hurricane, all that was left of our house was a pile of _______.

A. rabble                     B. rubble                    C. ramble                                D. rumble

pile of rubble: đống đổ nát

13. To say it is the best novel written in the last twenty years is going far _______.

A. a long way              B. over the top           C. through a bad patch            D. to great lengths

go over the top: nói quá

14. This week’s programme is given _______ a profile of an eminent scientist.

A. credit for                B. in to                        C. over to                               D. up on

be given over to: được dành cho

15. Inspector Morts was determined to get to the _______ of the mystery.

A. ground                    B. end                          C. bottom                               D. point

get to the bottom of sth: find the real cause of a problem

16. Getting away from the stresses of work would do you a  _______ of good.

A. sense                      B. taste                                    C. virtue                                  D. power

do sb a power of good: có lợi cho ai đó

17. If you make it to the final, you will be _______ some of the best sprinters in the world.

A. in for                      B. up to                       C. up against                         D. up with

be up against: đối đầu với (đối thủ)

18. He gave speeches all over the world to _______ support for his “Help the Homeless” Campaign.

A. trot out                   B. turn to                     C. weigh up                             D. whip up

whip up: kêu gọi sự ủng hộ

19. Somehow I managed to _______ my physics exam. The pass mark was 55 and I got 56.

A. scrape through     B. shake off                C. sit through                          D. slip off

scrape through: đậu sít sao (kì thi, kiểm tra)

20. The new professor is way ahead of the _______with his research into genetics.

A. twist                       B. circle                      C. spin                                     D. curve

 ahead of the curve: dẫn đầu

21. Don’t _______ him on to join a gang: nothing could be worse for him!

A. egg                         B. toast                        C. butter                                  D. knife

egg on: khuyến khích ai làm điều xấu

22. Many companies seem to reach the _______ of disaster before anybody has tried to get something done.

A. side                         B. precipice                C. edge                                    D. brink

the brink of disaster: đối mặt với thảm họa

23. I am not surprised that your brother is angry; you spent half an hour _______ him up about an issue he cares about deeply.

A. spinning                 B. turning                    C. winding                             D. twirling

wind sb up: làm ai đó bực bội

24. Although Gail thought she should have won first place, she _______ her pride and congratulated her rival.

A. exerted                   B. swallowed              C. bore                                    D. aroused

swallow one’s pride: ngậm đắng

25. I had spent two months worrying about it and I was glad to get it off my _______.

A. shoulders                B. head                        C. chest                                  D. mouth

get sth off one’s chest: thổ lộ sự thật

26. That he was using unscrupulous research methods only came out because his assistant _______ on him to the press.

A. ratted                     B. hounded                  C. fished                                 D. bugged

rat on sb: tố cáo (ai)

27. The phrase ‘money doesn't buy happiness’ is a cautionary cliché that keeps us from blindly lining your pockets with _______ in the hope that we’ll feel happier.

A. stash                       B. hoard                      C. stock                                   D. dosh

line one’s pockets with dosh: kiềm tiền bằng mọi thủ đoạn

28. If there happened to be both rich and poor people, as there happen to be both black and white ones, then the advantages of the _______ might well spread in time to the hard-up.

A. well-heeled                        B. big-hearted             C. open-handed                       D. tight-fisted

the well-heeled: người giàu có

29. The government has agreed to _______ an additional £5 million to schools in underprivileged regions.

A. dole out                 B. tip off                     C. crack down                         D. toss off

dole out sth: phân phát (tiền bạc, thực phẩm)

30. As much as the candidate tried to convince people of his honesty, he could not shake off his _______ past.

A. serene                     B. tranquil                   C. shady                                 D. frigid

shady: gian dối

31. The greedy man wouldn’t hesitate to _______ away his valued assets if he thought it would bring him more money.

A. wager                     B. bet                          C. gamble                               D. stake

gamble away:  mất tài sản do thua bạc

32. His talent meant he could create wondrous things, but his _______ meant he hardly ever felt like working.

A. adversity                B. lethargy                 C. ineptitude                           D. tactlessness

lethargy: sự lười biếng

33. The founder of the company decided to take a back _______  and let the board members run the business.

A. stage                       B. seat                         C. row                                     D. door

take a back seat: rút khỏi vị trí chủ chốt

34. The tendency is to respond to anger with anger, but in these situations, it pays to keep a cool _______.

A. brain                       B. mind                       C. head                                   D. top

keep a cool head: giữ bình tĩnh

35. Most people are _______ to believe that girls and boys like certain toys when they are young.

A. hardened                B. acclimated              C. conditioned                       D. accustomed

be conditioned to: luôn luôn, lúc nào cũng

36. The local authorities annually ______ between £50 million and £100 million on art projects.

A. disperse                  B. disband                   C. disburse                             D. dispose

disburse: trích một khoản tiền chi cho việc gì đó

37. Let me know of any pertinent developments, keep me in the ______.

A. sphere                     B. ring                         C. circle                                  D. loop

keep sb in the loops: cập nhật thông tin cho ai đó biết

38. The employees are ______ a rally in the city centre to demand higher wages.

A. making                   B. performing             C. staging                               D. presenting

stage a rally: tổ chức biểu tình

39. Having lost her home, Lucy got ______ a gang of people who hang around causing trouble.

A. in with                   B. up to                       C. on with                               D. by on

get in with: kết giao với

40. Although usually quite compassionate, the receptionist made a ______ remark that took her colleagues by surprise.

A. crooked                  B. cautious                  C. corrupt                                D. callous

callous: thiếu tế nhị, vô tâm

41. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was ______ on social media.

A. raging                     B. moving                   C. trending                            D. buzzing

trend: được quan tâm

42. Julie felt unfairly ______ when she spoke out against a company proposal and the entire staff team turned against her.

A prosecuted               B. persecuted             C. oppressed                           D. suppressed

persecute: đối xử không công bằng

43. Once a major politician endorsed the young man’s candidacy, everyone ______ on the bandwagon and started supporting him, too.

A. walked                    B. stepped                   C. jumped                              D. climbed

jump on the bandwagon: hùa theo

44. Malaysians should embrace their natural generosity and not let hard times ______ their spirit to help others in need.

A. dampen                 B. moisten                  C. drench                                D. deluge

dampen: làm suy yếu (nhiệt huyết, tinh thần)

45. Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a ______ heir squandering his wealth.

A. stingy                     B. miserly                   C. spendthrift                        D. penny- pincher

spendthrift: kẻ đốt tiền

46. Saving up for a nest ______ is an important part of life and should not be ignored, no matter how young or how well-off you are.

A. egg                         B. stone                       D. seed                                                D. pit

nest egg: khoàn tiền dành cho mục đích đặc biệt nào đó

47. My first impression of Vanessa was that she was very charming and ______; she seemed totally at ease with people.

A. exuberant               B. urbane                   C. aloof                                   D. compassionate

urbane: lịch sự, nhã nhặn

48. Charlotte ______ the new girl immediately, within hours of meeting each other they were best of friends.

A. took issue with       B. took heart from      C. took a shine to                  D. took his hat off to

take a shine to sb: mến ai đó ngay tức thì

49. This sound system is so well-designed and technologically advanced that it is hard to ______.

A. overtake                 B. transcend                C. dominate                            D. rival

rival: có đối thủ

50. Parents often have to ______ large amounts of money so their children can take part in extracurricular sports activities.

A. mark down             B. rung up                   C. shell out                             D. stock up

shell out: chi tiền

51. James kept trying to ______ his duties, but his manager told him if he didn’t start taking responsibility for his work he would have to leave the company.

A. beaver away           B. weasel out of         C. chicken out of                    D. clam up

weasel out of: trốn tránh

52. Our English teacher had a high opinion of herself and would always ______ into class as if she were a queen.

A. sprint                      B. skip                         C. strut                       D. stride

strut: đi khệnh khạng

53. After testing positive on a doping test, the renowned athlete was advised to lay low and avoid the press like the ______.

A. plague                    B. hawk                       C. wildfire                  D. wind

avoid sth like the plague: tránh né

54. Apart from one or two ______ of brilliance from Owen, England put on a rather poor performance.

A. flashes                   B. spells                      C. storms                    D. strokes

flash of brilliance: phút tỏa sáng

55. The police believe Morgan strangled his girlfriend in a ______ of jealousy.

A. burst                       B. fit                           C. flash                       D. spell

in a fit of jealousy: trong một phút ghen tuông

56. Normally, when he was late, he gave a pathetic excuse, but not this time, what he said had a ______ of truth about it.

A. figment                  B. glimmer                 C. ring                        D. shred

have a ring of truth about sth: có thể đúng với sự thật

57. Having gained a ______ victory in the general elections, they proceeded with their ambitious programme.

A. galloping                B. staunch                   C. landslide                D. close-up

landslide victory: chiến thắng sát nút

58. We can’t buy it. We have already $400 ______ at the bank. We would run up huge debts.

A. overspent               B. overtaken               C. overdrawn             D. overdone

overdrawn: thấu chi

59. It is hoped that this meeting will pave the way for ______ peace.

A. long-lasting           B. long-running          C. long-standing         D. long-winded

long-lasting peace/effect: hòa bình/ảnh hưởng lâu dài

60. Naturally, her parents were thrilled to ______ when they found out she had passed the exam with an A.

A. shreds                     B. heaven                    C. goodness                D. bits

thrilled to bits: vô cùng vui sướng

61. I know she is a bit miserable at the moment, but she’ll soon ______ up when she finds out that I have booked us a two-week holiday in Barbados.

A. perk                       B. look                        C. pump                      D. joy

perk up: cảm thấy vui

62. There is no need to get so ______ about being turned down. There are other advertising agencies out there, you know.

A. destitute                 B. descendant             C. despondent                        D. despicable

despondent: thất vọng

63. All he has done since losing his job is ______ around the house all day.

A. mourn                     B. depress                   C. mope                                  D. wallow

mope around: đi tới lui một cách buồn chán

64. He likes nothing better than to spend his Sunday mornings ______ in the gardens.

A. pottering about    B. hanging around      C. whiling away                      D. winding down

potter about: thong thả

65. The three tours are run _______ so we can only choose one.

A. concurrently         B. recurrently             C. concurringly                       D. cursively

concurrently: cùng lúc

66. Kitchell says the city was a _______ of all American culture during the '60s.

A. microclimate                     B. microcopy              C. microcosm                         D. microscope

A. microcosm: hình mẫu thu nhỏ

67. The idea of a nap in the middle of the day is quite _______ to British people.

A. foreign                   B. distant                    C. remote                                D. unheard

foreign to sb: xa lạ đối với ai

68. The island of Tahiti _______ sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

A. brags                      B. gloats                      C. boasts                                D. swaggers

boast: có

69. I don't like intellectual novels, serious music or films; my tastes are quite ______

A. flat-topped             B. lowbrow                 C. shamefaced                        D. slow-witted

lowbrow: không đỏi hỏi tư duy

70. A lot of older people are ______ because they've been complaining all their lives

A. irate                                    B. crotchety               C. indignant                            D. infuriated

crotchety: dễ nóng nảy (những từ còn lại đứng trước danh từ hoặc phía sau có giới từ)

71. Margie was an _______ traveller; even dangerous conflict would not stop her from visiting a place.

A. intrepid                 B. inquisitive              C. ingenious                            D. insightful

intrepid: gan dạ

72. The floral bouquets we entered into the competition were a _______ of colour, but unfortunately, we did not win first prize.

A. wham                     B. riot                         C. drop                                    D. buzz

a riot of colour: tập hợp đa màu sắc

73. Don’t forget to _______ your sources; you don’t want to get accused of stealing information.

A. quote                      B. cite                         D. name                                  D. refer

cite sources: trích nguồn

74. Travelling to Norway and experiencing the Nothern Lights first hand was always at the very top of Mary’s _______ list.

A. luggage                  B. lag                          C. basket                                 D. bucket

bucket list: di nguyện

75. The football fans were coming in _______ to watch the final game. An hour before the kickoff the stadium was packed full.

A. fingers and thumbs                                    B. bits and bobs                     

C. dribs and drabs                                        D. bibs and tuckers

dribs and drabs: theo nhóm nhỏ

76. The Government is trying to ________when it says it will spend more on the health service without raising taxes.

A. chew the fat                                                           B. wave the flag

C. square the circle                                                   D. put the lid

square the circle: làm điều tưởng chừng là không thể

77. The government is using the taxes from the working class to bail out the banks that ruined the economy? That really ________!

A. sows wild oats                                                       B. spills the beans

C. takes the biscuit                                                   D. upsets the apple cart

take the biscuit: điều đáng ngạc nhiên, đáng trách

78. I've searched ________ for that old photo album, but I can't find it anywhere.

A. high and low                                                         B. long and short

C. straight and narrow                                                D. thick and thin

high and low: khắp nơi

79. I don't think Paul will ever get married — he's the stereotypical _______ bachelor.

A. settled                     B. confirmed             C. fixed                       D. determined

confirmed bachelor: người thích độc thân

80. I'm afraid we got our _______ crossed — I thought my husband would be picking up the children and he thought I was doing it.

A. minds                     B.  purposes                            C. wires                      D.  fingers

get one’s wires crossed: hiểu nhầm

81. It’s a pleasure to be in her company as she is always so _______ and welcoming.

A. adamant                 B. jubilant                               C. obnoxious               D. amiable

amiable: thân thiện

82. They will provide a lot of amusement hopping _______ over the rocks from one puddle to another.

A. up and down           B. in and out                           C. back and forth      D. back to front

back and forth: tới lui (di chuyển)

83. Celebrities feel special when they are surrounded by a(n) _______ of loyal followers.

A.brigade                    B. entourage                          C. fraternity                D. squad

entourage: nhóm người theo chân các ngôi sao

84. An angry _______ stood outside parliament, shouting and threatening violence.

A. cast                         B. crew                                    C. flock                       D. mob

mob: đám du côn

85. “I have a reservation for _______ of six. The name’s John.” “I’ll show you to your table”.

A. band                       B. circle                                  C. party                       D. platoon

circle: nhóm đi cùng nhau

86. Millions of people left Italy for the USA during the Italian _______ of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

A. clique                     B. diaspora                            C. horde                      D. troupe

diaspora: cuộc di cư

87. She was a ______Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.

A. firm                        B. devout                                C. staunch                   D. strict

a devout Catholic: người sùng đạo Thiên chúa

88. The police are going to ______down on illegal stock exchange activities in the streets.

A. dragging                 B. kicking                               C. dumbing               D. clamping

clamp down on: kiểm soát chặt chẽ

89. The media regarded Gorbachev as the ______favorite to dethrone the old champ

A. last-minute             B. odds-on                              C. so-called                       D.well –earned

odds-on: chắc chắn

90. A: ‘Oh, I’m exhausted! I’ve been doing homework all day.’

      B: ‘Come and put your _______ up for 5 minutes and I’ll make you a cup of tea.’

A. hands                      B. hair                                     C. heart                       D. feet

put your feet up: thư giãn

91. John was _______ a week after the accident, but he has not been able to come to football practice yet.

A. up and about                                                        B. vim and vigour                  

C. fingers and thumbs                                                D. life and death

up and about: có thể di chuyển được

92. I ate some tinned sardines that had expired and ended up feeling so sick that I _______ all the food I had eaten.

A. brought up            B. passed out                          C. packed up               D. went off

bring up: nôn mửa

93. I had been feeling very down in the dumps after being given the sack, but took ________ when a prestigious employment agency booked two interviews for me.

A. stride                      B. shine                                   C. heart                      D. issue

take heart: cảm thấy được an ủi

95. The sales assistants were so rude to me, I decided to take my ______elsewhere.

A. income                   B. custom                               C. capital                  D. fortune

take one’s custom elsewhere: mua hàng ở nơi khác

96. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the ______.

A. grade                     B. term                                    C. mark                      D. degree

make the grade: đạt đủ tiêu chuẩn

97. We ______ deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game during our careers.

A. categorically         B. fully                                    C. distinctly                            D. highly

categorically: dứt khoát

98.  I felt a bit _______ and seemed to have more aches and pains than usual.

A. out of sorts                                                                       C. on the mend          

B. over the worst                                                        D. under the fever

out of sorts: khó chịu, không khỏe

99. A woman who appears to be a __________ person who lives under bridges turns out to be has a metamorphose into a princess and has a regal personage.

A. tumble-down          B. downcast                           C. run-down                D. down-and-cast

downcast: chán nản, tuyệt vọng

100. Some people can just ______ a cold, but my colds seem to linger for weeks

A.shrug off                 B.cough up                              C.pull through            D.stamp out

shrug off: dễ dàng vượt qua (bệnh tật)

101. The yard-long hawksbill turtle, with its hooked beak and scaly neck, is a living ______ of the dinosaur age.

A. heirloom                B. relic                                    C. vestige                   D. artefact

vestige: vết tích

102. The artist was so prolific in his youth that by the time he reached his forties, he was a living ______.

A. icon                        B. fable                                   C. myth                       D. legend

living legend: huyền thoại sống

103. The unpopular prime minister was ______ in the press when she tripped while walking in a muddy field.

A. slandered                B. lampooned                        C. hounded                  D. stalked

lampoon: châm biếm, chỉ trích

104. The challenges Ann encountered while assisting the medical charity in Africa ______ the best in her personality.

A. brought up              B. brought out                       C. brought around       D. brought about

bring out the best in: giúp bộc lộ những phẩm chất tốt đẹp

105. The plane had moved onto the runway and the cabin crew were ______ take-off.

A. standing by for     B. standing in for                    C. standing up for       D. standing up to

stand by for: sẵn sàng cho việc

106. The meeting was so dull that James couldn’t help ________  part way though.

A. winding down        B. hammering away                C. drifting off            D. sleeping over

drift off: ngủ gật

107. Although the chemist’s initial experiment failed, she ________ upon a strong new material in the process.

A. tripped                    B. fell                                      C. broke                      D. stumbled

stumble upon/on: khám phá

108. Lawrence suggested ________ ourselves at the beginning of the long project in order to avoid exhaustion.

A. pacing                    B. rushing                               C. plodding                 D. racing

pace oneself: duy trì ở nhịp độ vừa phải

109. It is important not to ________ creativity in the young and let them express themselves.

A. hinder                     B. stifle                                   C. flounder                  D. expedite

stifle: ngăn cản (tính sáng tạo)

110. The minister was heavily ________ by the United Nations Security Council in their report.

A. criticized                B. scrutinized                         C. censured                D. interrogated

censure: khiển trách (phát ngôn, văn bản chính thức)

111. When it comes to running the company, Michael is a(n) ________ unto himself; he is doing anything he pleases.

A. act                          B. code                                    C. order                       D. law

a law unto oneself: cư xử thiếu phép tắc

112. People don’t have a right to ________ in judgement when they don’t know all the facts.

A. sit                           B. pass                                    C. make                       D. bite

sit in judgement: đánh giá khi không có đủ căn cứ

113. The ________ skyscrapers of modern metropolises dwarf previous feats of engineering both literally and figuratively.

A. tottering                 B. towering                            C. sprawling               D. spanning

towering skyscrapers: tòa nhà cao chọc trời

114. The local area is ________ lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema.

A. properly                 B. rashly                                 C. sorely                     D. aptly

sorely: nghiêm trọng

115. At the age of 11, Taylor Swift was already trying to ________ a record deal in Nashville.

A. land                        B. create                                  C. steal                                    D. grab

land a deal: ký hợp đồng

116. I hope virtual friendships are not the ________ of things to come.

A. scheme                   B. form                                   C. shape                     D. frame

the shape of things to come: the form or style that is likely to develop or be popular in the future

117. Everyone dissolved into ________ of laughter when they saw my haircut.

A. sets                         B. spells                                  C. fits                          D. bouts

fits of laughter: tiếng cười

118. The money-laundering scandal leads to the minister’s ________ fall from political power.

A. prodigious              B. precipitous                        C. dismal                    D. persistent

precipitous fall: tụt dốc nhanh

119. Harry was a ________ of nerves the whole time his wife was in the hospital.

A. batch                      B. bunch                                  C. bundle                   D. bale

be a bundle of nerves: hồi hộp, lo lắng

120. The three tours are run ________ so we can only choose one.

A. concurrently         B. recurrently                         C. concurringly           D. cursively

concurrently: đồng thời

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120 câu trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 12 dạng Multiple Choice có lời giải chi tiết 2023 (trang 10)
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