100 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 1 (Global Success 2024) có đáp án: My new school

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Tailieumoi.vn xin giới thiệu bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1: My new school sách Global Success có đáp án, lời giải chi tiết, chọn lọc. Hi vọng với bộ tài liệu Tiếng Anh 6 có đáp án này sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện kiến thức để đạt kết quả cao trong bài thi môn Tiếng Anh 6 sắp tới.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 1: My new school

Bài 1: Đặt các trạng từ chỉ tần suất vào vị trí đúng ở câu

1. He plays golf on Sundays (sometimes)


2. The weather is bad in November. (always)


3. We have fish for dinner. (seldom)


4. Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually)


5. They watch TV in the afternoon (never)


6. My brother, Tony, is late for interview. (rarely)


7. He helps his father (always)


8. How do you go shopping? (often)


9. I don’t do my homework after school (hardly)


10. The school bus arrives at seven. (every day)


Bài 2: Viết các câu sau ở thế khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?)

1. (+) The girl often listens to pop music.

    (–) _________________________________________

    (?) _________________________________________

2. (+) I am from the capital of Vietnam, Ha noi. 

    (–) _________________________________________

    (?) _________________________________________

3. (+) _________________________________________

    (–) My father doesn’t keep the greenhouse warm at night.

     (?) _________________________________________

4. (+) _________________________________________

    (–) _________________________________________

    (?) Does Danny remember to phone his father on Sundays? 

5. (+) _________________________________________

    (–) They don’t do their homework after school. 

    (?) _________________________________________

Bài 3: Hoàn thành bảng sau, thêm đuôi s/es vào sau các động từ sao cho đúng





Have (có)


Know (biết)


Do (làm)


Take (lấy)


Say (nói)


Think (nghĩ)


Get (được)


Come (đến)


Make (làm)


Give (cho)


Go (đi)


Look (nhìn)


See (nhìn thấy)


Use (dùng)


Find (tìm thấy)


Need (cần)


Want (muốn)


Seem (hình như)


Tell (nói)


Ask (hỏi)


Put (đặt)


Show (hiển thị)


Mean (nghĩa là)


Try (cố gắng)


Become (trở thành)


Call (gọi)


Leave (rời khỏi)


Keep (giữ)


Work (làm việc)


Feel (cảm thấy)



Bài 4: Điền do, don’t, does, doesn’t vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau cho phù hợp

My mother pkes chocolate, but she _________biscuits. 

______the children wear your uniform at your school?

Lynn’s father watches badminton on TV, but he ______watch judo.

Where______ the Masons buy their fruits?

______ the cat pke to sleep on the sofa? 

Dogs love bones, but they ______ love cheese. 

Where ______ Sam and Ben hide their pocket money? 

We eat pizza, but we ______ eat hamburgers.

______ Mrs. Miller read magazines? 

 ______ the boys play cricket outside? 

Please ______ play with my food. 

She______ the cleaning three times a week

We ______ go out very much because we have a baby

I ______ want to talk about my neighborhood any more. 

How much ______ it cost to phone overseas? 

Bài 5: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng

1. We sometimes (read/ reads) books.

2. Emily (go/goes) to the art club.

3. It often (rain/ rains) on Sundays.

4. Pete and his sister (wash/ washes) the family car. 

5. I always (hurry/ hurries) to the bus stop. 

6. She (speak/ speaks) four languages. 

7. Jane is a teacher. He (teach/ teaches) English. 

8. Those shoes (cost/ costs) too much. 

9. My sister (go/goes) to the library once a week. 

10. We both (listen/ listens) to the radio in the morning.

Bài 6: Sắp xếp các từ sau theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh

1. always/ at nine o’clock/ out of the garage/ in the morning/ drives/ his car/ he. 

2. a parking place/ near the shops/ they/ find/ rarely. 

3. fly/ with my parents/ to Florida/ sometimes/ I/ in spring. 

4. late/ comes/ she/ often/ to school/ in winter. 

5. meet/ at the sports ground/ they/ after dinner/ always/ their friends. 

6. enjoys/ swimming/ in our pool/ always/ in the morning/ she. 

7. mother/ On/ the/ my/ always/ washing/ does/ Mondays.

8. out/ once/ put/ I/ dustbins/ week/ the/ a.

9. a/ go/ with/ often/ walk/ dog/ for/ We/ our/

10. sister/ ironing/ sometimes/ My/ the/ does. 

Bài 7: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau

1. I______ know the correct answer. 

            A. am not                   B. not                         C. don’t                      D. doesn’t

2. They ______ agree with my opinion. 

            A. are                         B. don’t                      C. aren’t                     D. do

3. Kathy usually ______ in front of the window during the class. 

            A. sits                         B. sitting                    C. sit                           D. is sit

4. What does this word ______? 

            A. means                    B. meaning                C. mean                      D. is mean

5. He ______ share anything to me. 

            A. don’t do                B. isn’t                       C. not                         D. doesn’t

6. I come from Canada. Where ______you come from?

            A. are                         B. do                           C. is                            D. not

7. Jane ______ tea very often. 

            A. doesn’t drink       B. drink                      C. is drink                  D. isn’t drink

8. How often ______ you play tennis? 

            A. do                          B. are                          C. is                            D. play

9. Rice ______ in cold climates

            A. isn’t grow             B. don’t grow            C. aren’t grow           D. doesn’t grow

 10. I ______ a compass and a calculator in Maths lesson.

            A. am use                  B. use                         C. aren’t use              D. doesn’t use

Bài 8: Chọn dạng đúng cho các động từ trong ngoặc

1. They ______ hockey at school. (to play)

2. She ______ poems. (not/ to write)

3. ______you ______ English? (to speak)

4. My parents ______fish (not/ to like)

5. ______ Ann ______ any hobbies? (to have)

6. Andy’s brother ______in a big buiding (to work)

7. ______ Jim and Joe______ the flowers every week? (to water)

8. Yvonne’s mother ______ a motorbike. (not/ to write)

9. ______ Elisabeth ______ the door? (to knock)

10. What ______ you ______ in the school canteen? (buy)

Bài 9: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau

1. My mother never ........coffee.

A. drink

B. drinking

C. drinks

D. to drink

2. Nam loves........football.

A.to playing

B. playing

C. plays

D. play

3. His idea is different ......mine.

A. with

B. of

C. from

D. on

4. There is nothing in the fridge. Why don't we .......to the supermarket?

A. go

B. going

C. goes

D. to go

5. Math books are on the shelves .....the right.

A. on




6. Students have two.......each day.

A. 20 minute break

B. 20 – minutes break

C. 20 – minute breaks

D. 20 – minutes breaks

7. Would you like ..........to music?

A. listening

B. to listen

C. listen

D. listens

8. In........, we draw many different things.

A. Math

B. Art

C. Chemistry

D. English

9. That’s an interesting........! Let’s go to the beach,

A. thinking

B. answer

C. help

D. idea

10.........about coming to my house? – Ok, Let’s go.

A. Why

B. Let’s

C. When

D. What


Bài 1: Hoàn thành bảng sau, thêm đuôi s/es vào sau các động từ sao cho đúng





Have (có)


Know (biết)


Do (làm)


Take (lấy)


Say (nói)


Think (nghĩ)


Get (được)


Come (đến)


Make (làm)


Give (cho)


Go (đi)


Look (nhìn)


See (nhìn thấy)


Use (dùng)


Find (tìm thấy)


Need (cần)


Want (muốn)


Seem (hình như)


Tell (nói)


Ask (hỏi)


Put (đặt)


Show (hiển thị)


Mean (nghĩa là)


Try (cố gắng)


Become (trở thành)


Call (gọi)


Leave (rời khỏi)


Keep (giữ)


Work (làm việc)


Feel (cảm thấy)


Bài 2: Đặt các trạng từ chỉ tần suất vào vị trí đúng ở câu

1. He plays golf on Sundays. (sometimes)

_____ He sometimes plays golf on Sundays _______

2. The weather is bad in November. (always)

______ The weather is always bad in November.______________

3. We have fish for dinner. (seldom)

________ We seldom have fish for dinner._____________

4. Peter doesn’t get up before seven. (usually)

_______ Peter doesn’t usually get up before seven._________

5. They watch TV in the afternoon (never)

________ They never watch TV in the afternoon ________

6. My brother, Tony, is late for interview. (rarely)

________ My brother, Tony, is rarely late for interview.__________

7. He helps his father. (always)

________ He always helps his father.________

8. How do you go shopping? (often)

________ How often do you go shopping?___________

9. I don’t do my homework after school. (hardly)

_______ I hardly do my homework after school.___________

10. The school bus arrives at seven. (every day)

______ The school bus arrives at seven every day._______

Bài 3: Viết các câu sau ở thế khẳng định (+), phủ định (-) và nghi vấn (?)

1. (+) The girl often listens to pop music. 

    (-) ___The girl doesn’t often listen to pop music___

    (?) ___Does the girl often listen to pop music_____

2. (+) I am from the capital of Vietnam, Ha noi. 

    (-) ____I am not from the capital of Vietnam, ha noi._______

   (?) ___Are you from the capital of Vietnam, ha noi?___

3. (+) ___My father keeps the greenhouse warm at night___

    (-) My father doesn’t keep the greenhouse warm at night.

    (?) ____Does your father keep the greenhouse warm at night___

4. (+) ____Danny remembers to phone his father on Sundays____

    (-) ___Danny doesn’t remember to phone his father on Sundays___

    (?) Does Danny remember to phone his father on Sundays? 

5. (+) ____They do their homework after school____

    (-) They don’t do their homework after school. 

    (?) ____Do they do their homework after school?____

Bài 4: Điền do, don’t, does, doesn’t vào chỗ trống trong các câu sau cho phù hợp

1. My mother likes chocolate, but she __doesn’t like__biscuits. 

2. __Do__the children wear your uniform at your school?

3. Lynn’s father watches badminton on TV, but he __doesn’t__watch judo.

4. Where__does__ the Masons buy their fruits?

5. __Does__ the cat pke to sleep on the sofa? 

6. Dogs love bones, but they __don’t_ love cheese. 

7. Where __do__ Sam and Ben hide their pocket money? 

8. We eat pizza, but we __don’t__ eat hamburgers.

9. __Does__ Mrs. Miller read magazines? 

10. _Do__ the boys play cricket outside? 

11. Please __don’t__ play with my food. 

12. She__does__ the cleaning three times a week

13. We __don’t__ go out very much because we have a baby

14. I _don’t_ want to talk about my neighborhood any more. 

15. How much __does__ it cost to phone overseas? 

Bài 5: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng

1. We sometimes (read/ reads) books.

2. Emily (go/goes) to the art club.

3. It often (rain/ rains) on Sundays.

4. Pete and his sister (wash/ washes) the family car. 

5. I always (hurry/ hurries) to the bus stop. 

6. She (speak/ speaks) four languages. 

7. Jane is a teacher. He (teach/ teaches) English. 

8. Those shoes (cost/ costs) too much. 

9. My sister (go/goes) to the library once a week. 

10. We both (listen/ listens) to the radio in the morning.

Bài 6: Sắp xếp các từ sau theo thứ tự đúng để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh

1. always/ at nine o’clock/ out of the garage/ in the morning/ drives/ his car/ he.

He always drives his car out of the garage at nine o’clock in the morning. 

2. a parking place/ near the shops/ they/ find/ rarely. 

They rarely find a parking place near the shops.

3. fly/ with my parents/ to Florida/ sometimes/ I/ in spring.

I sometimes fly to Florida with my parents in spring. 

4. late/ comes/ she/ often/ to school/ in winter. 

She often comes to school late in winter.

5. meet/ at the sports ground/ they/ after dinner/ always/ their friends.

They always meet their friends at the sports ground after dinner. 

6. enjoys/ swimming/ in our pool/ always/ in the morning/ she. 

She always enjoys swimming in our pool in the morning.

7. mother/ On/ the/ my/ always/ washing/ does/ Mondays.

On Mondays, my mother always does the washing.

8. out/ once/ put/ I/ dustbins/ week/ the/ a.

I put out the dusbins once a week.

9. a/ go/ with/ often/ walk/ dog/ for/ We/ our/

We often go for a walk with our dog.

10. sister/ ironing/ sometimes/ My/ the/ does.

My sister sometimes does the ironing. 

Bài 7: Hãy chọn câu trả lời đúng cho các câu sau

1. I______ know the correct answer. 

            A. am not                   B. not                         C. don’t                     D. doesn’t

2. They ______ agree with my opinion. 

            A. are                         B. don’t                     C. aren’t                     D. do

3. Kathy usually ______ in front of the window during the class. 

            A. sits                         B. sitting                    C. sit                           D. is sit

4. What does this word ______? 

            A. means                    B. meaning                C. mean                     D. is mean

5. He ______ share anything to me. 

            A. don’t do                B. isn’t                       C. not                         D. doesn’t

6. I come from Canada. Where ______you come from?

            A. are                         B. do                           C. is                            D. not

7. Jane ______ tea very often. 

            A. doesn’t drink      B. drink                      C. is drink                  D. isn’t drink

8. How often ______ you play tennis? 

            A. do                          B. are                          C. is                            D. play

9. Rice ______ in cold climates

            A. isn’t grow             B. don’t grow            C. aren’t grow           D. doesn’t grow

 10. I ______ a compass and a calculator in Maths lesson.

            A. am use                  B. use                         C. aren’t use              D. doesn’t use

Bài 8: Chọn dạng đúng cho các động từ trong ngoặc

1. They __plays____ hockey at school. (to play)

2. She __doesn’t write__ poems. (not/ to write)

3. ___Do__you __speak__ English? (to speak)

4. My parents _doesn’t like__fish (not/ to like)

5. __Does__ Ann __have_ any hobbies? (to have)

6. Andy’s brother _works_in a big buiding (to work)

7. __Do_ Jim and Joe_water_ the flowers every week? (to water)

8. Yvonne’s mother __doesn’t write_ a motorbike. (not/ to write)

9. _Does__ Elisabeth _knock__ the door? (to knock)

10. What __do__ you __buy__ in the school canteen? (buy)

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