Bộ 10 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024

Tailieumoi.vn xin giới thiệu bộ đề thi học kì 2 môn Tiếng anh 8 Global Success sách Kết nối tri thức năm 2023 – 2024. Tài liệu gồm 4 đề thi có ma trận chuẩn bám sát chương trình học và đáp án chi tiết, được biên soạn bởi đội ngũ giáo viên THCS dày dặn kinh nghiệm sẽ giúp các em ôn tập kiến thức và rèn luyện kĩ năng nhằm đạt điểm cao trong bài thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8. Mời các bạn cùng đón xem:

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Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024

Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án - Đề 1

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Global Success

Năm học 2023 - 2024

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề số 1)


Listen to an advertisement for a messaging application. Circle the best answer A, B, or C. You will listen TWICE.

Bài nghe:




1. What is people’s top concern when it comes to messaging applications?

A. Stable connection

B. Late update

C. Too many competing applications

2. What can users have when they choose to use ConnectABC?

A. The best network

B. Unreliable connection

C. Frequent interruptions

3. What do developers commit to doing twice a month?

A. Looking for security issues

B. Gathering users’ feedback

C. Updating the application

4. How many users does ConnectABC currently have?

A. 50 thousand

B. 30 thousand

C. 60 thousand

5. What will people get when they sign up today?

A. A free smartphone

B. An exclusive voice message from the creator

C. New features


TASK 1. Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B or C to each of the questions.

These days, students have great chances to get hold of learning applications to assist them in their schoolwork. However, many of them tend to rely on these apps too much, especially using homework helper apps. Instead of doing assignments on their own, idle students frequently capture English questions or mathematical problems, upload them on these apps, and then copy the suggested answers as well as solutions into their notebooks. The shortcoming is that these students can hardly understand what they are writing down, which leaves them a big gap of knowledge. Moreover, it’s very unfair for diligent students who burn the midnight oil to complete the tasks without any help. Plus, depending on these apps is a double-edged sword because when teachers are suspicious of cheating ones, they have many ways to examine whether students solve problems themselves or not. In short, it is advisable that learning apps, Photomath, QANDA, to name but a few, should be used as a last resort or by advanced learners who prefer finding out more various solutions to their problems.     

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The downsides of using homework helper apps

B. The encouragement of using homework helper apps

C. The positive impact of using homework helper apps

2. What does the word they in line 12 mean?

A. Cheating students

B. Teachers

C. Problems

3. According to the passage, who might not rely on homework helper apps?

A. Idle students

B. Intelligent students

C. Hard-working students

4. Why is a homework helper app considered a double-edged sword?

A. Because cheating students find it hard to deal with a new problem in exams.

B. Because cheating students can’t solve even a simple problem without this app.

C. Teachers are capable of discovering cheating students.

5. Which of the following is true about the passage?

A. QANDA is an entertaining app that helps students relax after school.

B. There will be a lack of knowledge if students count on learning apps excessively. 

C. Advanced learners always use homework helper apps to finish their homework.

TASK 2. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank.

Last Friday night, a tropical storm abruptly hit Xuan’s town and caused a lot of damage. Its gale-force winds blew down several trees, (1) ___________ of houses and electric poles leading to a widespread power cut. Then, it caused torrential rains leaving most of the town under water. Consequently, 1.5-metre-deep (2) ___________ waters isolated many of the main roads and communities. While the storm was attacking, the rescue teams (3) ___________ making every effort to evacuate the locals in low-lying areas, including Xuan’s family, to safer places. The residents spent a sleepless night together in a large supplied shelter waiting for water to recede. They were really upset and worried because that ferocious storm (4) ___________ their houses and swept away many valuable properties like motorbikes and household appliances. It was a painful lesson for them as a result (5) ___________ their underestimation of storm warnings issued by the local government before.


TASK 1. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in brackets and do not change it. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

1. My brother doesn’t have the habit of going browsing at the shopping centres.

          My brother ____________________ browsing at the shopping centres. (NEVER)

2.  During her stay in the hotel, she heard a loud thunderstorm sound.

          While ____________________ in the hotel, she heard a loud thunderstorm sound. (SHE)

3. Can I borrow one of your tablets?

          Can you lend me a ____________________?  (OF)

4. The robots will have the ability to help around the house in a few years.

          The robots ____________________ to help around the house in a few years. (BE)

5. She asked, “How many planets are there in the solar system, Dad?”

          She asked her dad how many ____________________ in the solar system. (THERE)

TASK 2. Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about the advantages and disadvantages of a way of modern communication.

You can use the following questions as cues.

-  What is the way of communication?

- What are its advantages?

- What are its disadvantages?

- Will it be popular in the future?

IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS                                                   


Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B, C, or D.

1. A.   instant           B. castle                  C. sticker                D. substance

2. A.   crater            B. tablet                  C. webcam              D. scanner

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. Circle A, B, C, or D.

3. A. guarantee        B. awardee              C. committee           D. absentee

4. A. gravity            B. truancy               C. disaster               D. habitat

TASK 2. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D.        

1. One of the most outstanding features of Zoom Meeting is ___________ rooms which allow small split groups of students to discuss a particular subject.

A. breakout

B. breakthrough

C. break-up

D. break-in

2. Mark’s mother ___________ him becoming an astronomer because she didn’t think this job would suit him.

A. proposed

B. disposed

C. imposed

D. opposed

3. The famous sports programme was ___________ live over the Internet.

A. permitted

B. admitted

C. transmitted

D. predicted

4. My flat started ___________ when I was watching TV with my son. It scared us a lot.

A. frightening

B. trembling

C. strengthening

D. warning

5. I will submit my assignment on the future role of teacher robots ___________ Friday.

A. of

B. for

C. in

D. by

TASK 3. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Please stop ___________ (litter). You are making the school yard dirty.

2. The coach ___________ (not leave) till 11.30, so my dad is preparing his luggage at a slow pace.

3. My mother allowed me ___________ (go) to the discount shop to get some stuff alone.

4. The flood water swiftly washed away the village while many families ___________ (sleep).

5. Before my grandfather ___________ (drink) tea, he bought a newspaper.



1. A              2. A              3. C

4. B              5. C


According to a survey, a majority said their top concern regarding messaging applications was connection and privacy. With ConnectABC, our latest application, this concern is no more. Our network is better than other competitors’. While their connection might be spotty and unreliable, ours are strong and stable thanks to two dedicated servers. Our users will rarely experience interruptions while they use the app. As developers, we commit to updating the application twice a month to fix any potential security issues so our users’ privacy can be protected. Available in more than 50 countries, ConnectABC already has a user base of more than 30 thousand. We estimate that this number will double by the end of the year.  ConnectABC is available for free on every smartphone brand. Sign up today and you will get to try out experimental features such as instantly-translated voice messages, exclusively-designed emojis and many more…



1. A              2. B              3. C

4. C              5. B


1. Roofs                  2. flood

3. were                    4. destroyed

5. of



1. never goes          

2. she was staying 

3. tablet of yours     

4. will be able

5. planets there were


Sample writing:

Today, voice messaging is a popular function that people use to send their spoken recorded messages. In terms of its advantages, mobile users can create voice messages quickly and easily via smartphones.  It can help save time on typing and avoid spelling mistakes. It’s also very convenient to contact others if you don’t want to show your face or cannot make video calls. As for its disadvantages, this modern communication needs a stable Internet access. In addition, for some people, checking voice messages is rather inconvenient and answering them might be done later. In short, voice messaging has both pros and cons. I think people will still use it as a common way of communication in the future.



1. B              2. A

3. C              4. C


1. A              2. D

3. C              4. B

5. D             


1. littering    

2. doesn’t/ does not  leave

3. to go        

4. were sleeping

5. drank       

Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án - Đề 2

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo ...

Đề thi Học kì 2 - Global Success

Năm học 2023 - 2024

Môn: Tiếng Anh 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề số 2)

Câu 1 : You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. For each question, choose the best answer A, B or C.



Câu 1.1 : 1. Which is Sarah’s favourite lesson?

Bộ 10 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024 (ảnh 1)


Câu 1.2 : 2. Which girl is Sally?

Bộ 10 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024 (ảnh 2)


Câu 1.3 : 3. Which team is Sarah in?

Bộ 10 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024 (ảnh 3)


Câu 1.4 : 4. What did Sarah have for lunch?

Bộ 10 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024 (ảnh 4)


Câu 1.5 : 5. What is Sarah going to do next?

Bộ 10 đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng anh 8 Global Success Kết nối tri thức có đáp án năm 2024 (ảnh 5)


Câu 2 : You will hear some information about My aunt’s job. Listen and complete the questions given. Write the answers in the blanks.



Homework: About a job

My aunt’s job

Kind of job: cook

6. Where she works: at a


7. How she gets there: by


8. Time she starts work:


9. What she makes:


10. What she wears at work:

Câu 3 : Choose the best option to complete the sentences below.

Câu 3.1 It can’t be denied that English has become an __________ language of the world.
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 3.2 This book __________ to the library today.
  • A

    has to return

  • B

    has to be returned              

  • C

    has to been returned

  • D

    has is returned

Câu 3.3 Would you mind if I __________ a photo?
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 3.4 Canada is made up _________ 10 provinces and 6 territories.
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 3.5 My father bought this house 2 years ago.
  • A

    This house was bought by my father 2 years ago.

  • B

    This house bought by my father 2 years ago.

  • C

    This house were bought 2 years ago.

  • D

    This house 2 years ago is bought by my father.

Câu 3.6 Could you __________ the salt, please?
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 3.7 Thanks to multimedia, we can have __________ to the latest news in the world.
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 3.8 I don’t know how __________ the game.
  • A

    to play 

  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 3.9 She said that they__________to school the following day.
  • A

    will go

  • B

    would go

  • C


  • D

    had gone

Câu 3.10 At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, she__________ in the kitchen.
  • A


  • B

    was cooking

  • C

    would cook

  • D

    is cooking

Câu 4 : Read and choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each blank.

Not so long ago, people only used the (21) ________ to make phone calls. Now thanks to computers, people use their phones to do much (22) ________. They can bank by phone, rent videos (23) ________ phone and even shop by phone. It is also possible to send letters and reports by faxing them over telephone lines. People can even use their phone lines to (24) ________ messages from one computer to another computer by (25) ________ mail, or e-mail.

Câu 4.1
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D

    fax machine

Câu 4.2
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D

    the most

Câu 4.3
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 4.4
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 4.5
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 5 : Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question.

Scientists have discovered a new planet, Hero. They are very confident that human beings will be able to live there, as it has water, light, oxygen and the temperature and air are similar to those on Earth. They are done tests and known that plants can grow there. They have not seen any alien life there, but they cannot be sure that it doesn’t exist.

They have decided to send a spaceship of people there form Earth, to start a space colony, and a new human society. But there is space for only six people. These people will have to stay there for the rest of their lives. No one else will be able to join the space colony for at least a hundred years. They will take enough food tablets for five years, together with four guns to protect themselves, and blankets, space – tents, etc. The spaceship will be controlled from Earth, so there will not be a pilot. The journey will last about ten weeks.

The organizers have asked for volunteers, but fortunately only ten people have volunteered. The spaceship must leave in two days’ time so there is no time to find new volunteers.

Câu 5.1Scientists cannot be sure that ________ doesn’t exist. 
  • A


  • B

    alien life

  • C


  • D


Câu 5.2 How many people are ready for the journey to Hero? 
  • A

    ten new volunteers

  • B

    more than ten volunteers

  • C

    10 volunteers

  • D

    many people

Câu 5.3 It is estimated that the trip to the planet will take ________. 
  • A

    more than ten weeks

  • B

    around ten weeks

  • C

    as long as five years

  • D

    as long as ten weeks

Câu 5.4 The word “alien” in this passage is the closet meaning to ________.
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 5.5 Which of the following is correct? 
  • A

    Scientists have found water, light and oxygen.

  • B

    Scientists have discovered a new hero.

  • C

    Scientists have discovered human beings.

  • D

    A new planet has been discovered.

Câu 6 : Finish each of the following sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed above it.

31. “We don’t open the laboratory today” Mr.Minh said.

Mr. Minh said .

32. “Where does your brother work?” she asked me.

She asked me .

33. Minh’s school is behind his house.

Minh’s house .

34. Her bike is blue. My bike is red.

Her .

35. It is necessary to brush your teeth before you go to bed.

You need .

36. Although he was tired, he still went to school.

Despite .

Câu 7 : Choose the best exchanges to each of the following situations.

Câu 7.1Tom: You are a great dancer. – Mary: __________.
  • A

    Let’s go for a walk

  • B

    Really? I don’t think so

  • C

    That’s very nice of you to say so

  • D

    I’m an awful dancer

Câu 7.2Jenny: Do you think we will travel to other planets for holidays in the future? - Henry: _______________.
  • A

    No. It probably won’t

  • B

    Sounds great! I hope we will be soon

  • C

    We certainly will

  • D


Câu 8 : Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.

Câu 8.1
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Câu 8.2
  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


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