Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án

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Tài liệu Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án tổng hợp từ đề thi môn Tiếng anh 9 mới của các trường THCS trên cả nước đã được biên soạn đáp án chi tiết giúp học sinh ôn luyện để đạt điểm cao trong bài thi giữa học kì 2 Tiếng anh lớp 9. Mời các bạn cùng đón xem:

Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 1

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 1)


Question 1. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)

Question 2. Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 4)


Question 1. Use the correct tense or form of the verb given in each sentence.

1. Long asked me if I (go)..................... there the next day.

2. If it (not rain)........................ tonight, we’ll go to the movies.

Question 2. Choose one A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

3. If you want to pass the English tests, you _______ study hard.

 A. can

 B. must

 C. will

 D. might

4. It rains heavily, ________ I can’t go to the movie with you.

 A. if

 B. but

 C. because

 D. so

5. People often go to that ________ to pray.

 A. hotel

 B. shrine

 C. school

 D. market

6. He wanted to know when I ______ go.

 A. will

 B. must

 C. had to

 D. have to

7. We have well-______ teachers.

 A. quality

 B. qualified

 C. to qualify

 D. qualifications

8. I look forward to ______ from you soon.

 A. hear

 B. heard

 C. to hear

 D. hearing

9. We usually go to our home village at least once ______the summer.

 A. at

 B. on

 C. in

 D. for

10. What do people do for a living in your village? → _____________________.

 A. They play soccer

 B. They watch TV

 C. They plant rice and raise cattle

 D. They go to the doctor.


Read the passage and choose the best answer to the question.


I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the center of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.

1. Whom was this passage written about?

 A. Tim

 B. Tim’s brother or sister

 C. an engineer

 D. Darwin

2. What is the writer’s brother’s name?

 A. Tim

 B. Alice Springs

 C. Darwin

 D. Perth

3. What is Alice Springs?

 A. It is a beauty spot in Australia.

 B. It is a small town in Australia.

 C. It is a big firm Tim works for.

 D. It is Tim’s car.

4. Where will Tim fly to Perth from?

 A. His home town

 B. Alice Springs

 C. Darwin

 D. Australia

5. Why is Tim finding the trip very exciting?

 A. Because he has visited a great number of different places in Australia.

 B. Because he has just bought an Australian car on the trip.

 C. Because he can fly to Perth.

 D. Because it is the first time he has been abroad.

IV. WRITING: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning.

1/ “ I’m having a wonderful time here .” Cousin Mai said .

→ Cousin Mai said that______________________________________________

2/ He asked me: “Where will you go tomorrow?”

→ He asked me ____________________________________________________

3/ Binh can’t swim.

→ Binh wishes_____________________________________________________

4/ Because Anh studied hard, she got good grades. (rewrite, using “so”)

→ _______________________________________________________________

5/ Save some money or you won’t able to buy the house.

→ If you __________________________________________________________

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2021 - 2022 có đáp án (5 đề) (ảnh 1)

Đáp án

I. Phonetic (1m)

 Question 1: (0.5m)  1. C   2. A

 Question 2: (0.5m)  3. B   4. A

II. Language focus (2.5ms)

Question 1: (0.5m)

 1. would go    2. doesn’t rain

Question 2: (2ms)

 3. B  4. D  5. B  6. C  7. B  8. D  9. C  10. C

III. Reading. (2.5ms)

 1. A   2. A   3. B   4. C   5. D

IV. Writing (2.5ms)

1. Cousin Mai said that she was having a wonderful time there.

2. He asked me where I would go the next day/ the following day.

3. Binh wishes he could swim.

4. Anh studied hard so she got good grades.

5. If you save some money, you will able to buy the house.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 2

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 2)

I. Choose A, B, C or D

1. When I turned up, the town hall was already ___________ of teenagers.

 A. full

 B. packed

 C. crowded

 D. jammed

2. She turned ______ the new job in New York because she didn't want to move.

 A. on

 B. down

 C. off

 D. up

3. This city has one of the most ______ underground rail networks in the world.

 A. efficient

 B. fashionable

 C. cosmopolitan

 D. fascinated

4. This laptop is much more user- friendly, but it costs ________the other one.

 A. so much as

 B. as many as

 C. twice as much as

 D. twice as many

5. Today’s cities are ___________ than cities in previous times.

 A. lots larger

 B. much larger

 C. as large

 D. the largest

6. After I found all the information I needed, I ___________ the computer.

 A. turned off

 B. switched on

 C. looked for

 D. put off

7. Japan is the ___________ developed country in the world.

 A. most second

 B. second in most

 C. second most

 D. two most

8. Factories and offices should be built in ___________ areas only.

 A. rural

 B. coastal

 C. cultural

 D. urban

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a verb from the box. You don’t need to use all of them.

 live  turn  break  get give  keep  come  take  find  go

1. Has Phuc arrived yet? - No, but I’m sure he ……………. up soon.

2. My aunt never really …………. over the death of her pet dog.

3. It’s not easy to …………. up smoking. My uncle has tried to do it lots of times without success.

4. Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you. Please …………. on and finish what you are saying.

5. I enjoyed living in London, but it didn't really ………. up to my expectations.

6. I’m sorry I’m late, but the car …………… down on the way here, so I had to phone for a taxi.

7. You were going too fast! I couldn't ……………… up with you.

8. Remember to ……………. out how many people are coming to the party.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the words given

1. You should use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words. (LOOK)


2. The doctor told my father to stop smoking. (GIVE)


3. The cost of living has been increasing considerably in the past few weeks. (UP)


4. Margaret Thatcher was born and spent her childhood in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. (GREW)


5. His business is going badly – he’ll have to stop doing it soon. (CLOSE)


6. My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to have a good relationship with each other. (GET)


IV. Complete the second sentences in each pair so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences

1. This exhibition is much more interesting than the last one.

→ The last exhibition was not ……………………………………………………

2. The teacher says that no student in the school is noisier than I am.

→ The teacher says that I'm ……………………………………………………………

3. This book is the least interesting I've ever read.

→ I have never …………………………………………………………………

4. I think Vung Tau City is the most “livable” city in Viet Nam.

→I  think there is  no ……………………………………………………………………….

5. This city is the same as it was in the 1990s.

→This city hasn’t ……………………………………………………………………………

6. He found the visit to the gallery quite depressing.

→He felt …………………………………………………………………………………….

Đáp án


 1. A  2. B  3. A  4. C  5. B  6. A  7. C  8. D


 1. will turn

 2. got

 3. give up

 4. go on

 5. live up

 6. broke down

 7. keep up

 8. find out


1. You should use a dictionary to look up new words.

2. The doctor told my father to give up smoking.

3. The cost of living has been going up considerably in the past few weeks.

4. Margaret Thatcher was born and grew up in the town of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England.

5. His business is going badly, so he’ll have to close it down soon.

6. My aunt has got two teenage children, but they don’t seem to get on well with each other.


1. The last exhibition was not as interesting as this one.

2. The teacher says that I'm the noisiest student in the school.

3. I have never read a less interesting boring book than this one/ read more boring book than this one.

4. I think there is no city in Viet Nam (that is) more “livable” than Vung Tau City.

5. This city hasn’t changed since the 1990s.

6. He felt quite depressed by the visit to the gallery/ quite depressed about the visit to the gallery.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 3

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 3)

I. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage.

Well, I think (1)______ some ways to keep fit. Firstly, we should eat (2)______. Don’t eat too much fast food. Some people have a big hamburger and a soft drink (3)______ lunch. It isn’t a good idea (4)______ that meal doesn’t include any vegetables. Instead, if they want to have a quick healthy lunch, they (5)______ buy some avocado sushi. Secondly, we shouldn’t deep-fry food. We should steam it. (6)______ dishes don’t use any fat. If you like, you can also stew lean meat with vegetables. It’s healthy and nutritious.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 3)

II. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (not/ practice) _______________ my Russian for a long time.

2. She (make) _______________ some pancakes at the moment.

3. I (go) _______________to Paris last summer and I picked up the basics.

III. Fill each blank with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. My English is a bit ____________. I haven’t used it for years.(RUST)

2. My brother trained to be a teacher, but then he decided to become a tour ____________.(GUIDANCE)

3. Due to the____________, an English word can operate as a noun, a verb and an adjective.(FLEXIBLE)

IV. Complete the passage below. Fill in each gap with ONE word.

If you don’t know __________ a word means, try to guess the meaning, or look __________ the word in your dictionary. All foreign speakers have an __________, but that doesn’t matter. To make your pronunciation __________, listen to English speakers and try to imitate them. Don’t worry if you __________ mistakes or don’t try to correct a mistake – that’s normal! It’s often useful to translate words __________ one language to the other, but it’s best when you can start to think in the new language.

V. Read the following text and choose the best answer.

Son Doong Cave has become more famous after the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) aired a live programme featuring its magnificence on ‘Good Morning America’ in May 2015.

Located in Quang Binh Province, Son Doong Cave was discovered by a local man named Ho Khanh in 1991, and became known internationally in 2009 thanks to British cavers, led by Howard Limbert. The cave was formed about 2 to 5 million years ago by river water eroding away the limestone underneath the mountain. It contains some of the tallest known stalagmites in the world - up to 70 metres tall. The cave is more than 200 metres wide, 150 metres high, and nearly 9 kilometres long, with caverns big enough to fit an entire street inside them. Son Doong Cave is recognised as the largest cave in the world by BCRA (British Cave Research Association) and selected as one of the most beautiful on earth by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation).

In August 2013, the first tourist group explored the cave on a guided tour. Permits are now required to access the cave and are made available on a limited basis. Only 500 permits were issued for the 2015 season, which runs from February to August. After August, heavy rains cause river levels to rise and make the cave largely inaccessible.

1. Son Doong Cave was discovered in ______.

 A. 2015

 B. 2013

 C. 2009

 D. 1991

2. What happened to Son Doong Cave in May 2015?

 A. It was discovered by a local man named Ho Khanh.

 B. A live programme featuring its magnificence was broadcast on ‘Good Morning America’ by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC).

 C. It became known internationally thanks to British cavers, led by Howard Limbert.

 D. It was explored by the first tourist group.

3. Which statement is NOT true about Son Doong Cave?

 A. Tourists can explore Son Doong Cave daily throughout the year.

 B. The cave was formed about 2 to 5 million years ago.

 C. It was formed by river water eroding away the limestone underneath the mountain.

 D. Some of the stalagmites in Son Doong Cave are about 70 metres tall.

4. The word “them” refers to ______.

 A. British cavers

 B. stalagmites

 C. kilometers

 D. caverns

5. The word “inaccessible” in the passage probably means ______.

 A. should not be accessed

 B. need to be careful

 C. cannot be reached

 D. may be flooded

6. From the passage, we know that ______.

 A. there is a street inside Son Doong Cave

 B. the cave is always covered with rain water

 C. few tourists want to come to the cave

 D. tourists need permission to explore the cave

VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals. Do not use more than five words.

1. Minh can’t go to the party because he has a lot of English homework. (COULD)

→ If Minh didn’t have a lot of English homework, _____________________________ the party.

2. The dishes are so hot. My mother has cooked them. (WHICH)

→ The dishes _____________________________ are so hot.

3. I can speak enough German for holidays. (GET)

→ I can _____________________________ on holiday.

VII. Make meaningful sentences using the words or phrases given.

1. He/ be/ English teacher/ at our school.

→ He _____________________________.

2. If/ he/ like/ spicy food/ might/ add more pepper.

→ If he _____________________________.

3. What/ beautiful/ day!

→ What _____________________________.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2021 - 2022 có đáp án (5 đề) (ảnh 2)

Đáp án

I. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 3)

II. Fill each blank with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

 1. will go    2. seeing   3. have asked

III. Fill each blank with the correct form of the words in brackets.

 1. organisation   2. beautiful   3. easily

IV. Complete the passage below. Fill in each gap with ONE word.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 3)

V. Read the following text and choose the best answer.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 3)

VI. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning and contains the words in capitals. Do not use more than five words.

 1. is believed  2. Nam should watch   3. everybody had enough

VII. Make meaningful sentences using the words or phrases given.

 1. going to see the dentist.

 2. wishes there were four seasons in his area.

 3. Po Nagar Cham Towers were built in the 18th century.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 4

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 4)

I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)

II. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Use each word once only.

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)

1. The________ of Apollo 11 was to land two men on the lunar surface and return them safely to Earth.

2. Was Viet Nam’s first telecom satellite Vinasat-l put into ________on April 18th, 2008?

3. Sally Ride became the first American woman ________ to fly in space in 1983 when she was 32 years old.

4. In __________, astronauts can move things that weigh hundreds of pounds with just the tips of their fingers.

5. Quang is interested in _________ . He can spend hours studying the sun, moon, stars and planets.

6. The tail of a_________ can extend over 84 million miles, nearly the distance between the earth and the sun.

7. The_________ of Apollo 13 was delayed from March 12th to April 11th, 1970 to give the new prime crew more time to train.

8. People _________ in space because there is no gravity to pull them towards anything.

9. This_______ was worn by astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on the Moon.

10. The mission not only taught NASA about Venus, but also how to__________ a spacecraft far from Earth.

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple tense or past perfect tense.

1. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (collect)________ some moon dust samples before they (return) _________ to Earth.

2. By the time Yang Liwei (become)________ the first person sent into space by the Chinese space program in 2003, NASA already (send) ________ over 100 people.

3. After the spaceship Soyuz 37 (be) __________ in orbit around the earth, Pham Tuan and Viktor Gorbatko (conduct)_________ some experiments.

4. When we (arrive)________ in Kennedy Space Center, the space shuttle already (launch) ________ into space.

5. Dennis Tito already (complete)_______ 900 hours of training by the time he (fly) ________into space in 2001.

IV. Choose the best answer in the brackets to complete the following sentences.

1. The student (who / whom / x) was selected to join the space program is my brother’s friend.

2. They showed me the place (when / which / x) the spaceship landed last week.

3. David introduced me to the woman (whom / whose / x) husband is working for NASA.

4. The astronomer (which / whose / x) you want to meet is going to present a paper at the conference next Friday.

5. The twenty-ninth of May is the day (that / which /x) our astronauts will be returning home.

6. The man with (who / whom / x) Mr. Khoa is talking has flown into space three times.

7. The satellite (where / that / x) was launched into space yesterday belongs to Viet Nam.

8. The space age began in 1957 (when / which / x) the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the world’s first man-made satellite.

9. An astronaut is a person (whom / that / x) travels in a spacecraft into outer space.

10. The book (who / where / x) I’m reading is about the history of space exploration.

V. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. The first _______ was done by Alexei Leonov, a Russian cosmonaut on March 18th, 1965. It was 10 minutes long.

 A. spacesuit

 B. spacewalk

 C. spaceship

 D. spaceward

2. The Milky Way is just a ______ in the universe and it contains our Solar System.

 A. planet

 B. comet

 C. meteorite

 D. galaxy

3. Christer Fuglesang said he enjoyed floating around in the _____ environment.

 A. homesick

 B. heavy

 C. weightless

 D. quiet

4. NASA is now working hard to _____ whether there is life on Mars.

 A. discover

 B. collect

 C. experience

 D. accept

5. The closest potentially _______ planet ever found has been spotted by Australian scientists, ant it’s just 14 light-years away.

 A. Foreseeable

 B. Habitable

 C. Transferable

 D. Workable

6. As soon as the spacecraft________ into space, the crew started to observe the sun.

 A. Travelled

 B. Was travelling

 C. Has travelled

 D. Had travelled

7. The launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavour _____ broadcast live this morning.

 A. Was

 B. had been

 C. has been

 D. was being

8. Do you want to meet my colleague ______ son Is training to be an astronaut?

 A. That

 B. whom

 C. whose

 D. x

9. The mission ______ they are talking about plans to send humans to Mars by 2030.

 A. Who

 B. when

 C. where

 D. x

10. The Astronauts Memorial Foundation honors all American astronauts ________ have lost their lives while on missions or in training.

 A. Which

 B. who

 C. whom

 D. x

VI. Fill each blank with a suitable word to complete the following passage.

Space exploration is the investigation of the universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, by (1) ________ of manned or unmanned spacecraft. Despite the technological advancements achieved in the past, space exploration was only (2) _______ until the 20th century. The first successful orbital launch was made by the Soviet Union in 1957 which was called “Sputnik”. When the topic “SPACE EXPLORATION” is put (3)_______ the table, a question has often been asked: “Why should we spend money on NASA while there are so (4) _______ problems here on Earth?” However, this might be partially wrong since exploring the unknown may help us progress.

The advantages of space exploration include the materials (5) ________ can be obtained from outer space. For instance, asteroids have iron and nickel which could be utilized to satisfy the (6) ________ for metal. Therefore, numerous commercial companies have invested in developing technology for asteroid mining. Several comets and asteroids (7) ________ solid water in them. This water can be used for astronauts and scientists in space stations. The water can also be broken down to hydrogen which can be used as (8) ______ for the rockets. Scientists also believe that dinosaurs disappeared because they couldn’t go to (9) ________ planet. Sooner or later a killer comet will again cross Earth’s path, threatening all life. Fortunately, (10) _________we have knowledge about comets and space science, we will be able to survive.

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question.

Where will you go on your next vacation? Disneyland? Sea World? Outer space?

That’s right; tourists are now paying big bucks to travel into space with astronauts! The first space tourist was Dennis Tito, an American businessman. In 2001, he paid about $20 million to ride on a Russian rocket to the International Space Station. The Space Station circles 220 miles above Earth. Tito stayed on the station for a week, hanging out with astronauts and eating space food. The latest space tourist was Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-born woman from the United States who went to the Space Station in mid-September 2006.

How safe is space travel? Apart from the risk of crashing, space tourists have some special things to worry about. Earth’s atmosphere protects us from dangerous radiation from the sun. Space travelers are exposed to more of the sun’s rays. But for tourists spending only a few days or weeks in space, the radiation probably isn’t harmful.

A bigger problem might be space sickness. Without Earth’s gravity to hold them down, visitors to the Space Station float around inside the craft. It may look like fun on TV, but it can make first-time space travelers dizzy and sick. Luckily, the sickness usually wears off quickly. Then space tourists can enjoy their trip and the amazing view of Earth.

1. Traveling to space _____.

 A. Will be available to everyone

 B. Is not expensive

 C. Will be limited to the very wealthy

 D. Will be limited to the very poor

2. While in outer space it is likely that people will _____.

 A. Experience space sickness

 B. Not need space suits

 C. Will get a sunburn

 D. Make side trips to Mars

3. It is probably so expensive to travel to space because_____.

 A. Astronauts want to make a lot of money

 B. Astronaut food is very expensive

 C. Space equipment and fuel is expensive

 D. There are high taxes on space travel

4. This passage is ____.

 A. A poem

 B. fiction

 C. a biography

 D. non-fiction

5. Why are space travelers exposed to more radiation?

 A. Their spacesuits are too thin to protect them.

 B. They lack protection provided by Earth’s atmosphere.

 C. They stay in the space for such a long time.

 D. They float around inside the craft and have space sickness.

VIII. Each sentence below contains an error. Underline it and write the correct answer in the space provided.

1. The astronaut visited our school yesterday morning has flown into space four times.

→ ____________________________________.

2. Pham Tuan had been awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union after returning from space.

→ __________________________________.

3. The site which the space shuttle is going to be launched next week attracts a lot of visitors.

→ ___________________________________.

4. When Alan Shepard travelled into space in May 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space on April 12th, 1961.

→ _____________________________________.

5. The rocks my father always carries them in his bag came from outer space.

→ __________________________________.

IX. Join each pair of sentences into one, using the prompts provided.

1. We are meeting an astronomer tonight. This astronomer has discovered three Earth-like planets.

→ The astronomer ___________________________________________

2. Dennis Tito became the first space tourist in 2001. Anousheh Ansari travelled into space as a tourist in 2006.

→ When Anousheh Ansari _______________________________________

3. I’m reading an article. The article is about NASA’s plans to return humans to the moon.

→ I’m reading _______________________________________________

4. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted an American flag on the moon. They spoke to President Richard Nixon after that.

→ Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ___________________________

5. Last week they visited a museum. The first artificial satellite is on display there. Last week they ___________________________________________

X. Use the ideas below to write a paragraph of around 100 words about the benefits of space exploration.

• Might find new minerals, precious materials sometimes → make our lives easier

• Bring smart people work together → result in fantastic scientific discoveries, useful inventions

• Colonise other plants, make atmosphere suitable for human life





Đáp án


 1. C  2. B  3. D  4. A  5. C


Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)


 1. had collected – returned

 2. became – had already sent

 3. had been – conducted

 4. arrived – had already launched

 5. had already completed – flew


Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)


 1. B  2. D  3. C  4. A  5. B

 6. D  7. A  8. C  9. D  10. B


Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh 9 mới có đáp án (Đề 2)


 1. C   2. A  3. C  4. D  5. B


 1. visited → 1/visiting/who visiting

 2. had been → 2/was

 3. which → 3/where

 4. became → 4/ had become

 5. them → 5/ Ø


1. The astronomer who / whom/ that / x we are meeting tonight has discovered three Earth-like planets.

2. When Anousheh Ansari travelled into space as a tourist in 2006, Dennis Tito had become the first space tourist in 2001.

3. I’m reading an article which / that is about NASA’s plans to return humans to the moon.

4. Before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin spoke to President Richard Nixon, they had planted an American flag on the moon.

. Last week they visited a museum where the first artificial satellite is on display.

X. Sample

People have spent a lot of money on space travel because it brings us many benefits. First of all, through space missions, we might find new minerals and precious materials in other planets that could make our lives much easier. Secondly, space exploration brings together a lot of smart people from many different fields to work on the same problem. This has resulted in not only fantastic scientific discoveries but also many useful inventions. Thirdly, as our Earth is becoming overpopulated, we might be able to colonise other planets such as Mars and make their atmosphere suitable for human life. In conclusion, people are continuing exploring space because of its advantages. (111 words)


Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 5

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 5)

I. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences

1. You have to take that French course, …………..……. you?

 A. don’t

 B. mustn’t

 C. needn’t

 D. haven’t

2. Take this road and you will…………..…….at the school in five minutes.

 A. come

 B. arrive

 C. find

 D. reach

3. I wish I…………..…….have to get up early.

 A. doesn’t

 B. don’t

 C. wasn’t

 D. didn’t

4. It’s wonderful…………..…….the weekend in the mountain.

 A. spend

 B. spent

 C. to spend

 D. spending

5. “The Times” …………..…….first printed two hundred years ago.

 A. be

 B. is

 C. was

 D. were

6. Please stop…………..…….that film; it’s very violent.

 A. watch

 B. watches

 C. watched

 D. watching

7. I have never…………..…….any experience of living in the city.

 A. had

 B. wished

 C. done

 D. made

8. It is a…………..…….that you weren’t concerned much about the environment around us.

 A. sorrow

 B. pity

 C. complaint

 D. sadness

9. I suggest…………..…….showers because they can save water.

 A. take

 B. takes

 C. took

 D. taking

10. Hoa advised Mai…………..…….that man any more money.

 A. not lend

 B. not to lend

 C. not lending

 D. not to lending

II. Finish the second one with the same meaning as the first

1. There will be a lot of sunshine in the north-east.

→ It will _____________________________.

2. Peter is sometimes a dangerous driver.

→ Peter sometimes _____________________________.

3. You forgot to turn off the TV last night, didn’t you?

→ You didn’t remember _____________________________.

4. I suggest putting a waste paper bin here.

→ Let’s _____________________________.

5. The storm destroyed the village completely.

→ The village _____________________________.

6. She last wore that coat two weeks ago.

→ She hasn’t _____________________________.

III. Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given

1. We / not used / wear / jeans / when / studied / primary school.

→ _____________________________.

2. Internet / provide / great benefits / millions of people / all over / world.

→ _____________________________.

3. The boys / like / play / games / but / hate / do / lessons.

→ _____________________________.

4. lot / new styles of clothes / design / by his shop / every week.

→ _____________________________.

IV. Read the letter, then answer the questions below

  Dear Mai,

I’m very pleased that we’re going to be pen pals. I’ll tell you a little about myself, and you can do the same when you write to me.

I live in an area of London called Maida Vale. It’s quite near the centre, but there are parks nearby where I often take my dog, Mickey, for a walk. I live with my parents and my younger brother, Paul. My father works for the post office and my mother has a part-time job as a nurse.

I go to the local comprehensive school, where I have a lot of friends. I like most subjects, but not all of them! In the evening I sometimes visit friends or stay at home and listen to music, and at the weekends I like going swimming or horse-riding.

At the moment I’m working very hard because I have exams soon, so I’m spending a lot of time in the library.

  I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Write soon!

  Best wishes,



  1. What is Mai’s pen pal’s name? → _______________.

  2. Where does she live? → _______________.

  3. Who does she live with? → _______________.

  4. What are her hobbies? → _______________.

  5. Why does she have to work very hard now? → _______________.

Đáp án


 1. A. don’t  2. B. arrive  3. D. didn’t  4. C. to spend  5. C. was

 6. D. watching  7. A. had  8. B. pity  9. D. taking  10. B. not to lend


 1. ………be sunny in the north-east.

 2. ………drives dangerously.

 3. ………to turn off the TV last night, did you?

 4. ………put a waste paper bin here.

 5. ………was destroyed completely by the storm.

 6. ………worn that coat for two weeks.


  1. We did not use to wear jeans when we studied at primary school.

  2. Internet has provided/provides great benefits for millions of people all over the world.

  3. The boys like playing games but hate doing lessons.

  4. A lot of new styles of clothes are designed by his shop every week.


 1. Her name is Mary.

 2. She lives in an area of London called Maida Vale.

 3. She lives with her parents and her younger brother, Paul.

 4. Her hobbies are swimming and horse-riding.

 5. Because she is going to have exams/ Because she has exams soon.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 6

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 6)

I. Choose the word whose the underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.

1.         A. designer              B. prefer                   C. because                 D. mention      

2.         A. generation           B. garbage                C. energy                  D. college

3.         A. could                   B. amount                 C. shout                    D. proud

4.         A. stopped B. matched       C. worked            D. provided

5.         A. books   B. clubs     C. hats      D. stamps

II. Circle the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following sentences

6. I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me to________  them?

     A. look for                       B. look after              C. look up                D. look at

  7. If we__ _____     less paper, we ________ trees in the forests.

    A. can use/save                B. use/ save              C. use/ will save       D. uses/ will save

  8. It was raining hard ; ________ ,we go to school on time.

    A. however                       B. but                        C. because                 D. so

9. I suggest that we  ________ to the theater.

A. going                                B. should go             C. went                     D. to go

10. Nam speaks English ________.

A. good                                B. well                      C. bad                       D. nice

11. I think we should ______ off the faucets when we don’t use.

    A. turning                        B. to turn                  C. turn                       D. turned

12. After coming home, she cleaned the floor ..................... cooked dinner.

          A. but                         B. however               C. moreover              D. and

13 . He got wet ........................ he forgot his umbrella.

          A. because of             B. because                C. but                        D. and

14. I wish I __________ a car. It could make life so much easier.

       A. have                          B. would have           C. had                        D. had had

15. We can’t go along here because __________.

     A. the road was repaired                                                                        

B. the road is being repaired

     C. the road is being                                                                    

D. the road is repaired

16.I’m disappointed …….people have spoiled this area.

     A. that                             B. when                       C. if                                   D. how.

17. Tan’s grandfather is ill. Tan has to stay at home to _____________ him.

       A. look back                   B. look forward to       C. look around                D. look after

18. To save money, we should _________ the amount of energy used in our homes.

       A. reduce                        B. increase                   C. stop                            D. leave

19. If the demand increases, prices ________________.

       A. rises                           B. will rise                   C. is rising                       D. would rise

20. It’s too cold for us ______________ out.

       A. go                               B. going                       C. gone                           D. to go

III. Circle A,B,C , or D which needs correction.

21. Mr. Smith is going to buy a new Japanese car, doesn’t he?

22. My teacher spoke so quick that I didn’t understand what she meant

23. My sister enjoysread about wild animals and natural mysteries.              

24. I suggest to have a separate basket fornewspaper.

25. Thank you forlooking upthe children while I was out.

Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer to questions  

Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world. But the first supermarket (26)_________opened only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen.

A supermarket is different (27)___________other types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The 28_)__________ choose what they want and take them to the checkout counter. This means that fewer shop assistants are needed than in other stores. The way products are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores; (29)__________ example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the checkout counter: candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on.

Most customers (30)__________go to a supermarket buy goods from a shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They do the shopping according to a plan.

26.   A. is                  B. has been               C. was                                  D. were

27.   A. in                  B. from                     C. of                                     D. with

28.   A. customers    B. managers              C. assistants                         D. sellers

29.   A. in                  B. for                         C. of                                     D. by

30.   A. who              B. what                     C. which                               D. whom

Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer to complete the questions

Smoking causes lung cancer, which is the number one cancer among men. Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer die. Smoking is also the leading cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer. Many smokers have heart disease and pneumonia. Smoking causes one million early deaths in the world every year.

Smokers not only harm themselves but also harm others. Smokers breathe smoke out into the air. They breathe it out on their children and their wives or husbands. Children whose parents smoke have more breathing and lung problems than other children. Women who are married to smokers are more likely to have lung cancer than those married to non-smokers.          We are all aware that smoking is bad. So why do people smoke?

31. The number one cancer among men is____________.

      A. tongue cancer                             B. throat cancer           

C. lung cancer                                  D. mouth cancer

32. The main cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer is__________.

      A. drinking                B. overeating            C. breathing              D. smoking

33. Every year, smoking causes about one million____________.

      A. cancer patients          B. killing diseases    C. early deaths          D. injured men

34. The word “it” in the passage refers to____________.

     A. cancer                            B. smoke                     C. air                            D. breath

35. Who are more likely to have lung cancer and lung problems?

      A. People who live in the city                                    B. People who live with smokers.

      C. People who live with non-smokers.                      D. People who live in the country.

VI. Rewrite each sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stay the same.

36. If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job.    

Unless ………………………………………………

37. It stared to rain, so stopped playing tennis.

We stopped playing tennis…………………………………..

38. “Why don’t we buy  this picture as a wedding present, Tom ?”

Jane suggested Tom ……………………………………………………… 

39. He asked: “Where did you go with your friend yesterday?”

He asked me…………………………………………………

40. They last visited their home village five years ago.

They have not…………………………………………..

Bộ đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Giữa kì 2 năm 2021 (15 đề)

Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 7

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 7)

Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 

1. A.label





2. A.mother





3. A.refilled





4. A.dream





Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

1. Easter is a joyful festival _________ comes in early spring.





2. They were having dinner _________ I arrived.

A. what

B. when

C. while

D. how

3. John is proud _________ his father and loves him so much.

A. about

B. for

C. of

D. in 

4. Mrs.Hoa is generous to the poor _________ she is not rich.

A.even though

B. as



5. My shoes are dirty. I’d better take them _________ before I come in.





Write the correct form of the verb in each bracket. 

1. My class ________ (visit) Uncle Ho’s   mausoleum last weekend.  

2. We ________ (not meet) our classmates since we left school.         

3. If we don’t try to control pollution, it ________ (be) too late.          

4. My father _______ (leave)HanoiforHo Chi Minh Citytwo days ago.          

5. Every day, my sister walks to school, but today she _________ (go) by bike.       

Give the correct form of the words given in brackets.  (1.0 pt)

1. Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important _______ for Vietnamese people. (CELEBRATE)         

2. Follow the instructions on the back of the packet ________.   (CARE)       

3. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are ________ disasters.  (NATURE)

4. ________, the meat associated with Easter is lamb.   (TRADITION)           

Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting.(0.75 pt)

1.Would people be able to fly if they have feathers instead of hair?

       A                        B                          C                       D


2.What about use  public buses instead of motorbikes to reduce exhaust fume?

       A              B                               C                                D


3.We were young and inexperienced.However, we made a lot of mistakes.


Complete the passage with the words in the box, then answer the questions bellow. 

from               as                which               them               because                   of        

Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But pollution problem is ________ (1) complicated as it is serious. It is complicated ________ (2) much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust ________ (3) automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But automobiles provide transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material ________ (4) pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a large number ________ (5) people. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and pesticide are important aids to the growing of crops. Thus, to end or reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit ________ (6). Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways.

1. What is the passage about?

2. Why is the pollution problem complicated?

3. Do factories discharge a lot of the material that pollutes the water?

4. What would people have to do if they want to reduce pollution?

Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first. 

1. The author has written a special edition for children.

->A special edition ……………………………………….

2. She went to bed early because of her sickness.    

-> Because she ……………………………………………

3. Mrs.Brown has just bought a car. The car is very fast and modern.

-> Mrs.Brown has just …………………………………….

4.“What about changing the date of the meeting again?” Mr. Nick said.

-> Mr.Nick suggested …………………..…………………..

5. My nephew enjoys feeding fish every morning.

-> My nephew is interested…………………………………..

Rearrange the word or phrase in the right order to have meaningful sentences. 

1. she / would not / I / make /  so / wish / much / noise /.

2. using / bulbs / energy-saving / about / instead of / 100-watt light bulbs / What /?

3. Last summer, / with / went / Nha Trang / Liz  / parents / to / her /.  

4. should / playing / not / much / of / free / Children / time / spend / electronic / games / their /.

Bộ đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 9 Giữa kì 2 năm 2021 (15 đề)

Bộ 30 Đề thi Giữa học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 9 mới năm 2024 - 2025 có đáp án - Đề 8

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Giữa học kì 2

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

(Đề 8)

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest

1.A. pesticide                       B. provide                 C. solid                      D. dynamite

2.A. turned                            B. laughed                 C. disappeared          D. warned.

3.A. considerate                   B. celebrate               C. nominate              D. congratulate.

4.A. workers                         B. holidays                C. bananas                 D. helmets.

5.A. supposed                       B. increased              C. crossed                  D. promised.

II. Choose the correct answer

6. Most of earthquakes in the world____________ in the Ring of Fire.

A. happen                 B. hit                          C. erupt                     D. occur.

7. The men and animals ____________ you saw on TV were from Japan.

A. that                       B. which                    C. where                   D. whom.

8. Mr. Brown is ______________ that people have spoiled this area.

A. disappoint                                                B. disappointed         

C. to disappoint                                            D. disappointing.

9. She is looked forward to __________ his first pay packet.

A. receive                  B. have receive         C. receiving              D. be receiving.

10. If she _______ enough money, She _________ a new car.

A. have/ will buy      B. has/will buy         C. had/will buys       D. has/buys.

11. The baby is crowing ________ his father’s legs.

A. and                       B. among                  C. between                D. before.

12. ____________ he comes in haft an hour, I shall go alone.

A. Unless                  B. If                           C. Although              D. Despite.

13. Congratulations ___________ your first prize in the English Speaking Contest.

A. in                             B. at                                    C. for                              D. on.

14. _____________ is now a serious problem in many countries.

A. Plant trees               B. Deforestation                  C. Burden                      D. Festival.

15. I suggest that we__________ money for the poor people in our neighborhood.

A. save                         B.to save                           C. saving                         D. should save.

16. “What are you looking ______? – “ My picture book. I’ve lost it”

A. for                           B. on                                   C. at                                D. in.

17. Auld Lang Syne is a song __________ is sung on New Year’s Eve.

A. whom                      B. that                                 C. which                         D. B&C

18. Lan is very tired. _____________, she has to finish her assignment before going to bed.

A. Therefore                B. So                                   C. However                    D. Although.

19. Toyota cars _________ in Japan. – It’s very beautiful.

A. will produce            B. are produced                  C. produced                    D. to produce.

20. Phu Yen will have temperature __________ 23 degree Celsius and 27 degree Celsius.

A. between                  B. which                               C. therefore                    D. with.

Choose the correct preposition to complete the following sentences

21. Lan apologized ________ breaking my phone.

A. to                           B. for                                  C. about                        D. on.

22. Don’t forget to turn ________ the TV before going to bed.

A. out                          B. on                                   C. off                            D. up.

23. I always think ______ you. I miss you very much.

A. about                      B. in                                    C. by                             D. with.

24. It is nice ________ you to help us with our housework,

A.to                            B. about                              C. for                            D. of.

25. The girl keeps _____ asking his mother about protecting the environment.

A. in                            B. of                                   C. on                             D. up.

Identify and choose one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect

26. I think we should taking a shower instead of a bath to save energy.

A. instead of                B. to save                          C. think                         D. taking.

27. He met many friends which encouraged him in his work.

A. him                         B. which                            C. met                           D. his work.

28.Although my sister was tired, but she helped me with my homework.

A. but                          B. was                                C. Although                 D. with.

29. Mr. Hoang, thatis sits to me,is Tom’s father.

A. sits                         B. father                             C. is                              D. that.

30. Some people think that Godscreatevolcano eruption.

A. that                        B. Some people                  C. volcano                    D. create

Read the passage and choose the correct answer

“… In the United States, people celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Father’s Day is celebrated throughout the United States on the third Sunday in June. On this occasion, mother and father usually receive greeting cards and gifts from family members. The best gift of all for an American Mom is a day of leisure. The majority of American mothers have outside jobs as well as housework, so their working days are often hard. The working mother enjoys the traditional Mother’s Day custom of breakfast cooked by her family and served to her on a tray in bed. Later in that day, it’s also traditional for the extended family group to get together for dinner, either in a restaurant or in one of their homes …”

31. When do American people celebrate Mother’s Day?

A.the second Sunday in May.                                    B. the third Sunday in June.

C. on March, 8th.                                                       D. the second Sunday in June.

32. Do Vietnam people celebrate Father’s Day?

A. Yes, they do.           B. No, they don’t.               C. Yes, it is                D. No, it isn’t.

33. A day of leisure is the best gift of all for an American Mom?

A. It’s the best gift.      B. Lucky money                 C. Yes, it is.               D. Well-done.

34. What do mother and father receive on this occasion?

A. gifts                         B. greeting cards                 C. money                   D. A&B correct.

35. Where do the familymember have their dinner party on this occasion?

A. family group.          B. restaurant or their homes      C. hotel                D.Stadium

Read then choose the best answer to complete the passage

In many country nowadays, electricity, gas and water are necessities, companies which produce household goods realize that consumers want products that will not only work effectively, (36)_____________save money.

In North America, household lighting accounts for 10% to 15% of the electricity bill.

However, this amount can be (37)___________by replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulb with an energy-saving bulb. Consumers can save US7toUS7toUS 21 per bulb.

     In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers and washing machines, the labels tell the consumers (38)_________ energy efficiency each model has. (39)___________ with other appliances in the same category. The final result is  that these innovations will save money as well as conserve the Earth’s (40)___________.

36.A. but also                     B. so                             C. although                    D. because.

37.A. result                         B. repaired                    C. replaced                    D. reduced.

38.A. how many                 B. how much                 C. how long                  D. how far.

39.A. congratulations         B. kept                           C. compared                  D. thought.

40.A.energy                        B. natural                       C. resources                  D. exchange.

Use the word given in brackets to combine each pair of sentences into one

41. Tet is a festival. Tet occurs in late January or early February. (WHICH)

42. Mrs. Mai is an engineer. She lives in Ho Chi Minh City. (WHO)

43. She can’t buy a new car. Because she don’t have enough money. (IF)

44. In spite of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car. (ALTHOUGH)

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